《Frozen 1 ( Elsa x female reader)》Authors note/ Intro


This is the first real fanfic I wrote. The reason I wrote this is because I have a crush on Elsa and I thought it would be cool to be in the first movie. So cut me some slack. Also there will be frozen 2 references/spoilers


F/N: first name

L/N: last name

H/C: hair color

E/C: eye color

S/C: skin color

Ok time to begin.

You have been wandering through the woods for a day now. The ground was full of snow and you liked the way it crunched underneath your boots. You were a 12 year old girl with S/C skin H/C hair and E/C eyes. You had been orphaned in Arendelle at the age of seven after your parents died in a boating accident.

Ever since then you've had to fend for yourself. You found a simple job as an apprentice ice harvester. It was a fine job with all right pay. But there were two thing's odd about your life. One, you had visions. You started getting them when you were five. But it wasn't until your parents died that you realize they were glimpses of the future.

Most of the time you only saw small parts but it was still the future. This all ties to why you were in the woods to begin with. You heard there were creatures called trolls that knew all about magic. So you were hopeful that they could help you learn more about yourself. You continued walking gently humming to yourself until a gust shot through your hair and swirled around you.

You started to laugh and said "Hello zephyr Nice to see you too" in return the gust of wind rippled through your H/C hair as if it was talking back to you, It was. This was the second strange thing that happened. You met a wind spirit or that's what you thought it was.


One warm afternoon you were sitting up in a tree enjoying the view when all of a sudden you heard the branch snap it wasn't a large tree but high enough that it would hurt if you hit the ground. You squeezed your eyes shut preparing yourself for impact but It didn't come. Instead you found yourself gently being lowered to the ground.

You looked around to see who had caught you and felt a breeze ripple through your hair. Then you saw the breeze pick up some leaves and twirl them around in front of you. You didn't know what it was but you knew it was friendly. And you soon

befriended it. It would help you with light lifting and you gave it a name zephyr like the west wind.

You kept walking until you saw a clearing up ahead. In that clearing you saw exactly what you were looking for. The trolls, but they were not alone . You decided to hide in some bushes when you felt a breeze on your back. At first you thought it was zephyrs wind but it was warm.

You jumped slightly startled at what was sniffing your hair. It was a baby reindeer. You looked past it and saw a boy you knew from ice harvesting. You thought for a moment and then remembered his name "Kristof" you whisper to him he turned his head with surprise about to yell. You slapped your hand over his mouth and mouthed be quiet.

After he calm down you both looked over the bush at What was happening with the trolls. At that moment you immediately recognized who was with the trolls it was the king and queen and their two daughters Elsa and Anna.

Anna looked to be about nine and Elsa looked to be about your age. Princess Anna seem to be asleep or unconscious you looked closer. The head troll seemed to be performing some spell on her " so they really do know magic" you said to yourself quietly. You looked over at Kristof he too seemed to be bewildered by the use of magic.


After a while the spell casting stopped and the king and queen left with their daughters. You turned to Kristof and asked him what he thought that was about. He shook his head not quite knowing the answer. Also still bewildered by the use of magic.

At that moment You didn't know why you said it but you did " I can use magic too" you said to him it took a moment for him to process. When he finally did he yelled "WHAT" at that moment you knew your cover was blown.

The head of the trolls yelled "who goes there" you and Kristof slowly walked out from behind the bush with our hands up. The head trolls facial expression softened when he saw us. Another troll stepped up and said " oh they're just cute kids can we keep them" The head troll brushed this comment off and asked us what we were doing there.

Kristof tried to answer but he was all tongue-tied so you did it for him "we both have no family and have come to learn about magic". The head trolls facial expressions softened even more with this he beckoned us closer reluctantly we took a couple steps forward.

That was until zephyr picked us both up and floated us towards the head of the trolls. "Ahh he said so you have befriended a spirit". You nodded at him as zephyr put you down and rustled your hair.

Everything after that was a blur there was a lot of talking, laughing and the feeling of warmth of family that you haven't felt in a while. You talked about your visions and how you would be able to control them with some practice.

Until the time came when your curiosity couldn't be put down anymore. You turned to the head troll and with a timid look on your face asked "what happened to the princesses".


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