《Devil in My Heart》Seven Curse Signs


Many of us are ensnared in their temptations. Those who are entangled are called receivers of the curse mark. Behind the pleasures that are offered, hidden the suffering that is waiting for you. Thus, they ensnare us so that it is difficult to free ourselves from them. They wait for the right time to strangle us and drag us down into the abyss of suffering. Each of the seven demonesses symbolizes pride, greed, anger (wrath), envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth.

Humans who can conquer them are the real winners. The seven female devils entertain Lucien with dance, touch, seductive sweet words, and plentiful food.

The lustful female devil said as she touched Lucien: "Come sleep with me, lord. I will satisfy you."

Envy: "No! It's my turn!"

Anger: "Noisy! Lord doesn't belong to just one person."

Greed: "I want to be with you again and again." Whispered the female devil of greed.

Pride: "What are you talking about? Let me serve my lord. Because I am the most beautiful and charming among you."

Then the lazy devil muttered indifferently: "Hoahm... Boring as usual."

"Ignore them, sir, let's eat this dish." said the gluttony demoness as she was about to feed Lucien.

Since Lucien didn't have any defilements at that time, he ignored them. However, if he is full of hatred, then the demoness that symbolizes anger will look beautiful and shine in his eyes. Thus, they continue to draw their prey into their dominion. But it's not easy to seduce a Lucien figure. Moreover, he was from heaven and was a powerful god. Then Lucien chased them away with a cold saying," Go away all of you, I want to rest here alone."

The demoness flinched!

"Well...." They said in unison with disappointment. And one of them said.

"Look at your manners. You have annoyed sir." Said the devil of wrath.

"What??? It's my nature to desire master." Said the lustful demoness.

"You're impatient."

"Yes... Yes... There's been another fight..." said the sloth demoness who wasn't interested.

"Shut up you all! Before we will be thrown by the lord like that time." replied the greedy devil.


They both fell silent.

"Then we shall go first, my lord. Have a good rest." replied the pride demoness politely.

Before the demoness of lust left, she turned to Lucien and smirked as she quietly said, "I'll come to see you..."

Looks like the demoness still hasn't given up on teasing him. Lucien saw the hint of her lips and knew what she was saying. But he wasn't attracted to her even though the demoness was gorgeous and sexy. Her beauty could not be imagined by ordinary human eyes.

Lucien responded in silence. After they left, he mumbled, "Ah... Finally, they left."

Before Lucien could enjoy his solitude, Tyrone appeared before him. Tyrone took off the robe that wrapped his burly white body and stepped into the pond. A cold sensation touched his skin but he didn't feel it because the desire in his heart was burning.

Soft words left his lips, "Looks like you are tired of dealing with them."

Lucien glanced over and ignored him.

Tyrone said, "Hey... Come on... Your friend is here. At least you greet me."

"You know?? I don't care about your presence."

Tyrone approached him while saying proudly," Huh?? If you are like that, you have no friends. And I'm your only friend in this world."

"I told you I don't care."

They face each other. Both of them are bare-chested with their long black hair flowing the same length. Lucien is taller than Tyrone. They both look like brothers. When their eyes met, Tyrone looked at Lucien intensely. Then Tyrone teasingly said," But your cold nature makes other people even more attracted to you."

There was silence for a moment, leaving only the sound of the waterfall gurgling. Lucien looked at Tyrone's green eyes which were staring at him deeply. Suddenly Lucien realized that Tyrone was going to kiss him so he quickly turned his head away. Tyrone just gave a faint smile in response to him. To Lucien, Tyrone was just a flirt. So, he didn't take his behavior seriously. Then Tyrone teased by saying,

"Lucien, may I bite you?"


In Tyrone's mind, "Seeing you in this condition makes me want to bite you like my prey."


Since Tyrone had been kind to him, he was willing to let his body be bitten by Tyrone. But before that, Lucien said, "Are you going to give me your snake venom?"

"Ha-ha... How could I do that to you? We've lived together for hundreds of years. But if I do, doesn't your body already have an antidote from me?" Tyrone whispered in his ear and hissed.

Then Lucien turned around and said, "Don't go too deep."

An ecstatic Tyrone said, "You allow me?"

"If not soon, I'll change my mind."

"Ah... Wait... Wait... I'm just surprised."

Then Tyrone touched his back with his fingers and explore it to his shoulder. With his eyes closed as if he was enjoying it, Tyrone bit the exposed neck with his fangs. But behind that, he treats Lucien with tenderness and affection.

Tyrone inwardly said," But you are not my prey,

Tyrone expresses his love with his bite.

"Ugh..." In his mind, Lucien responded to Tyrone's bite, he thought, "Ever since that incident, I let him bite me. After all, he's been good to me after going through all this. But I don't know if there's any hidden intention from him. I have to watch out for it."

"Gulp...Gulp... Gulp..."

Tyrone savored every sip of blood from Lucien.

"Ah... That's delicious..." thought Tyrone as he hugged Lucien from behind.

"I will not let you out of my grip. No one will ever have you." He continued with selfish thoughts and his shining green eyes stared ahead.

And when Tyrone was engrossed in sucking his blood, he suddenly felt a soft vibration. They were both shocked and reacted to the earthquake.

"What happened?" mumbled Lucien. They both felt a strange energy. Then Tyrone released his bite.

"Did you feel it too?" said Tyrone.


"This energy is quite strong and contradictory. Is it a threat?" thought Tyrone with a serious face.

Then he said to Lucien, "I'll leave first. There's something I need to check."

"Is it about the energy?" asked Lucien.


"You're overthinking it."

"Better be careful..."

(The energy comes from Ryan's necklace. The power of positive energy emitted is so strong that it causes the area to gently shake when protecting Ryan from a merman who turns into an evil monster).


Meanwhile, the human was lying by the lake in a stupor. It caught the attention of the little fox not far away, then came over to Ryan. The little fox looked at the lying human. Then it stomped on Ryan's chest and abdomen for seeing him as a toy.

"Boing...Boing... Boing..."

As a result of the actions of the little fox, the youth finally woke up.

"Cough! Cough!"

Some water came out of his mouth. The fox was surprised and then backed away. The human opened his eyes. His blurry vision gradually became clear.

He mumbled, "It was already dark..."

You can see the twinkling stars in the dark sky.

"Ah... Lovely views..." he said casually. Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Looks like I fought the monsters in the lake. Was it just a dream?"

Before the human could think deeply, not long after, the curiosity of the little fox made it look at the human from the top of his head. They both stared at each other closely.

"Eh???" Thought the youth who was surprised to see the little fox up close.

Unexpected and surprised by its sudden appearance, Ryan shouted, "Argh!!!!"

Suddenly, the little fox was shocked too and fled to hide behind the bushes.

"W-What was that??" Ryan muttered as he got up and looked left and right. Then he realized his grip.

"This dagger???" He thought.

Ryan was at the edge of the lake. Then, he reminisced about the incident in the lake when he faced a monster and also the figure of the merman who saved him.


Then he looked into the lake. Since it was night, he saw nothing.

"So, it wasn't a dream?" he muttered.

Then he looked around and found that it was not the forest where he lived.

"This forest feels strange," he muttered. Then he shouted, "Where am I exactly???!!"

"Then where was the fox?" he thought as he searched here and there but couldn't find it.

Ryan explored the forest alone while observing his surroundings.

"This forest is denser than where I live, quieter and..."

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