《Not Just Another God ✓》Chapter 28: I have a tea party with someone I forgot


Nothing could describe the pure brokenness I felt as I collapsed by the lifeless body and screamed.

I knew this would happen. But I never, ever thought it would happen so quick, so soon. And I never thought it would be like this.

Greek heroes are meant to die.

Out of all my lessons, out of everything I had learnt, this was the one thing I was always reminded of.

No one made it out alive, at least without suffering, and wishing they were dead.

We were meant to die. We knew that. But Annabeth and I, we were meant to die together.

But now she was gone and I was stuck here, unable to even bleed without being reminded of the gold that tinged my blood.

"How could you?" I screamed, my throat hoarse from crying. "How could you?"

The Master simply brushed off imaginary dust from his robes. The pain from looking at him as nothing compared to what I was feeling.

"She was simply an obstacle in my way," he said, without a hint of remorse coloring his tone.

"SHE WAS A PERSON. SHE COULD HARDLY BE AN OBSTACLE!" I yelled, spit flying from my mouth as I rose, swinging my sword dangerously.

The Master smiled, a cat's grin spreading from ear to ear, as if I were a mere mouse to play with.

I lunged as he threw up his hand, knocking me breathless as I landed on my back.

Soon enough, I was on my feet again, trying new tactics, attempting to find a weak spot.

The Master laughed at my failed attempts, his warped laughter haunting the room, only making me more angry.

I raised a hand, feeling for liquid. Perfect.

Carefully calculating my move, I watched as his face contorted into one of pure fear as he started to feel himself heating up.


Sweat started pouring down his face, in huge, uncontrollable streams. He looked desperately at Loki for help, who only stood and watched, his face set in unreadable stone.

"Loki," The Master managed to gasp out, "you are under my charge."

"I am under no one's charge," Loki replied. "I work for myself, and occasionally the good of my people."


Loki shrugged. "I have been called worse."

The Master turned to me.

"You do not understand my motive," he said, spitting in his rage. You could say that I was making his blood boil.

"Enlighten me," I said, crossing my arms and lowering his body temperature slightly, just enough to remind him of my power.

"I am thr reason the gods are still alive today. I am the reason the gods won the First Titan War. I told them how to make the weapons so they could win. I convinced the cyclopes to help us. And now, they don't even recall my name."

"So you decide to take control of the monster and attack the best demigods," I said, eyeing him carefully.

"There is a war coming on," he said, "but this time, I will not aid the Olympians. They will find out what it is like not to have my support."

"You're the one who is taking the Mist down and halting communication."

He nodded, a look of pride flashing over his face. "The emperors think they're so smart. They hardly could've lasted five years without me."

"I'm sorry," I asked, "did you say emperors?"

A string of ancient words I daren't repeat erupted from his mouth, causing a faint echo of amusement to paint itself on Loki's face.

"Perseus," the Master said, regaining control, "would you join my side? I can promise that you would never be forgotten."


I raised my eyebrows in cynicism. "You just killed my girlfriend and you expect me to join you?"

The Master's face pulled into a frown as he tried to stand up, forgetting that I was pulling him down.

He started thrashing and kicking against the invisible bonds, which I must admit, did make it significantly harder for me to control.

"YOU WILL PAY, PERSEUS!" he shouted, raising a free hand and shooting out a bolt of lightning from it.

It miraculously only managed to hit the side of my shirt, which sizzled and singed, the smell of burning cloth filling the room.

I attempted to regain control but it was too late. The Master rose up, and raise and hand-only to be struck down by Loki.

"Hope you do not mind," he said, standing over the body, "but he was being a little... Unpredictable."

"I didn't think you could kill an Ancient," I replied, the full weight of what had just happened dropping on me, crushing me down, as if I were holding the sky again.

"I didn't either. But I guess this one was either too forgotten or too weak."

I felt a drip of water fall on the back of my head. "Is it just me or is it raining indoors?"

Loki tipped his head back at the roof, as the rain picked up strength and started pouring down, completely drenching Loki.

"I think it may be raining," Loki said.

"No Sytx," I mumbled.

"I think we need to get out of here!" Loki shouted over the noise, as the walls began to crumble with the water.

We turned to the entrance, which was of course, inaccessible with the water.

I felt a familiar tug in my gut as I used the water to smash a hold on the caves wall, dragging Loki and myself out as fast as I could.

We stood, completely covered in water, over the washed up debris of the cave, too tired to talk, nor wanting to say much anyway.

"Well," Loki said, "that was certainly an interesting experience."

I attempted a smile as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"I am so, so sorry about your girlfriend," he said, with genuine concern in his voice. "I honestly thought that he would harm you too. I was naive. I never should've done it. I never should've brought the two of you into harm's way."

"It's okay," I said, even though it wasn't. Over time, perhaps it could be.

"She was an amazing person, from the short time I knew her," he said.

"She hated you."

He laughed, a short bitter laugh. "I know."

"She hated me too," I said, "when I first got to know her."

"I'm sorry," Loki repeated.

I exhaled, deeply, letting out all my emotions in a single breath. I wish I could say something like it wasn't his fault, or that I forgave him, but I couldn't. Not yet, at least.

Loki sighed, looking completely and utterly broken.

I looked away, thinking back to when the Fates made me choose my future. I had chosen this one, and though I wish I hadn't, the others may have been worse.

"I guess I owe you a nightmare cleansing trip," Loki said.

"Promise not to lead me to my death?" I asked, and immediately regretted it when I saw the shattered look in his eyes.

"I'll try," he said, and that was enough for me.

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