《Traveling Back In Time With You In Mind (Michael JacksonXFemReader)》The Science Fair


"Y/N, let's go!We're gonna be late for the science fair!" Your best friend yelled impatiently.

"Ok ok.. Let me put my lipstick on!" You yelled back. You rushed with your lipstick and grabbed your purse. You both headed out the door and to the car.

Speeding to the science fair, you got there with two minutesto spare before it started. Thank God or your parents would've killed you both for being late for something again. Even though you were already in college starting your own life, it seemed they kept up with everything you did, especially what they wouldn't approve of.

You ran in and set your project up, it was the very first Michael Jackson inspired robot. You were both huge fans, so you thought it would be a cool thing to do.

Not to mention he was the talk right now since he was coming out with an album soon in October. Which is in 4 months; the title being Invincible. You and your best friend were going to go to the premiere of it together where he'll be signing CD's and meeting fans.

You looked around at your competition. These people don't stand a chance to our robot. You thought.

Until you laid eyes on your most loved enemy with his time machine. Oh Lord, here he goes again.

"B/F, look." You nudged them.

They looked over at it. "Wow. Think we can beat it?" They asked worried.

"Maybe, it all depends on if it actually works." You snickered.

"Why don't you go check it out? See if it works." They said and hugged you quickly.

"What was that about?" You asked confused but smiling.

"Just in case you get sent to another time." They teased.

You rolled my eyes, "Yeaaa.... Like that'll happen."


"Ya never know." They shrugged.

"Alright, I'll go. Bye!" You threw up a peace sign and headed over to his project.

He snarled his nose when he saw you approaching, "Eww... Who let the pedo MJ lover in?"

"Ugh... You're such a little twit. Charles.... Look who's talking, Mr.'my birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory'." You retorted.

"What kind of piece of junk did you bring this time?" He asked.

Like you care. You thought. "A robot. What about you? What is this.... A 'make your only girlfriend if you're as desperate as me' machine?"

"Nooo. It's a time machine, Einstein." He rolled his eyes.

"What is this, Back To The Future?" You snickered, "I bet it don't work."

"Wanna try it out?" He smirked. You never trust his smirks, they always send a chill down your spine.

"I'm scared you'll send me to the ice age. I really don't wanna meet people who are uglier than you, because that's hard to beat."

"Just get in." He shoved you inside and closed the door before you could do anything.

Suddenly, you felt a tingling all over. Then all these colors started flooding around you. It was beautiful, but also strange.

Soon it all ended, and you were lying on soft, green grass. It was bright too. Like mid-day.

"Where am I?" You asked yourself. Goof, like asking yourself does anything.

"Excuse me, but how did you get on my property?" A soft voice from behind said.

I know that voice.. You turned around, and it was none other than a young, handsome Michael Jackson staring at you.

"Uh..... Your property?" You said clueless.

"Yes.. Who are you?" He asked looking you over.


"Um... Y/N, but call me (Nickname). Uh... What is the date?" You asked.

He gave me a confused look. "June 13th."

"Ah sorry, I mean the year." You corrected.

"Ok? 1982... Why?" He crossed his arms.

"Oh my..... It worked." You whispered in disbelief.

He sat down beside you. "What did? What are you talking about?"

"The time machine. I came back in time.. Wait. I came back in time!! I'm the first person to travel through time!! Woo!!" You jumped up and ran around.

He stared at you like you were crazy. "What?"

I stopped and looked at him, "And you probably don't believe anything I said right?"

"Not really, no. Did you hit your head or something? I can call a doctor." He said as he pointed his thumb back at the house.

"Ugh.... Just great..." You sat back down and sighed, "Now what?"

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