《Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).》Finally that night.


The car stopped and she turned her head toward him who was looking straight. She waited for few seconds for him to say something but he was all quite. Not even bothered to look at her.

"Thank you for dropping me." She said and with the words, she made her way out of the car leaving him behind.

She didn't turn to see him but kept her feet strong to move away from him. Hiding the wetness of eyes, she disappeared in the hospital building. Averting his eyes from the direction where she was walking, he rested his head on the steering wheel.

"What I'm doing?" Asking himself, he moved back and once again his eyes moved toward the hospital where she just went, he started his car and drove away from there rejecting the voice of his heart.


"Did you say to her?" As he entered office, Ali got him and asked.

"What?" Asking, he pushed him away and went toward the cabin which was made for them to sit.

"What? Are you asking what? Abbas are you in your senses?" Ali asked shocking going after him.

"What are you talking about Ali? Don't talk too much. I'm having a headache." Rubbibg his temples with his fingers, Abbas replied.

"And why are you having this headache?" Ali asked taking the chair and looked at him.

"That girl..." He stopped on what he was saying and opened his eyes.

"Yes that girl. I'm talking about that same girl who did all this to you and you like a jerk came without saying anything to her."Scolding, Ali stood up and walked out of the cabin.

"What i supposed to say?" He thought and sighed while walking out behind Ali.

The meeting was going on. But i was not there. My mind, my heart was back there with Mehak.

"Sir what you think?" I was called by one of my employee and i came out of my thinking zone.

All were looking at me asking for my opinion but I didn't know what they talked about. Sitting up properly, I pulled my coat on my shoulders and looked at them again.

"Rahil...actually postpone this meeting. We'll discuss this some other day." I said looking at my employee and all looked at me confused.

I knew, it was me who arranged this meeting in so much hurry that I didn't give them much time to prepare the presentation and here, I myself was cancelling the meeting but what to do when I was overwhelmed in my Mehak that i couldn't think anything else.

"But sir.." Rahil tried to say but i stood up.

"Its over. I'm not in mood." Saying, I marched out of the meeting room and I could hear whispers behind me but i ignored them and walked to my cabin still my thoughts tangled with the beautiful face of my Mehak who was tingling my heart continuously.

"What I'm thinking!?" Entering my cabin, I asked myself and landed on my chair with a smile.

"Mehak where you've stuck me!" Asking, I was again lost in her thoughts who was making my heart to beat fast with every passing second.

"Bhabhi what a pakora.." Sameer said while eating those pakore (dumplings) which I made.

"Don't eat too much. Leave some for us too." Mama said as she he entered the lawn and I smiled looking at her who was now looking much better.

It was beautiful evening. The sky started to cover with beautiful clouds and cool slow breeze was entertaining us and my two cute twins brother in-laws were enjoying pakore which they demanded from me. I was smiling as mama joined us and I passed her cup of tea with some evening snacks.


"No invitation for us?" We all looked up and saw papa coming.

"Why not. Come papa." I said snd smilingly, he took seat next to me and I passed him tea.

"Such a beautiful weather." Papa said and looked at mama who smiled beautifully and I was happy that finally after so many days, they were smiling, feeling relaxed from all problems.

"Assalam-o-Alikum everyone." We all startled on the voice and looked at the direction of voice .

Aarham was coming with a smile and I could see his eyes fixed on me. I looked down, tried to control my fast beating heart.

"Bhai and this time?" Shazam said while checking his wrist watch.

He was right. This was the first time when Aarham came home before 8 o'clock. It was still 6 of the evening and he was home which amazed us all.

"Beta (son) is everything okay? you're home before your time." Papa asked him as Aarham took seat and we all looked at him who was looking at all of us.

"I...I..just.." We could see him finding a reason but he was just stuttering finding an answer.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at his face.

"I'm..fine. Just got free so, I came home." He replied and we all nodded and i looked down to hide my smile on his answer because I knew he was lying.

"Mehak come. Let's decide the dinner's menu." Mama said and I nodded and got up and walked out with her while I could feel his heated gaze on me.

"Is everything okay bhai?" I was taken out of my gazing as my brother's voice touched my ears.

"Huh! Yeah, why are you asking?" I asked sitting straight and took the cup of tea.

"Because you're acting weird today. Tea and you? You okay na?" Shazam asked and looked at the cup I was siping tea from.

"Oh its tea." Placing the cup back on the table, I looked at them again who were grinning, showing me their teeth.

"Shut up you both. I'm okay. Its just that sometimes you like to have those things which you don't like." I said and both of them chuckled while I turned to Dad who was smiling on our talks.

"Dad you too." I said looking at his smiling face.

"Yes because they are right. You're acting weird today." Dad said and got up.

"Come inside boys. Its going to rain." Dad said and looking at me with a smirk, he moved ahead while i got shocked.

What happened to them all?

I mean i was okay then why they were saying that i was acting weird. I'm the same Aarham like every day.

"Let's go inside bhai." Sameer said and nodding, I moved with them inside.


We all were on dinning table enjoying our meal. My eyes were going again and again on her face who was glowing today. She was making my heart beat fast with every passing second and I was like a crazy lover getting crazy for her.

"Bhai you okay?" I was again interrupted by sameer who chuckled while I glared at them.

"Don't worry bhabhi is not going anywhere. You can watch her after dinner." He whispered close to my ear and I looked away from his idiot face and start having my meal.

As we all finished our dinner, my twins took me with them to the hall and turned the tv on where the football match was going on.


"Bhai your favourite game." Sameer said and I just took seat to watch my favourite game.

After all it was football. I wasn't going to miss it.

"Sameer go and bring some ice cream." I ordered him while sat properly, hugging the cushion and looked at shazam who was looking as excited as i was.

"Bhai its goung to be a fun. After so long time we are watching match together. And lets bet Germany is going to win this match." Sameer said as he took seat next to me and passed us our ice crwam bowls.

"I agree. And yes Germany will win as its my favourite team." Saying we all start looking at the tv where our favourite game was going on forgetting everything else.

I was looking at them who were busy in watching their favourite game on tv and they were so engrossed in watching that they didnt checked the time. Sighing, I walked to my room when the clock turned to 10 of the night.

As I stepped in the room, I smiled remembering his word about this special night. My heart started to beat fast thinking about the coming time. I took the candle which had beautiful fragrances and started to lighten them up. Smile was not leaving my lips as tonight I was going to be his in every manner. Looking at the room which was shinning with those beautiful candles, I walked to the wardrobe to take my dress out which I was going to wear tonight. For him. Only for him.

What's the time?" He asked while having popcorn but his eyes never averted from the tv screen.

"Quarter past 11." Replied Shazam looking at his mobile and again,he looked at the football game going on.

"What?" Yelled Aarham and on the second, he jumped down from the sofa and lookeed at his wrist watch to check the time by himself.

"Damn me." Cursing himself, he took his coat and rushed to go to his room.

Shazam and Sameer both looked at each other and then at Aarham. Looking at each other again, they shrughed their shoulders and again start watching tv.

"Aarham." As he was about to step on the stair, Jahan came and called him.

He stopped on his place and turned to see his father who came on wrong time.

"Yes Dad." Forming a forceful smile on his lips, he turned to his father.

"Thank God you are awake. I thought you maybe had gone to sleep. But now you are here, so just come with me." Jahan said and looked at his brothers who shrugged their shoulders telling him that they didn't know anything.

"And you two go to your room now. Its quite late." Saying to twins, Jahan turned again to Aarham who was standibg like a statue holding the staircase tightly.

"Come son." Jahan said with a smile.

"Yes Dad." Forming a fake smile, he took steps with his father to his study room while his heart was running back to his room where his mehak was waiting for him.


Holding her bag, she was stepping out of the hospital while her heart was so heavy and eyes were brimmed with tears.

"He's very bad." She mumbled to herself and wiped that tear which left her eye.

"Why I'm thinking about him!" Scolding herself, she steped out of the hospital building and looked up at the sky who was pouring tiny rainy drops on the eaeth.

"Why so romantic weather when he's not with me." She said to herself feeling those tinydrops of rain on her as her pace slow down.

"Stop Dua. Don't think about him." Scolding herself again, she took a deep breath and straight her white dupatta on her head and moved ahead to go to her home as her duty hours were end.

As she srepped out of the main gate, her feet stopped as her eyes caught someone standing few steps far from her. Her eyes were capturing him who was standing next to his car folding his arms on his chest, his hair had drops of water. Her heart beat increased as she saw him looking at her.


Folding his arms on his chest, his eyes roamed in the hospital's parking and walking area but he couldn't find her. His eyes moved toward the hospital building at the exist door to see her but she was not coming. Taking his watch out of his sleeve, he checked the time where the time turned to 12 of the night and he was feeling himself stupid waiting for her like this but he was helpless. Helpless in front of his heart which was getting restless since he dtopped her here in hospital. He was missing her like hell that he thought he didn't had any feeling left but just to think, to feel, to miss her. Compelled by his heart, he was here standing to see her, to meet her who was now living in his heart.

In white nurse uniform with that white dupatta on her head, she was looking offended. Mumbling to herself again and again, she was making him smile. As she stepped out, her eyes caught him who was lost in her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked holding her tears back and he looked down for a second to hide his tears.

"I...just.." He looked up to drown in her deep eyes which were fixed on him.

"You what?" She asked taking a step closer to him.

"I just..came..to say.." He paused while taking a step toward her.

"Say what?" Asking, she felt herself weak as she was ready to cry.

"To say H...hel..hello." He said and mentally punched himself on his stupidity.

"To say hello? Really? So its done now. You can go." She said felt disappointed and turned to go.

"No i mean stop." His voice made her turned to him and she looked at him who was also looking at her.

"You won't say right what i want to listen?" She asked taking a step closer to him.

"You won't admit. You won't say what is in your heart. And I'm like a stupid fellow hoped that you.." She stopped as many tears rushed out of her eyes.

"When you know then why don't you understand by yourself." He said and she felt anger rising in her.

"Sure. I understand that Mr Abbas is a dumb who don't have guts to confess his feelings." She said and turned to go in anger.

"Marry me." Her feet rooted to the ground on his voice.

Finally, I was out of Dad's study room where we discussed the new project of housing society which i cancelled in morning. I was feeling angry on myself. Checking time on the my wrist watch, I sighed as it was 1 of the night and I made her wait too much. Maybe she slept. I thought and took steps toward my room.

"Today was the worst day." I thought while moving on the stairs and with a sad sigh I entered my room.

But stopped as I entered. The whole room was lighted with those beautiful candles who's fragrance was touching my nostrils. Moving inside, I closed the door and looked around to find her and my eyes stopped on her who was looking like a sleeping beauty to me tg5at time. My heart jumped as i saw her in that red nightie which was making me restless for her more.

Locking the door, I moved to take my night dress and went to change with a smile. Changing into my t-shirt and trouser, I made my way out of the washroom and looked at her who was sleeping peacefully. Moving toward her,i was trying to control my fast beating heart and my eyes never blinked from her face who was looking like a fairy in that red nightie.

Deeply in the valley of sleep, she was pulling me to her and i was moving toward her in hypnotism. Carefully, laying next to her on the couch, I kept looking at her. My eyes roamed on her face to her crystalline neck, to her falwless arms which were visible to my eyes. Creamy skin of her arms was appealing to be touched and i just couldn't stop myself from touching her. Running my fingers on her arm till her shoulder, I kept feeling her and observing her face to my eyes and heart. Tracing her collarbone, I felt her moving a little on my touch. And then those candles like lightened eyes opened up to meet mine and I lost everything in them.

"When...did you come?" She asked as she saw me and her eyes widened while I saw her getting conscious of her look and nightie.

I hide my smile when she tried to pull her nightie down her knees to hide her legs but there was no use of it. Holding her hand, I stopped her and pulled her closer to me making her eyes go wide more.

"You're looking beautiful." Whispering close to her, I made her eyes lowered down and I could see the colours of shyness on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry for being late." I said caressing her cheek with my thumb.

"Its okay. Its quite late. We should sleep now." She said moving back while I drifted my hand on her waist to pull her in my arms.

"Sleep? This night is not for sleep as we decided. you remember?" I asked her as she got hold of my shirt in her fist and looked at me.

Marry me." Her eyes widened as she heard him.

"Abbas." A shock of happiness voice came out of her mouth as she couldn't believe on her ears.

"Marry me. Will you?" He asked again giving her a shock of happiness and she took two steps back in disbelieve.

"Please don't say no. I know I'm..idiot who doesn't know how to talk what to say but the time you left I'm..I'm..feeling all empty in me. Everything which was so colourful with you become so dull and lifeless. Please I don't know what I'm feeling. What is happening to me but the reason is you. Whatever its happiness or sadness you're behind it. Without you there's sadness and with you its most outstanding feeling I ever felt. Please understand what I want to say." Saying, he stopped and took deep breaths as he walked so much and was tired now as he found his destination.

Abbas kept looking at her shock face who was unable to speak. Her silence was scaring him.

"Please say something." He said as a tear left his eye.

Without saying anything, she ran to him and hugged him giving him shock this time.

"Stupid. You're such a stupid." Crying, she said while holding him and he didn't know what to do, what to say.

"Your stupid." Saying, his arm raised to wrap around her and she laughed with happiness hiding in his arms.

"Sleep? This night is not for sleep as we decided. you remember?" My heart beat quicken on his words but I tried to hide my inner feelings.

"But I had told you about mood. And now I want to sleep as you're late." I said and tried to move back but he pulled me more closer to him.

"And I had told you that i know how to make up the mood." Winking, he said with a smile and I looked down to hide my blush as his intense gaze was enough to destroy the peace of my heart.

"And I could feel what Mrs Aarham wants." He said moving closer to my face fanning me with his breath.

"I... I want to sleep." I said looking at him who nodded on my words and freed me from his embrace.

Huh?! Did he??

"Okay. Sleep then." He said and straightened on the couch laying on his back and folded his arms on his chest.

"Aarham." I called him who got relaxed and closed his eyes to sleep.

"What? Sleep now." He said as he looked at me for once and again closed his eyes and I was like really??

Did he sleep???

How can he??

I was looking at him in disbelieve. Making a sad face, I straightened on the couch too, placing my hands on my stomach.

"How stupid I'm." I thought as I looked at his sleeping face.

As I tried to lay properly, I was about to fall as there was not enough space for me.

"Ahh..." As i was about to fall, he pulled me in his arms caging me in them prospectively.

"So Mrs Aarham was getting restless on me sleeping." He asked as he pulled me more closer to him, gluing our bodies.

"I...wasn't." Replying, I looked down, hiding from his intense gaze.

"So you don't want?" He asked making my eyes to meet his.

"Fine. Let's sleep on bed. Its not comfortable here." He said with a smile and was going to move back but I held his shirt pulling him to me.

"I want to become yours." I said as i pulled him to me.

As I said, i realised what I said and looked down hiding from his that smirk which made my heart to jump in my chest.

"That i wanted to hear." He whispered close to my ear and kissed it while i felt shy on his words and closeness.

"I waited a lot." Whispering close to my ear he started to kiss my face and i felt my breath going ragged with his every touch.

My eyes closed down as his lips start roaming on my face to neck kissing me passionately while his hands start touching me freely and i was getting restless under him, for him

"Aarham." Breathlessly, I called him who was not stopping his intense kisses and touch which was making me restless and shy.

"Aarham." I called him again who came to face me and our eyes met while our breaths tangled with each other.

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