《Traveling Back In Time With You In Mind (Michael JacksonXFemReader)》Tears And Memories


His face was inches away from yours; his eyes staring deep into your soul, like he was searching for something. Your breathing picked up as your heart raced, hitting your rib cage with every beat.

"What are you doing?" You questioned softly.

He was silent for a moment, "I know those eyes... I know that I know those eyes.."

Just then the driver knocked on the window, causing Michael to jump back into his original position. The driver opened the door, helping you out first.

"Thank you," you said gratefully. You looked at my surroundings; Neverland... It had been so long it seemed.

As Michael got out you went running through the huge field jumping and skipping around happily in the rain. You smiled widely as you ran through the zoo, you heard heavy panting nearing you; you looked back to see Michael running after you.

"How d-do you know your w-way around here?" he panted.

You smiled lightly, "It has been awhile since I've been here, but I still remember where everything is. Ah, nothing has changed."

"I don't remember having you here though..." his voice trailed off.

"Like I said before, you probably washed me out of your memory," you looked at the cages and gasped, "Bubbles!!" You screamed and ran to his cage, opening it.

"Be careful, he's shy around strangers," Michael said.

You looked up at him, "Don't worry, he knows me."

Bubbles smiled when he saw you and ran to you, hugging your neck tightly as you picked him up. He held onto you tightly and kissed your cheek; Michael watched in awe.

"See, I told you," you turned to Bubbles, "I missed you too."

You leaned to the ground, setting Bubbles down. He grabbed your hand, "Do you want to go to the amusement park with me, Bubbles?" You asked, he nodded and you smiled and started walking down the pathway.


Michael walked up beside you, "I still don't know your name.."

You sighed heavily and frowned, "Y/N.. My name is Y/N... But you called me Bubbles most of the time.."

You ran off with Bubbles before Michael could say anything to you. You ran up to the rides; you looked up at the Ferris wheel. Instant flashbacks hit you; you felt your eyes sting as the tears formed. You let go of Bubbles hand and ran off to the main house.

"Y/N, wait!" You heard Michael call after you with his gentle voice, but you kept running.

You ran inside and to the room that you had spent the night in together years ago when Lisa lost her temper. You threw yourself onto the bed and cried heavily into the soft, velvety pillows.

You heard the door close and footsteps slowly come toward the bed; you felt weight being applied as someone laid down beside you, stroking your hair.

You lifted your head to see Michael lying beside you with a worried expression on his beautiful face. You couldn't take it anymore, you threw yourself into his arms crying.

"Shh.... It'll be OK. Whatever it is will come to pass," he cooed in your ear.

"Y-you really d-don't remember me.. You hate me..." You sobbed.

"Hate you? Why would I hate you?" He asked.

"B-because on the Ferris wheel... Years ago, you t-told me that... Oh, Michael!" You cried harder.

What you didn't know was at that very moment, Michael remembered everything. It all came back to him. The fun, the pain, when he kissed you, when he asked if he saw you in the future if he could kiss you then, and when you left after he had become upset with the situation on the Ferris wheel. He had so much regret after you had left. He had looked for you for hours that evening, and he had carried that guilt with him for years, eventually burying it under everything else that had been going on his life.


You felt his grip tighten around you, "Oh my God... Y/N... I remember, I remember everything. Oh, I've missed you so, so much.." He buried his face in your wet hair.

You raised up and looked at him, "You.. R-remember?"

He nodded, "Yes.. No matter how I tried, it was so hard to forget the one that I truly loved, its all come back to me now." He quickly tilted your head up and kissed you with so much pent up emotion that it was almost overwhelming. It being so long, you decided the best thing to do would be to kiss your love back.

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