《Devil in My Heart》Lead Me Out of The Woods


There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Finally, Lucien asked, "Why did you run away from my castle that time?"

Meanwhile, Ryan thought, "Can I believe him?"

"Instead of asking that, why are you looking for me?" asked Ryan.

"Y-you?!" Lucien responded in annoyance.

"How about the lady with you in the castle?" Ryan asked, looking into Lucien's eyes.

Lucien gasped.

"So, you saw it then?" asked Lucien.

"Yes, that is so. Sorry for bothering you two. I was just being a nuisance."

"She doesn't matter to me."

"If she's nothing to you, how come you can be so affectionate with her?" Ryan asked.

"It's not what you think!" Lucien answered straightforwardly. In Lucien's mind, "Actually at that time, what I imagined was the figure of you..."

"Take it easy, bro. It's none of my business." Ryan smiled and wanted to quickly end his meeting with Lucien. But what he said was the opposite of what he thought," Oh my. Why did I even ask him that? That's his private life! Why am I reacting like this? I should have asked, is he a devil or not? But it is impossible for the devil to admit himself as a devil, right? Things get complicated. But somehow, thought an indecisive Ryan.

Then Ryan said, "Okay, give me back my clothes. I'll change my costume here. And after that, lead me out of the woods!"

Lucien immediately approached Ryan and whispered, "Have you forgotten what happened between us last night?"

"W-what does it mean? Was it because of my unconscious madness back then?" thought Ryan.

"Uhm that..." Ryan stuttered.

Ryan kept walking backward until Lucien cornered him on a giant tree trunk. With his strong arms blocking Ryan, Ryan didn't dare to look at Lucien while Lucien was getting closer to his face.


"W-What do you want?" said Ryan.

The young man's heart was beating fast. Then Lucien whispered, After that, he handed the shirt to Ryan and turned around.

"Eh???" The bewildered Ryan didn't understand what Lucien meant. But in Lucien's mind with a blush on his face, "You have made me fall into you."

"Hey. You don't need to change the robe. Just take it," said Lucien.

"So, you give it to me?" asked Ryan.

"Do I need to repeat it?"

"Yeah, I know. Thanks. By the way, why did you come here?"

"That's... Because my eyesight is sharp."

"Hah?? Is it just that?"

"Not important to talk about."

"Hey!! But I wanna know," Ryan replied, following Lucien from behind.

They continued their journey to get out of the woods But, what actually happened was Lucien headed to the little fox hut. When Ryan was asleep and the little fox returned to its original form, then Lucien came to him.

"I don't dare Master. I'm just kidding. He-he..."

For a moment, Lucien stared at Ryan who was fast asleep. The fox said, "Master... Why do you care about him? He's just a human."

"I don't know. I've been deeply involved with him."

"Do you like him, Master?"

The fox's words made Lucien flinch.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"But it seems so. He-he..." muttered the little fox.

"Please watch over him tonight, Luca."

"Very well, Master."


Darion encounters his master, Tyrone.

Darion bowed and said, "My respects to Your Majesty."

"Have you found anything suspicious?"

"Just a hunter and he's already dead."

"A hunter???"

"Looks like humans have dared to enter the demon forest."

"Lately, many humans hunted and took what is not from their territory. They even caught demons and made themselves the great mage in their land. Good job Darion. You fixed it!"


"Not a big deal for me. I will continue to protect this territory."

"Hmmm... How about our turn to attack them?"

Darion was pensive and doubtful. Meanwhile, the demonesses cheered Tyrone.

"Just destroy that human world. Show that we are stronger than them!"

"Why do we have to bow down to them even though we are stronger?"

"Yeah!! That's right!"

Then Tyrone broke Darion's thoughts, "What's wrong with you, Darion?"

"Perhaps that's not a good idea, my lord," replied Darion.

"Since when you can think about the good and bad?" asked the devil lady.

"It's not like you," commend the others.

Darion gasped. Turns out he was thinking about the young man he met.

"Please be wise Your Majesty, if we cause chaos in the human world, it will destroy the balance of the universe. It's not impossible, the gods will intervene, and we'll get into a fight that's not in our favor."

"I didn't think so far. Hmmm... I agree with you. But

Hearing that, Darion felt heartbroken. He thought his lord loved Lucien more than him. He was jealous of Lucien.

"Just take a rest after walking around all day," said Tyrone.

"Well, Your Highness."

Darion left the hall with hatred towards Lucien. Then the lady devil of hatred followed Darion until Darion said, "Why are you following me?"

"Your hatred is running strong. I can feel it. Let's say. Who being do you hate? Don't you want to kill him? How about we work together to kill the one you hate?"

"Go away!! None of your business! What I hate is you," Darion said then flew away.

"Hahaha... I like it. He's outspoken. Be careful. Hatred will eat you up." The lady devil smirked.

While flying, Darion thought back, "Why do I care about him?"

What Darion thought was Ryan. The young man he met this morning. Then Darion landed on the treetop.

Drizzle fell to the ground. The smell of grass spreads with the breeze. Darion remembers the incident when in heaven...


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I've to struggle to make this story because I'm sick and feel tired. I'm glad for each vote you give in each chapter. I'd really appreaciate it!

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