《Traveling Back In Time With You In Mind (Michael JacksonXFemReader)》Almost Messing Up Time


After lunch you went up to your room and changed into some clothes that La Toya laid out for you. You looked myself over in the mirror and laughed, "Oh my Gosh, I look like a zebra threw up zippers on me." You heard a chuckle from the other side of the door, "I know you're out there, Michael."

He came in grinning sheepishly, "Get used to the look, it's what is in right now. Sorry "miss future"." He walked up to you and touched your hair lightly, "And you're gonna need to get a perm. Plus some vibrant makeup."

You groaned and stomped around immaturely, "Ugh! Why the hair and the makeup?!" You whined.

He laughed and grabbed your shoulders, "Because, you need to fit in!" He shook you lightly.

You rolled yours eyes and sighed in defeat, "Fine." You muttered, getting a chuckle in return.

"Good, c'mon I'll help you." He drug you into the bathroom and sat you down on a stool.

You gave him a puzzled look, "Help me?" You questioned.

"Yes, I like doing peoples makeup and hair. Its fun," He smiled that heart melting smile, "Now hold still, and let me do my magic." As he wiggled his fingers with a grin.

About 3 hours later everything was done. The perm was what took the longest. He kept a sheet over the mirror so you wouldn't be able to see yourself.

"OK, ready to see the finished result?" He asked excitedly.

You nodded and he took the sheet off the mirror, you gasped at the sight. your hair was big and poofy, but that was how it was supposed to be. Your makeup was bright, pink lipstick and blush, black eyeshadow, pink eyeliner, and a lot of mascara.


"Oh my word, This is so awesome! You did great!" You stood up and hugged his neck, he hugged you back laughing.

"Thanks, I was nervous that you wouldn't like it."

You let go of him, "Obviously no need for that."

"Well... I have to go record some songs for my upcoming album. So do you wanna go hang with my sisters at the mall or something?"

"Um.. Sure! I don't have any money though.."

"I can fix that," He smiled sweetly and went to his closet, pulling out a small pouch, "Here, I think...." He pulled out some money and handed it to you, "This should be enough."

You counted it and your eyes got wide, "Holy crap, This is a thousand dollars man! That's way too much." You tried to give him some of it back, but he pushed it back at you.

"No no. I want you to get whatever you want. Go and have fun."

"But-" He put his finger on your lips, the contact making some butterflies make themselves known in your stomach, "No buts. If you are truly my friend you'll take it."

You stayed silent and took the money and he smiled at you, "That's what I thought. Go and have a good time." He kissed your cheek and blushed lightly afterwards.

Michael walked out, leaving you standing there frozen with your hand on your cheek as you begged that this wasn't a too good to be true dream.

You and Michael were walking around the yard talking about random things. He had just gotten finished with his first recording for Thriller and was excited, but a bit nervous. He didn't want to talk about it much though, he mostly wanted to talk about you. Getting to know you.


He had become more open around you, and was kissing your cheek a lot more often, with other small gestures that always made you blush. Holding hands, hugging every time you ran into each other, even using nicknames for one another. You called him Smelly like Quincy does, and he called you Bubbles. You had questioned it at first, but he said your bubbly personality around him caused him to come up with it, even if you weren't very fond of it, it still made you smile every time he said it.

"So can you tell me anything about the future??" He asked you.

"Well... Depends on the question." You looked at him as he nodded.

"Oh... Um... Do cars fly? And do people have robots as workers instead of other people?" He asked curiously with a childlike tone.

You laughed, "Well.... No and no. Sorry. Nobody has come up with that yet. And don't you dare try."

He giggled, "I won't. Man that sucks, I really want to see cars fly!!" He gazed at the now moonlit sky.

You both stopped walking and laid down on the grass, staring up at the night sky. You felt him link his hand with yours, making you turn and stare at his handsome face. He looked over at you and smiled, "Do you think that you're ever gonna get back?" He asked you, his tone low, almost sad.

You sighed heavily, realizing that you hardly thought of going back. You missed your friends and family sure, but there was something about Michael, spending time with him, made everything, every thought disappear, "I don't know. If I do though, do you promise that you won't ever forget me?"

He raised up on his elbow and stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, "I promise," he whispered.

He started leaning down slowly, you felt your heartbeat speed up as you felt his breath on your face. Your eyes started closing slowly as your lips brushed against one another. But you ended up pushing him back.

"What is it?" He asked, worry enveloping his expression.

"Nothing. I just... We can't.. It wouldn't work out and.. Michael doing that would mess up time itself. Please understand, I want to kiss you. But I can't."

He looked hurt, but he understood, "I know.. I'm sorry. We can still be friends though, right?" He looked at you with those big brown puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, of course we can," you smiled and kissed his cheek.

you both stood up and headed back to the house. He looked at you for a moment as you were walking.

"Yes?" You giggled, feeling heat rising to your cheeks.

"Oh.. I was just wondering, if I met you again in the future..."


"Would I be able to kiss you then?" He asked shyly, he was blushing deeply as he stared at the ground, obviously having a hard time making eye contact with you. Gosh, he is adorable.

You took his hand in yours, "Yea, I wouldn't mind that, as long as you recognized me!" I laughed. He laughed too as you walked in.

"Well, goodnight." he said holding your hands.

"Night." You gave him a warm hug and headed to your room.

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