《My Possessive Alpha | completed》Chapter 11 - Anger Blackens The Heart.
We finally had a few weeks off school. It was great because I needed a break from school. In the last few days leading up to our few weeks off, I had nothing but exams and let me tell you, I am completely knackerd.
I was in the bed on my own. I admit, I was sad to wake up alone because I had by now gotten used to waking up every morning next to Dylan.
I saw a little note on his pillow.
Hey baby,
I'm sorry you had to wake up alone, I've got Alpha duties.
I'll see you later, love you.
~ Dylan
I smile at the letter. When's later though? When will I get to see him?
Damn, I'm becoming needy. But I want to see him. I've grown to actually tolerate and maybe love him. Well, actually.. Not maybe love him, I do love him.
At first, I wasn't happy that we were mates. I always basically dreamed of Prince Charming for a mate. But Dylan is no where near Prince Charming. But, he's my Prince Charming.
I love how he gets possessive over me. Yes, sometimes he goes too far and its annoying as hell but it just shows he cares. I love how I always catch him looking at me like I'm the only girl in the world. Well, to him I probably am. And to me, he's the only guy in the world. Well, there is Channing Tatum too..
I love how he cares so much for me.. And he just looks so handsome even in the mornings when his hair is completely disheveled. He looks perfect all the time. No ones perfect, but he's perfect for me.
Although, there's one thing that isn't so nice about him. His anger issues. They don't make him so pretty. They blacken his heart. His caring heart gets blackened by the anger he has. Once he gets angry, there's no stopping him.
One little thing could make him flip and lose control. And in some ways, that frightened me. What if he does something to me? He wouldn't though, would he? But he could.
I hear my wolf snarl at these thoughts but I block her out. I block everyone out. Especially Dylan. He doesn't need to know that his anger frightens me. He doesn't need to know that I think about the possibilities that he could hurt me.
I throw away the negative thoughts and get out of bed and shower. Might as well start the day off clean.
After I finish showering, I throw on some clean undergarments and some leggings along with one of Dylan's hoodies. They came up mid thigh but they smelt just like him. That gave me comfort.
I walked out the room and spotted Ollie wandering around with a teddy bear. "Hey Ollie."
"Hi Lexi!" He runs up to me and hugs my legs. I kneel down and pull him into a proper hug.
"How are you today?"
"I'm good! How are you?"
"Great thank you." I look at the teddy bear and see that it says 'I love you'. "Who's the teddy for?"
"Its a secret." He giggles.
"I can keep a secret."
"Are you sure?" I nod.
"Pinkie promise?" I hold out my pinkie finger and we pinkie promise.
"Its for a girl."
"Oh is it now?"
"For Valentines Day, tomorrow."
"Oh yes, it is Valentines Day isn't it? Who's this lucky girl?"
"Her name is Melanie. I call her Mel though."
"Has little Ollie got a crush?"
"Yes. Don't tell anyone."
"Can you show me this Melanie then?"
"Yeah! I'm meeting up with her now. My mummy and her mummy arranged a play date! But I have to hind the teddy."
"Okay then, I'll wait right here yeah?" He nods and runs off. How could I forget its Valentines Day? Shit!
He comes back and grabs my hand, leading me to wherever his mum and Melanie and her mum were.
I'm soon met face to face with Ollie's mum and another woman who looks extremely beautiful. She looked a rather lot like Joanna.. "Are you Joanna's mum?" I blurt.
They both turn their attention to me, as well as a little girl who I presumed to be Melanie.
"Yes I am, Luna. Why do you ask?" she asks, smiling.
"Oh, you just looked so much like her. Its nice to meet you."
"Its a pleasure, Luna."
"You can um call me Lex if you want." I say, awkwardly. Luna doesn't really suit me much. I don't know why the Moon Goddess picked me to be the Luna of this pack. But, I shan't question her choices.
"Alright Lex." She smiles at me then looks down at Melanie and Ollie who seem to be talking quietly. Ollie looking at her with the hugest smile on his face.
"What brings you here?" Dylan's mum, the former Luna and obviously Ollie's mum too, asks me.
"Oh, well I bumped into Ollie and he told me how he had a play date and I said I wanted to meet Melanie. Might as well meet members of the pack right?"
"Of course, of course." She walks up to me to hug me but also whispers something in my ear. "I'm assuming he's told you about his little crush?"
"Yes he has." I whisper back. She pulls away and looks at her son, smiling adoringly at him.
"Mel! This is the new Luna! Dylan's mate." He whispered the last bit.
"Its so nice to meet you, Luna!" She walks up to me and stares up at me. I smile at her and kneel down to her level.
"Its nice to meet you too, Melanie."
"Wow! This is so cool meeting the new Luna!" I giggle. She's so cute. "Are you and Alpha Dylan in love?" She asks. Aw cutie.
"Of course we are. I love him with all my heart."
"That's cute." She giggles and then goes off to play with Ollie, holding his hand as they run outside to the garden which also had playground stuff for the little ones. This pack house was awesome. I need to actually go out rather than being inside all the time.
I stand up and the mums have already gone. I'm literally standing here on my own. I walk out of the pack house, greeted by many people as usual calling me 'Luna'. We hadn't announced it to the pack yet but everyone pretty much knew, ever since he had marked me and even before then because he was always with me. I'm sure people figured it out.
I bumped into Jackson, Dylan's other brother. "Hey Jackson."
"Well hello soon to be sister-in-law."
"For the last time, Dylan and I are not getting married."
"Not now, but you will. In the future."
"Yeah well, okay I guess we are soon to be in-laws."
"So, whatcha up to?"
"Nothing really. You?"
"Me and my friends are going for a swim in the garden, wanna join? There will be girls there too, don't worry."
"Uhh, okay sure." I'm sure Dylan won't mind.. I mean, its only his brother right? Besides, Jackson has nothing on Dylan. Dylan is my perfection and besides I already claimed him so theres no way I'm going after another guy. And, I'm nor that type of person. I hope Dylan knew that.
"Well, meet us out back once you're ready." Suddenly his friends appear, girls and guys, and they headed out back. I go back inside the house and to Dylan and I's room.
I find a black bikini which was definitely not revealing. From what I saw, the girls weren't wearing revealing ones either. I'm guessing because they had mates..
I walk downstairs not bothering to throw on some clothes over my bikini. I walk outside and they were already in the pool.
I noticed how each guy, there was a total of 3 not including Jackson, had their arms around a girl. A possessive arm. I'm guessing they were mates. Then, there was Jackson and two girls who didn't seem to have mates. The girls didn't have any sign of a mark and Dylan had told me Jackson didn't have a mate.
"Alexis! Over here!" Jackson says, waving his arm about. I run over and cannonball into the water. Damn that was fun!
Jackson puts an arm around my shoulders. "Nice of you to join us. Let me introduce you to my friends. They go to the same school as I do so you wouldn't know them."
"That's Drake and Julie, Frederick and Lilah, Harrison and Serena, Kelsie and Patsy."
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Alexis."
"Luna right?" Kelsie said pointing to my mark.
"Yeah but please don't call me Luna. I prefer Lex."
We all chat for a bit, splashing each other here and there, playing with a beach ball. Just basically having a laugh. It was nice to have some time with people my age, not older or younger. Yes Dylan was almost a couple of years older but still.
That reminds me, its also his birthday soon too..
I need a calendar, I swear.
I had gotten out the water to get a drink and when I came back, Jackson had thrown me over his shoulder and thrown me into the pool, laughing his head off.
"Jackson! You bastard!" As he was standing by the edge of the pool laughing his head off, I pulled him in by his feet and he stopped laughing while he got some air from going underwater.
"Hey! No fair!"
"You done it to me, absolutely fair!" Everyone was laughing as we argued playfully. We splashed each other and he playfully put an arm around me again.
A growl was heard.
We all turned out attention to Dylan who was standing there, anger clearly evident in his eyes. We all stop our laughing.
"Get your arms off of her. Now."
"Dylan, bro calm down."
"Now." Jackson immediately removed his arms from me and Dylan walked over, slowly. Jackson and I both got out and everyone else stayed quiet. "What were you guys doing?"
"We were hanging out. I met his friends and they're awesome." I tell him honestly. There was no need to lie. Nothing went on. "It was funny cos he threw me in the pool and while he was laughing I pulled him in!" I say laughing, trying to lighten the mood. Instead of laughing, he glared in Jackson's direction.
"You threw her in?" He snarled.
"Come on bro, we were having fun." I knew something bad was going to happen. And I was right. Dylan threw a punch at Jackson and we heard a crack, most likely Jackson's nose being broken.
We all gasp. "Dylan!" I yell as he goes to punch Jackson again. Before he could, I step in front of Jackson who was lying on the floor cradling his nose that was bleeding.
"Dylan stop. Nothing went on, it was a bit of fun."
"I said move."
"Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I do. I just don't trust any unmated males around you, including Jackson."
"Ollie's unmated, so you mean to say you'd beat Ollie up too if he what, kissed my cheek say?" Its true, Ollie is unmated. Would he do the same as he done to Jackson?
"No, he's six."
"So? He's still unmated."
"He's my little brother, I wouldn't hurt him."
"Jackson is your little brother too."
"Exactly. Dylan, you have to trust me. I wouldn't do anything with anyone else other than you." By now, all of Jackson's friends had dispersed and Jackson was still lying on the floor. "And, what's worse is that you don't even trust your brother. He knows I'm your mate. He wouldn't do anything to me or make a move. Would you Jackson?"
"No! Never! I have my mate to find and I wouldn't dare make a move on any girl but her. I hate how you don't trust me Dylan. We're brothers and you don't fucking trust me."
"You had your arms around her."
"As a friend. You know I wouldn't make a move on her. She's yours. And I have my mate somewhere out there." Dylan huffed.
"I'm sorry Jackson. I shouldn't have lost my temper." I'm happy I managed I calm him down. I was afraid of what he could do to his own brother. It frightened me.
"Its fine. Kinda. You broke my fucking nose Dyl."
"Sorry." He mumbles. He looks guilty. Damn right he should be. Jackson gets up and I'm hoping he went to the pack doctor to check out his nose. I mean, he'll heal soon but its still broken.
Dylan comes up to hug me. But I step away. "I'm mad at you." I simply say and walk off to the pack house.
Dylan's mum stops me. "What happened to Jackson?"
"Dylan broke him nose."
"Misunderstanding, jealousy you know."
"Dylan needs to sort out his anger."
"Tell me about it, his anger frightens me. Sometimes I get scared that one day he might do something to me.."
"Oh no, no, no. He would never. He loves you very dearly he'd never."
"He loves Jackson though right? He just broke his nose."
"He wouldn't do anything to you."
"How do you know? Here I was thinking he wouldn't do anything to Jackson but he did... Dylan scares me. His anger scares me." She gives me a somewhat sad smile and walks away. Arms wrap themselves around my waist.
"I don't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry." I didn't like the fact that he had heard that. "I'm so sorry, please don't be scared of me. I would never ever hurt you." I don't say anything though. "Please say something."
"Can you get off me please. I need to go change." He sighs and let's go of me. I walk upstairs and he doesn't follow me. Good, right now I don't want to see him. Harsh, I know. But he pissed me off now.
I quickly change out of my bikini and dry myself up and change back into my leggings and his hoodie. What? I may be mad at him but I still love his scent. Don't judge.
I go downstairs and he's sitting down watching.. Jeremy Kyle? Why is he watching Jeremy Kyle? He told me the show was stupid and he hated it.
I'm guessing he smelt my scent cos he changed the channel and looked behind me. "I was just looking at what's on."
I laugh at his poor excuse. "You really do like Jeremy Kyle don't you?"
"Okay yes, but its quite funny and interesting."
"I knew it." He changes it back and I sit next to him. Okay, being mad at him didn't last long. "I forgive you."
He sighs with relief. "Thank God. I'm sorry I scare you.. I just can't help my anger."
"Well you're going to have to."
"I'll work on it, I promise baby." He kisses my head and we snuggle while watching Jeremy Kyle.
Ollie soon joins in and so does their mum. Jackson had come in for a bit but when seeing what we were watching he walked straight out. Their dad did the same. Most pack members were actually in their rooms. I wondered where Cammy was. I hardly see her and it didn't settle right with me that she seemed to hate me and I don't know why.
"She doesn't hate you." Dylan murmurs in my ear.
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone." I say, smiling. I quickly rush up to the room and realise I still hadn't got him a gift!
I'll get one tomorrow, hopefully.
Dylan soon came up to the room. I admit, part of me was still pissed at him. "Dylan?"
"Yes, love?"
"I haven't got you anything for Valentines Day." I admit. "I'm going to go out tomorrow to get you one though."
"No. You don't have to. I don't want anything."
"I want to."
"Dylan! That's not fair." I whine.
"I said no okay?"
"You're an absolute dickhead! Why can't you let me do what I want?"
"Because what?"
"I don't want you to."
"You don't want me to?" I laugh. "That's stupid. I'm not your little pet you know?"
"I'm Alpha and I can tell you what to do. And you aren't getting anything for me. And you aren't going out tomorrow."
I huff and go back to cuddle in the duvets and try to sleep. Now I was super pissed off at him. What a jerk.
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