《Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).》For the Rest of the life.



Jahan mansion was once again filled with sadness. Jahan and Aarham were back to Karachi and trying to move on with time but still their minds and hearts were captured in the shock which Zara gave them.

"Aarham." Called Mehak but he didn't move but remained in his sitting position lost in thoughts.

"Aarham." Calling him again, she went closer to him and took seat next to him.

"What are you thinking? It has been a week that you've returned from Islamabad and lost still in that news." Mehak said looking at his thoughtful face.

"I'm still in shock that how Zara can do this and more of it I'm so much angry on that Riyyan that how could he. Only to save himself, he played with our Zara." Aarham said looking so angry.

"But it was your decision to take the case back." Mehak said and filled the cup with tea for him who was looking so tired.

"Just for Zara. I know how hurt Shams and waqas taya g are. And furious too that's why they broke every relation with Zara. And that Riyyan was smiling when he saw me. I know he did it purposely only to save himself." Aarham said defeated which made Mehak sad.

"We can't do anything now because they are married now. Riyyan has played a game to be save himself and now for Zara we're letting him go. Now just pray that she live happily with him whom she choose over her family." Mehak said and Aarham gave a nod in agreement.

"Now you've to cheer up for those who loves you. In just few days, Sameer is going and we've to live there days with him with smiles to make these days memorable. So just lighten up your mood and go to the twins who are looking so sad." She said and Aarham looked at her as he got remember something.

"When sameer is going?" He asked.

"After 5 days." Replied Mehak and Aarham got up and walked out of his room.

His feet moved toward the lawn where he knew his twins would be spending their time. Mehak followed him and as they reached the lawn they saw sameer and shazam seated lost in their own thoughts. Aarham formed a smiled on his lips for his brothers and went closer to them

"What's happening boys?" Asked Aarham as he took seat next to them.

"Nothing bhai." Replied shazam and start using his mobile.

"Hey come on twins. I know there's a difficult situation we all are going through but we can't miss these days with each other as we know that our sameer is going. So from now on, i want to spemd more timewith you both and let's do some party and fun." Aarham said and shazam looked at his brother with a smile.

"No limits?" Shazam asked getting excited while Aarham narrowed his eyes at him tried to scare him.

"Its not fair bhai. Ypu can't put that limit line on the fun. Right Sameer?" Asked shazam looking at sameer who smiled.

"What bhai say is best." Sameer said and this time Aargam laughed.

"That's good. So now I'm going to decide what we have to do to have fun." Said Aarham and Shazam sighed looking down shaking his head.

"Then we're going to bore." He mumbled to himself but Aarham heard and so did Sameer too who laughed on his words.

"What did you say?" Folding his sleeves on his forearm, Aarham got fully ready to beat shazam who got what was going on his mind.


He stood up and ran in the huge lawn to save himself from Aarham who was running after him to catch him. Sameer laughed looking at them both and ran after them while Aarham and Shazam were also laughing and running, chasing each other. Mehak who was stranding a little far with Zeeniya and Mrs Ahmad were smiling on their laughter and their hearts were praying for their life and happiness.


"Bhai I'm telling you we are not going on a boring picnic." Shazam said looking at his elder brother who was seated in front of him.

All were gathered on the dinning table for dinner and here the argument was continue that what they should had to do to enjoy these days with each other.

"Then what you want to do?" Asked Aarham as he filled his plate with rice.

"How about sky diving?" Said Sameer before Shazam could say.

"That's what i was thinking bro." Happily saying, shazam got excited on what sameer said.

"And I won't mind doing under water diving. Its so beautiful and adventures." Fully lost in his excitement, said Shazam and Sameer joined him too but both didn't noticed the galre of their father and brother on them.

"Anything else?" Asked Aarham and both nodded.

"How can we forget about horse riding and car racing. I'm telling you I'm going to win." Said Shazam and looked at Aarham who was glaringa at them.

"You both have done all this before?" Asked Aarham narrowing his eyes at them but they were lost in their excitement just gave a nod.

"Of course bhai. Not just once but servel times." Sameer said proudly.

"Really boys?" Jahan asked forming a fake smile on his lips and as they saw their father, they realised what they gave done.

"N..no Dad. We were just...joking." Sameer said hurriedly but it was too late for them now.

"Boys." On Aarham's call both looked down and gave a nod accepting their adventure list.

"How can you both do this? Its so dangerous and yet you both..." zeeniya said a she got worried.

"Sorry." Both said slowly and looked at their brother who smiled and gave a nod.

"We'll do all this." Said Aarham making them happy.

"Aarham." Said Zeeniya but he blinked his eyes to tell her that he'll handle everything.

"Trust me mom. Nothing will happen." Said Aarham and nodding all started to have their dinner.

"Okay boys. Its quite late now. Go to your room and tomorrow we'll start our adventures." I said looking at tg5em who were looking so excited.

All three of us walking in the lawn enjoying the cool breeze. The excitement was visible on our faces. And i was happy to see my brothers happy.

"Let's go now." I said and pushed them toward the house when i saw Abbas coming to me.

I looked at him amazed. It was almost 12 of the night and why was he here. I thought and waited for him to approach me.

"Sir I've to talk to you." Abbas said looking at me and i could see he was disturbed.

"Anything serious?" I asked taking a step toward him.

"N..not really. Just want to talk to you. Its important." He said snd nodding, i turned to twins.

"You both go inside. I'm coming." I said and then took steps with Abbas ahead.

"What you want to say?" I asked as I stopped in the porch and waited for him to say something.


"Sir that...that..." He stuttered and i noticed that he was not disturbed but nervous.

"Come on Abbas. You can say anything. Yoy don't need to be nervous." I said encouraging him to say what he had to tell me.

"That...there's a girl...I...I..want to marry." He said and I looked at him with my eyes widened.

I kept looking at him not able to say something as i was still believing that what i heard was true.

"Yeah congrats Abbas bhai." From nowhere both of those naughty boys jumped, interrupting our conversation.

"Who's the girl? Tell us. Come on." Shazam said wrapping his arm around the shoulders of Abbas who got more nervous on their naughty glare.

"Hmmm..let me guess." Said Sameer and i looked at him waited for the name he was going to take.

"The Nurse right? What was her name?" Sameer said trying to remember her name but I turned to Abbas and looked at him who was looking down.

"Dua." I said and slowly Abbas gave a nod.

"Yeah I was right bhai lets do their marriage before i leave." Sameer said all of sudden and me and Abbas looked at him like he has grown horns on his head.

"What? Are you mad. In just 5 days you are asking me to marry him. Its not a game. We've to ask her parents for her hand and then the preparations and all. It takes time." I said and looked at Abbas who was looking at me.

"I'm glad that you've choose a life partner for you. I'm so happy and surely we'll do your grand marriage." I said and hugged Abbas who was looking happy on what i said.

"Not fair. I won't be here to attend his wedding." Sameer said offended.

"Why can't he marry in these 5 days? Let's go Dua bhabhi's home right now for her parents aprovel and then we'll do their marriage in these 5 days. What you say?" Shazam said getting excited and giving a solution but me and Abbas looked at him with wide eyes on his suggestion.

"Are you mad? Its midnight already. Abbas you go to your room. We'll discuss this tomorrow morning." I said to Abbas who gave a nod and was about to turn but holding his arm sameer stopped him.

"Bhai stop here. Listen elder brother its fun. We should do this now. It will be memorable for all of us. So now its decided that we all are going to miss Dua's house to meet her parents." Said Sameer happily while me and Abbas got shocked on the decision he took.

"Come Ali bhai. We're going to Abbas bhai's would be in laws." Said Shazam looking at Ali who was coming to us but i saw the same shocked expression on his face which we had.

"Its not funny boys." I said but they were determined on what they said.

"It is fun bhai. This night will be memorable for all of us." Saying shazam walked toward the car and i was thinking whether to do what those two idiots were saying or shouldn't.

"Aarham what are you doing here?" I was lost in thoughts when i heard Mehak's voice calling me.

I turned to see her who was coming to me. But before i could say something to her those twins reached us.

"Bhabhi we need your help. Just come with us." Before i could stop them or could say something they just pulled Mehak with them and i almost ran after them who got in the car with Mehak, Abbas and Ali.

"Bhai get in." Said shazam as he started the car.

I got in the car and soon the car was running in the road taking us to miss Dua's home for the proposal.

"Aarham what's happening? Where are we going?" Mehak asked looking at me.

"We all have gone mad." I said and sighed because i knew now we've to do this madness.

Car stopped and we all stepped out of the car. Mehak was looking at me confused and i held her hand.

"We're here with Abbas's proposal for Nurse Dua." My words made her eyes go wide and she looked at us all shocked.

"At midnight you all came to do this madness. And for the proposal you came empty handed." She said and we all realized our mistake.

"Sorry bhabhi. We just wanted to make this moment memorable." Said Sameer said and i gave a nod in agreement.

"I think we should go back now. " i said looking at all of them but none of them moved.

"Let's see what we can do." Mehak said with a smile and the twins smiled too.

"Aarham let's do it as its our Sameer's wish to see Abbas married as soon as possible." Mehak said and i gave a nod with a smile and took steps with all of them inside.

"I hope we won't get any insult." I whispered to the boys who were looking carefree.

"Relax bhai." Said Shazam as he was super excited as if it was his marriage.

Ali rang the bell while i held Mehak's hand felt nervous at that moment.

"Relax. Just be yourself and everything will be okay." I heard her who was my companion she knew how to lighten my stress.

"I will." I said and at the same time the door opened.

A man in her 50's opened the door but as he looked at us, I found him confused as he was not expecting so many people at his door at this time of night and i was feeling like a jerk who disturbed a noble man from his sleep.

"Assalam-u-Alikum uncle. Is Dua stays here?" Mehak was the first who asked and i took a breath of relieve because now i knew Mehak will handle everything.

"Who are you all? What you want?" That old man asked strickly looking at all of us.

"Sir don't be scared. We are here with some work. Are you Dua's father?" It was me who asked and at the same time, I saw Dua appearing behind that man.

"Sir,ma'am." As she saw us, she came to us running.

"Baba i know them. Please come." Dua said as she came to us and asked us to enter her house.

"You all at this time?" She asked looking at us all as we get in her house.

"Is this your father?" Mehak asked dua who gave a nod in the answer.

"Uncle we are here with a proposal." Mehak started and I looked at Abbas who was looking so much nervous and scared that I hardly held my laughter back.

It was like that Abbas will faint at any second. Ali was also enjoying his condition.

"Can we all take seats?" Mehak asked before we could talk about the proposal.

"Please sit." That uncle said and we all settled down on the chairs placed there.

"What proposal are you talking about?" Dua's father asked taking seat in front of us.

"We are here with the marriage proposal of Abbas for your daughter Dua. Abbas is our employee but he's a family member." Mehak started the conversation and told them the real motive of our coming.

"We don't know you and you came at midnight with my daughter's proposal. Is this a joke?." Uncle got furious and i looked at Dua who was standing still looking down.

"No uncle its not a joke. We are sorry for coming this late and disturbing you. I'm Aarham Jahan Ahmad, CEO of J companies and these are my brothers and this is my wife. Ali and Abbas are my bodyguards but they are just like our family members. Abbas and Dua like each other, so we thought to tie them in the string of marriage. That's why we are here for your approval. We are here with the proposal of Abbas for your daughter. So please tell us now your decision." I completed all in just one breath and waited for Dua's father to say something.

"Please uncle say yes. I'm going in just 5 days to abroad. I want to see their marriage. Please uncle. Don't break our hearts." Said Sameer, black mailing uncle with his innocent face.

"But..how..how can i..just..Dua please tell me what's happening?" Aaked uncke looking at Dua who was standing mute.

"Baba actually I've worked for Aarham sir. Abbas..is a nice person. I want to..." She stopped and looked down while we all moved our eyes at her father who was thinking something.

"As long as my daughter is happy. I've no problem." Uncle said giving a smile of happiness.

"Thank you uncle." Standing up, I said and he smiled too.

He went to Abbas and hugged him while we all smiled.

"We'll come tomorrow to fix marriage date." I said and hugged uncle who gave a nod and we all turned to go but Mehak went to Dua.

Taking a ring out of her finger, she slid it in her finger.

"Its of our Abbas's name. We'll come soon to take you." Hugging her, Mehak said and I smiled looking at the smiling face of Abbas.

We all bid our bye and went out of the house with happy smiles on our faces and new thoughts on our minds as the coming life was going to be filled with happiness and smiles.

"Hurry up Aarham." As she entered the room, she saw him standing still in front of the mirror getting ready.

"Just two minutes." He said still examining himself in the mirror.

Mehak walked to him with a smile who was looking so handsome in black pant and shirt.

"You're looking perfect. Now my king hurry up." She said looking at his reflection visible in the mirror.

"And you are lookibg pretty as always." Turning to her, he kissed her forehead and she smiled while her eyes moved up to see him.

"I love you." Her sudden words made his lips to smile happily and he pulled her close to his heart.

"I love you more my Jaan. I wish to stay like this. Forever. With you." Said Aarham and kissed her head ehile she smiled snd moved a little back to see him.

"For the rest of the life, I pray to be with you." Replied Mehak as her lips touched his for giving a lovely peck.

"Barat is ready to depart. Shall we now my king?" She asked while buttoning up the button of his shirt.

"Sure my queen." He said as he pecked her lips and both smiled.

Both stepped out of the room hands in hand and love fill hearts.

All were gathered in the marriage hall where the Nikah ceremony of Abbas and Dua was done just few minutes ago. All faces were smiling as there eyes were capturing the beautiful couple seated there.

"Remember our days?" Zeeniya asked looking at the smiling faces of Abbas and Dua.

"Yes. You were looking so beautiful in bridal look. I still remember." Said Jahan as his eyes moved to see his Zeeniya who was standibg just next to him.

"I'm much relieved now. Our kids are happy in their lives." Said Zeeniya looking at the smiling faces of her children.

"Me too." Said Jahan and looked at Aarham who was talking to Mehak and both were smiling and then his eyes moved to see Aabia who was laughing on something as Sameer was talking something in front of her.

"Mom ,Dad." It was Shazam who called them and they both looked at him who was running to them.

"Come. Lets take a family picture." Shazam said circling his arms around his parents.

"Sure son." Jahan smiled whike taking step ahead.

All stood on the stage around the bride and groom and the perfect picture captured.


"Welcome bhabhi." Said Sameer and shazam in union as they opened the door of flate which Abbas just bought as his house.

"Give them place to enter boys." Said Mehak coming forward and pushed them back and stepped inside the flate with Aarham and twins. Abbas looked at Dua who was standing next to him in bridal attire with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Welcome both of you." All said in union while pouring rose petals on them and they smilingly entered their new world.

All took them to the centre hall which was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. Making them sit together on the sofa, Sameer and Ali started to capture the beautiful couple. Mehak and Aarham were smiling all the time.

"Okay now boys enough. Enough of this photo session." Saying, Mehak went to Dua and made her stand.

"Its quite late now. Let them rest." Saying, Mehak took Dua with her to room while all boys gathered around Abbas who was looking nervous on their continue naughty glare.

"What?" He asked looking at all of them.

Aarham was the first to laugh on his nervous face which was looking so pale. Soon all joined him.

"Relax bhai. You're shying like a girl." Shazam said and chuckled along with Sameer.

"Right. Now get ready to meet your bride. And we'll be going now." Said Aarham while getting up.

"But sir.." Abbas tried to say something but Aarham stopped him.

"Its 1 of the night. Quite late for us to stay here. Now you stay happy. And don't worry about Ali. He's with us." Aarham said which made Abbas smiled and nodding, he hugged Aarham and Ali who was looking so happy for his friend.

"And bhai don't be late for your reception tomorrow." Sameer whispered to Abbas with a wink which made Abbas's ears turned pink while he averted his eyes from all of them.

"Shut up kido. We'll be leaving now Abbas. Take care." Said Aarham pushing sameer back while his eyes moved to see Mehak coming.

"Your bride is waiting." Giggled with words, Mehak looked at the shy face of Abbas.

"Shall we?" Aarham asked looking at Mehak who looked at him and then at the hand, he was offering.

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