《Traveling Back In Time With You In Mind (Michael JacksonXFemReader)》Symbol Of Love


Your eyes slowly fluttered open, slowly lifting to see a sleeping Michael with his arm securely around your waist as your head was rested on his warm, bare chest.

The memories of earlier this morning flooded your head; causing the butterflies to attack your stomach. You sighed happily and gently kissed his chest, your fingers drawing little designs on his skin. You snuggled closer to his warm, masculine body and closed your eyes, humming softly. You could hear the birds singing outside with their happy melody; for you it was a sign that love was in the air. That love was the one shared between you and Michael.

You felt his arms tighten around you, hearing him let out a relaxing sigh as he buried his face in your hair.

"I love you.." You whispered softly.

"I love you too." A tired, groggy voice whispered back.

You giggled lightly, "I thought you were still asleep."

"I woke up." He smiled, still buried in your hair.

You lifted your head and looked at him smiling, "Hear that?"

"What?" He questioned.

The birds grew louder outside the window, "That."

"Oh, the birds?" He smiled.

You ran your hand down his arm and laced your fingers with his, "Yes. You know what they're singing about?"

He smiled, gazing into your eyes, "No, what?"

"They're celebrating our love." You brought your intertwined hands up to your face and kissed his knuckle gently, never breaking your stare.

His eyes softened, "I love you so much.." He said barely over a whisper, "Even if that was corny."

You scoffed, "Moment ruined! Well, maybe not," you leaned close and kissed him, you couldn't get enough of his kisses now that you could finally have them. You smiled against his lips; you couldn't possibly be any happier than you were right now.


He smiled and played with your hair, "Shall we have breakfast?"

"we shall," You kept gazing at one another, causing you to bust into a fit of giggles, "Am I up yet?" You asked through your laughter.

He chuckled, "No. Am I?"

"No," you shook my head giggling, "We're doomed."

"Doomed to love and never stop." He smiled.

"Now who is being corny?" You teased and kissed his cheek.

"Absolutely not!" Then his stomach let out a growl making both of you laugh.

"Okay, argument over, time for food." You giggled and sat up on the edge of the bed. You felt Michael's eyes on you as you stood up and slipped one of his button down shirts on. You turned to him and smiled smiled, "What?"

"You're so beautiful..." He said in a daze.

You blushed, "Aww Mikey.."

He smiled, his eyebrows furrowed when he saw you were wrapping his shirt around your waist and doing something funny with the sleeves, "What are you doing?"

"I'm turning this huge shirt into a mini dress. Observe," You smiled and continued twisting the shirt. You wrapped it around your body and over your chest, then tying the sleeves together in the front.

Michael's eyebrows raised and his smile grew, "Impressive."

You giggled, "You like?" You asked as you spun around.

He stood on his knees in the bed and scooted over to you, "I love." He smiled and hugged you.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you blushed at the sight of his bare body. You smacked his bare back lightly, "put on some clothes boy, I'm starved."

He chuckled, "OK OK!" He slipped on a t-shirt and some black jeans, his hair going every which way.


You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was, "Your hair is a mess."

He pouted playfully, "Well thanks for the compliment." He said sarcastically.

"Here silly," You ran your fingers through his hair and fluffed it. He closed his eyes, enjoying your touch. "There, That's better."

"Don't stop.." He whined smiling.

You smiled, patting him on the top of his head, "Come on puppy." You skipped out of the room, "Race ya!" You called running out of the room.

"Hey!" You heard him call after you, "Why are you always running!"

You laughed as you ran. Life is wonderful.

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