《Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).》Honeymoon (2)


My eyes were on her who was sleeping peacefully near me. Propping up a little on my elbow, I rested my head on my hand and turned to left side where she was sleeping. Blanket was covering her jut her arms were out of it. Her long beautiful hair were spread on the pillow. My eyes were fixed on her innocent face which was pulling me to her second by second. She moved a little in sleep. Her hand fall on my chest and her fingers held my shirt like always and I smiled more looking at her hold.

"Mehak." I placed my hand on her and moved closer.

Wrapping my arm around her,I pulled her closer to me. On my sudden act,her eyes snapped open and she looked at me.

"Good morning Mehak." I said and kissed her cheek.

Her fragrance was too good that I inhale it while closing my eyes. My hand moved to her head and my fingers interlinked with her beautiful hair.

"So beautiful." I whispered in her ear and I felt her hand shivered on my shirt.

I moved back still feeling her hair with my fingers. I saw her cheeks flashed in crimson colour making me smile. I keep looking at her and her eyes were shivering on my continue gaze.

"Aarham we should get up now." I heard her but I was not in mood of leaving her.

After our marriage this was going to be our first time when no one was going to disturb us. For nothing. We were alone and I just keep wanted to look at her. No disturbance and we alone. I was happy that today we were not going to have any knock on door or a call for breakfast or any interruption from anyone. There was no one today between us to disturb us.

"I don't think so." I said and pulled her completely in my arms and hugged her.

"I'm not going to leave you soon today." I said feeling her close to my heart.

"And why is that?" She asked while holding me back.

"The first morning we are alone without any disturbance. It feels so good." I said and inhaled her fragrance which was like addiction.

"You smell so good." I whispered while removing her hair from her ear and kissed it.

"Aarham." I heard her shy voice and moved back to see the colour of shyness on her beautiful face.

Her eyes were lowered and pink cheeks were pulling me closer to her. I forgot to blink. Leaning on her cheeks,I pressed my lips on both of her cheeks.

"You look beautiful when you shy." I whispered and kissed her nose.

"My shy Mehak." I said and kissed her eyes.

As I moved back,she hide herself in my arms making me smile. I knew she was shying to face me. So I wrapped my arms around her without saying anything. My fingers were playing with her hair and she maybe listening my heart beat. We were lost in each other's feel when we heard a door bell.

"Who is there to disturb us?" I said but keep laying there with my Mehak in my arms.

Again a door bell and I didn't move. For the third time again a door bell and now I was getting irritated and angry.

"Aarham there is someone on the door." Mehak said and we both get up.

"Who is hell is there to disturb our romance?" I said stepped out of the bed.


Whoever is there,I was going to kill. I mean there not such thing of privacy and not disturbance.

"Aarham please calmly." She came behind me and I nodded.

As I opened the door,I heard a voice.

"Room service Sir."

I have to be there,to see her.

He thought and got up. But how? How will I be there in there room? He thought. He wanted to know their next plan of today? Today he was going to end Aarham's life who took everything from him,he thinks of like that.

"My career,my business, my place and now my Mehak. He was always a step ahead of me in everything. He took everything from me. He got what I always wanted." He was mumbling like a crazy man and roaming here and there thinking a way to be there in their room.

He stopped on his place as he got an idea and he smiled evilly. Freshen up,he made his way out of his room. His feet were moving toward the stuff side. As he reached there,he stepped toward the room service apartment. A lot of girls and boys were there,arranging things on their trolleys for room service.

"Hey." He called one the boy.

"Yes sir." He said and came closer to him.

"I need your help and you'll be rewarded." He said and and the boy looks on.


He stepped out of the stuff room with carrying a trolley. He touched his face where he applied a fake beard to change his getup. In hotel stuff uniform with thick beard on his face and big white glass glasses were on his eyes,hiding his real identity. As he was few step away from Aarham's room,he saw his bodyguards there standing. Both Abbas and Ali were there since early morning to perform their duty and now he was getting it difficult to get inside.

"Damn his bodyguards!" He cursed under his breath.

He walked slowly and stopped in front of their room. Abbas and Ali got alerted.

"Who are you?" Abbas asked.

"Room service sir." He said.

Both Abbas and Ali keep looking at him for few second. He was getting tense on their eyes.

"Your I'd?" Ali asked and now he was in trouble.

"Sorry sir I think I forgot it in my room." He managed an answer.

"That's not good. I think there is some problem." Abbas said and both nodded and start checking his stuff he was carrying.

"Believe me sir. I'm from room service apartment. I forgot my I'd in store maybe." He said.

"But you first said that you forgot it in your room. And now store room. Abbas this guy is not good. I sense some problem." Ali said suspiciously.

"Believe me sir." He said but truly he was getting tense to be caught.

He couldn't get caught not now.

"Okay wait sir." He said and was about to walk back when his eyes caught the same service boy who helped him in coming here.

"He's my friend. He can tell you." He said and called that boy.

"Michael." He called that boy.

He came to them and looked at him.

"Tell them that I'm also an employee here." He said and Michael nodded.

"Yes sir. You maybe finding his I'd. He forgot it in store room."Michael said and both Abbas and Ali looked at each other.

Michael showed his ow I'd card to them and they nodded.


Satisfying with his appearance and I'd they let him rang the bell. He press the door bell. Once,twice but door didn't opened. His mind took him in the world of imagination where he could see both Mehak and Aarham sleeping together. Their intimacy, and closeness burned him from inside and he pressed His hand again on door bell. He keep ringing the bell. He just wanted to see what was happening inside. He wanted to separate Mehak from Aarham and wanted to keep her at distance from him.

"Come on." He again rang the bell.

"What the hell are you doing? They must be sleeping. You can go. They will call you when sir needs you." Abbas said and pushed him a little back from door.

The door opened this time and he saw Aarham standing in front of him.

"Room service Sir." He immediately said.

"Is this a way to ring a bell? And if we were not opening the door,you should have go." Aarham scolded him.

He fisted his hand on Aarham's harshness and on his bodyguards behavior. But it was also not his fault because he was the one who disturb his romance.

"Sorry sir. I apologize. Next time I won't do this. Just came to place these towels and clean your room." He said politely trying hard to control his anger.

"Be careful next time." Aarham said and move aside to give him place.

He stepped in. His eyes roamed to find Mehak but she was not there. He started to clean the room to show Aarham who was keeping an eye on him.

"Aarham." Mehak called Aarham and his sharp ears fixed their full hearing power on the couple.

Aarham moved toward their bedroom side and here he got restless. He took all the roses from their room and clean it in anger. He tried to hear them but he couldn't get anything. Taking the towels he walked toward their bedroom side. Without making any noise, he entered there but there was no one. His eyes went to the bed where a lot of creases were created there. The blanket was falling down the bed. He closed his eyes to control his anger.

"Excuse me Sir." He called for Aarham.

Aarham came out of the dressing room with a smile on his face. He looked at him.

"Where should I keep them?" He asked Aarham.

"In washroom." Aarham said and he nodded.

After placing towels in washroom he stepped out and look around to find Mehak but she didn't came out of dressing room. His eyes were longing to see her but she was busy with her,Aarham.

"Listen." Aarham called him when he was about to go.

"Here is your tip." Aarham passed some money to him

He looked at his hand and then at him angrily. But faked a smile and took the money.

"Thank you Sir and enjoy." He said and turned but stopped.

"Sir I can help you with vehicle if you have planned to go somewhere." He said tried to know their plan.

"No thank you. I have my own car." Aarham said and he nodded.

He stepped out of the room and Aarham closed the door behind him.

"Where you will hide from me? Today I'm going to end your life." He said looking at the room door and then pushed the trolley to move back.

He went to open the door and I went to take his clothes out. Its was already too late for us. It was 9 of the morning and we were still in our room in our night dress. But what could I say my husband's romance was not getting over. I smilingly remembered his morning romance which made my heart to beat again that faster. I took his clothes out but I thought to ask him.

"Aarham." I called him as I placed the lemon colour shirt and blue jeans, supported with black blazer.

In few second he appeared in front of me with a beautiful smile. Standing behind me,he encircled his arms around my waist and I got nervous.

"I can see how much you missed me." He whispered in my ear and kissed it.

"Aarham what are you doing?" I tried to remove his arms from me.

He came in front of me and I lowered my eyes.

"Are these clothes okay?" I asked pointing toward his dress.

"You took out so they are perfect." He answers and Kissed my forehead.

"What are you going to wear?" He asked and turned to my suitcase.

And here I got panicked. Really what I was going to wear?? I thought and held his arm to stop him from to unlock the suitcase.

"I'll... I'll choose." I said and tried to smile.

"Is everything okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"I don't think so." He said and unlocked the suitcase.

"Aarham please." I tried to stop him but he opened the suitcase and I closed my eyes.

"Sarees." He said and I opened my eyes.

"That...Aabia replaced my all clothes with these sarees." I said while playing with my fingers.

"Awesome. That's like my sister." He said and my jaw dropped in shock.

He start checking the sarees and I was just looking at his happy face. He was surely Aabia's brother. Both were same. There was no doubt. He turned to me with a saree of red colour in his hand. He stood in front of me and brought his hand forward.

"This." He said and I sighed.

Again red! This boy was crazy for red. Whenever he choose my dress,he choose only red colour for me and somewhere I loved it.

"Excuse me!" We heard a voice and he walked out of the dressing room and I keep standing there looking at the saree I was holding.

Few minutes later later,he came and saw me standing in the same position.

"I'm going to get ready and after that we'll go to see the beautiful southern Highlands." He said and before going to washroom he peck my cheek and went inside.

I shyly smiled and went toward our bed and start cleaning it. Straightening bedsheet,I covered the blanket.

I checked my mobile and saw a lot of msgs of Aabia. I smiled and start reading her naughty msgs. I look behind at the door of washroom and then dialed a number.

Zeeniya was sleeping as it was still 5 of the morning. There was still time for Fajar prayer. Her mobile start ringing which made her to open her eyes. She looked at her mobile and then turned to see,Jahan who was sleeping peacefully. She sat up and took her mobile from side table and look at the I'd. She got tensed when she saw Mehak's name flashing on the screen.

"Why did she called so early in the morning?" Zeeniya thought and hurriedly received the call.

"Assalam-o-alikum mama." She heard Mehak's voice.

"Walikumusalam. Is everything okay beta?" Zeeniya asked concerned.

"Yes everything is okay." Replied Mehak.

"So why you called so early in the morning?" Zeeniya asked and made her way out of bed.

She walked out of bed and walked toward window,and stood at a distance from Jahan.

"Its 5 of morning here Mehak." Zeeniya said and in other side Mehak's eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have disturb your sleep. You sleep,I'll talk to you later." Mehak said and was about to cut the call.

"Wait. Its okay. I was about to get up to offer prayer. Tell me what happened?" Zeeniya asked and Mehak took few seconds to think.

"Aabia... Aabia replaced my all dresses with..with..." Mehak's tongue stopped for a second.

"With?" Zeeniya asked.

"With Saree. There are only saree in my luggage and I don't know how to..." Mehak leaved last sentence incomplete.

"How to?" Zeeniya teased her as she got what Mehak wanted to say.

"I don't know how to wear it? Aarham asked me to get ready but what to do with this saree? Mama I'm so confused. Can you help me?" She asked and zeeniya smiled on her innocence.

"No I won't help you." Zeeniya said and on other side Mehak's face fell sad.

"My son will help you." Zeeniya's tone changed making Mehak startled.

Mehak's eyes widen on what zeeniya said and on her silence zeeniya laughed.

"Ask Aarham to help you. He knows how yeo wear saree." Zeeniya said but Mehak remain quiet.

"Mehak." Zeeniya called her and Mehak came to her senses.

"To ask Aarham.?" Mehak questioned.

"Yes." Zeeniya said which made Mehak's heart beat faster.

"Mama that... You help me na please." Mehak said and tried to get help from zeeniya.

"No ask your husband." Zeeniya said once again and Mehak start biting her lips as her hands start shaking thinking about Aarham helping him in wearing saree.

"I..I..feel shy. How..can I ask him and stand in front of him?" Mehak said shyly looking down.

"It happens. We girls feel shy but he's your husband so feel free." Zeeniya said but that didn't help her.

"I can't even look in his eyes longer and you are telling me to ask him to help me in wearing saree!" Mehak said innocently which made zeeniya to smiled and she remembered her own days with Jahan as newly wed.

"Why can't you? This shyness is bringing you both closer and I could see your reflection in his eyes. So whenever you will see in his eyes,you'll find yourself in them. And that's dear will fade all hesitation you feel around because your own eyes are filled with his dreams. Take care and don't think too much. Just ask him to help you. He'll be glad to help you." Zeeniya said and cut the call without listening her.

She turned and saw her husband sleeping. Walking to him,her mind was recalling all the days she spend with him. Her shyness, his boldness. His love,passion and care for her,everything was bringing a huge smile on her lips. Sitting besides him,she pressed her lips on his cheeks which made Jahan to come out of sleep.

"I love you." zeeniya said and crease his face.

"Love you too." He said and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up on bed and hugged her.

She smiled on his craziness and hugged him back who was already back in sleep.

I looked at my mobile and sighed. I called mama to get help but she pushed me toward Aarham. God now what I was going to do..

The thought of his being closed to me was enough to create a storm of sensations inside me. My forehead filled with sweat and I felt my hand shaking. I got up and turn around still thinking what to do. As I turned,I saw Aarham standing fully dressed but he didn't combed his hair. Towel was in his hand means he came out of washroom and was there for a while.

"So..!" He said and threw the towel on bed and took step toward me.

My feet faltered a little and I took a step back. I could see how much he was enjoying my condition. My lips hot dry all of sudden and my sweat start moving down on my face from my forehead.

"So you don't know how to wear saree?" He asked still coming closer.

"I..I..know." I lied.

"Really!" He covered the distance and pulled me to him and then pressed me with wall and come closer.

"So mom gives you tips right?" He asked and my eyes lowered down on the tips mama gave me.

"Aarham I know how to wear the saree. Let me go." I said hurriedly and pushed him back.

I took two steps to run away from his eyes which were creating a havoc inside me. But he held my wrist and my heart jumped in my ribcage. He pulled me to him and I collied with his chest. He encircled his arm around me.

"I can help you like my mom said." He said with a devilish smirk on his face but still it was enough to send butterflies in my stomach.

"And I heard you said you feel shy to even look in my eyes!? Is it true?" He asked only to tease me.

I could see the naughtiness on his face. My eyes lowered down and I tried to free myself but his hold was tight. Suddenly a door bell and his grip loosen around me. I pulled myself back and ran inside the washroom. I heard his laughter behind me and I smiled shyly.


I was standing in dressing room. Looking myself in the mirror and then my eyes went down at the saree where I was trying to drape it. My wet hair were hanging on my shoulders also disturbing me. I made a messy bun and looked up at me in mirror. Thankful the blouse was full. My waist was not visible and that was enough for me. But these drapes. I was not getting it.

"I think my wife needs my help." His voice appeared.

"No...I...can do it." I said and tried once again.

"Its already 10. The breakfast is also here. Hurry up." His voice again.

I keep trying and almost 10 minutes passed. But I was not succeed. I huffed.

"That's it. I'm coming." He said and my eyes widened.

He entered and I looked down.

"Its so easy and you are taking so much time. Let me help you." He said and sat in front of me.

He start draping my saree and my eyes were on him. He keep doing with my saree and I keep looking at him.

"Here it goes." He said as he done with saree.

Placing the drape on my shoulder he turned me toward mirror and took pin and start pinning it with my blouse. My eyes closed down and I fisted my hands because his touch was sending sensations down to my spine and I was not able to control it. His touch give tingling on my shoulder and back of shoulder,his warm breath which was falling on my earlobe,he didn't know what he was doing to me.

"Done." He said and I opened my eyes.

"Thank you." I said looking down.

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