《Devil in My Heart》Ryan Died??


"I can hold it for a while," Darion mumbled exhausted from the fight. He vomited blood.


"Dammit!! My power isn't strong enough to match him," continued Darion.

"No!!! Don't go!!!" shouted Lucien in the illusion.

Unknowingly, tears rolled down his cheeks. Suddenly, a horned man took Lucien away, who was frozen on the spot. Tyrone flinched, as did Darion who fell to his knees from exhaustion.

While in a safe place, the horned man touched Lucien's forehead and said, "Please awake!!!"

Instantly Lucien came back to his senses and slowly returned to his original form. Then the horned man hugged Lucien who was exhausted.

"Where is he?" asked a panicked Tyrone as he approached Darion.

Darion felt dizzy and answered, "I don't know... An unknown man came."

One of the female demons who came along with Tyrone then said while licking her lips, "He's not far from here. Because I can smell his delicious blood. I can't stop myself from tasting it."

On the other side...

"Who are you?" asked Lucien, still not fully recovered.

"I am a god who lives in a mountain in the human realm."

"Why would a god like you be here? This is not the place for you."

"Tch!! It's just the past. I'm not a god anymore."

"You're still a god. Your strength is still as strong as ever. You must control yourself, so you don't turn into a demon!"

"No matter how long I control myself, I can't still return to heaven," answered Lucien hopelessly.

"Sure, you can!! . Like myself living in the human realm. Come on, go with me!!" said the god.

Just as the asura was about to accept the mountain god's offer, suddenly...

"Found!!! Turns out you were here." Said Tyrone who arrived together with the female demon.


"Tch!!" response of the mountain god.

"What's the point of living in the human realm? They won't remember you and your power will continue to weaken. When their wishes come true, they will leave you." countered Tyrone.

"Man is full of greed. A world littered with greed is not much different from the demon world," continued the gluttonous demoness.

"Do you want to become a weak and forgotten god like him?" said Tyrone who pointed and was about to stab the mountain god's neck with his sharp nails, but Lucien spontaneously shouted, "Stop Tyrone! Enough!"

They all gasped.

"Oho... I'm not going to hurt him. After all, he's the same being as you." replied Tyrone.

Suddenly, Lucien coughed and fainted without being able to speak much more, which startled them all. He was exhausted. His energy was drained away.

The female demon embraced Lucien, while Tyrone said,"


The god couldn't say anything. He realized that the demon's power was unmatched.

"Well then. After all, this isn't the right place for me," replied the god and then go away while saying inwardly, "I can be killed by him. Those scary eyes gaze as if piercing me."

Tyrone was anxious seeing the unconscious Lucien and quickly took him to the castle.

The crimson sky on the eastern horizon is a sign the sun is about to rise. Ryan wakes up in the forests he lived in before.

"Hoahm... Looks like I slept for a long time..." Ryan mumbled.

"Mmmh... Why does my head feel heavy and sleepy?" He muttered, still half awake.

It wasn't long before he realized that he was sleeping on the grass on a hill.

"Eh??? How come I can sleep here? What happened last night?" he muttered in a daze.

Then he got up and walked up the hill not far away.


"Woah... What a bright star among the rest." He muttered in admiration.

Hmmm..." He continued while enjoying the view of dawn in a peaceful atmosphere.

What actually happened was that the mountain god took Ryan and healed him. Because inside him there was demigod energy when he was saved by a mermaid at that time, his life could still be saved now. Then the mountain god explained his identity to the little fox, Luca. At first, Luca didn't want to hand over Ryan to him, but when the god said he had saved Lucien, Luca was shocked. In addition, god also healed Ryan's wounds. The little fox believed. After that, the god brought Ryan out of the devil woods back to his original place in the human realm.


In the Tyrone castle...

"Akh... Why do I feel dizzy?"

When he got out of bed, he staggered. Just then, Tyrone came into the room and was surprised to see Lucien was awake. But he swiftly hugged Lucien who almost fell.

He softly said, "Are you awake?"

"I have been waiting for you for a week. I feel lonely without you..." Tyrone said cheerfully, at the same time feeling touched. He hugged Lucien, who was still limp.

"A week? I was unconscious for a week? What really happened? And why am I feeling so tired?" asked Lucien.

"Doesn't he remember that incident?" thought Tyrone.

Then Tyrone replied, "You've been training too hard."

"Hah?? But I feel like I've had a great fight. The fatigue I feel is unusual."

"You've used up a lot of energy. You can see it's safe here, right? After all, who dares to fight with you? Don't think too much. What matters is you're fine.

There's nothing for Lucien to say.

"Just get some rest. Don't move around too much. I'm glad you're awake."

Tyrone carried Lucien back into bed. After letting Lucien rest in his room, Tyrone called his assistant.

"Leander... Leona... Take care of Lucien well."

"Yes, my lord."


Tyrone flanked by his two assistants entered the hall and sat on his throne accompanied by the seven female demons and Darion. Then he gave orders to his two confidants besides Darion, namely Leander and Leona.

"Prepare to invade the people and spread fear among them.

"Ha-ha... I can't wait!! How about you, Leona?" said Leander.

"Keep your attitude in front of His Majesty," Leona replied.

Darion who was not invited, then said, "What about me, Your Majesty?!"

"You're interested in that youth, aren't you?" Tyrone asked.

"Excuse my ignorance. What do you mean, Your Majesty?" asked Darion back.

"One of my ladies saw you with that young man, but why didn't you kill him straight away? What's wrong with you?"

Deg!! Darion gasped.

"In that case, I can't invite you to invade humans. Because you're not ready."

"Not. It's not what you think, Your Majesty."

"So what? Do you like him?"

Darion didn't know what to answer. He was just standing still.

"Reflect on your mistake..." Tyrone replied as he left.

"Yes, Your Highness."

But in Darion's mind, he was envious of Lucien, because he was not chosen and was not Tyrone's favorite follower. He was disappointed in Tyrone, but he remained faithful to his Master.


Ryan went back to the forest where he lived before, while Lucien was in the devil woods. How's the story next? Can they meet again? Will Ryan be able to stop Lucien from becoming a devil?


I'm nothing without you...

Thanks a bunch for your precious vote!!

I put efforts to make this story. Hope it can entertain you. ^^

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