《Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).》Romantic morning.


"We are so late." Zeeniya said while combing her hair.

Jahan smiled looking at her. He took off his glasses and walked to her. Hugging her from behind he put his chin on her shoulder.

"Relax. Sometimes its good to be late." Jahan whispered while kissing her cheek.

Zeeniya smiled and leaned back to rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so happy. Aarham is getting close to Mehak." Zeeniya said while wrapping her arms around Jahan's arms.

"I told you. Love pulls. Both are coming closer. Just don't think too much." Jahan said while relaxing her.

She nodded and smiled looking at her loving husband who was always there for her to relax her. To be with her. To just vanish her all worries. She turned to him and start butting his coat and put glasses on his eyes.

"Thank you." she said and he kissed her forehead.

"I love you." He said making her smile.

"Love you more." She replied and both laughed looking at each other.

"Come everyone would be waiting on breakfast table." Jahan said and both walked out of the room with hands in hands.

As they reached near the breakfast table they saw their whole family was there waiting for them.

"Assalam-o-Alikum everyone." Jahan said looking at all of them.

"Wasalaam." All replied.

Both took their seats and zeeniya look around to find Sameer. Aabia and shamsa chuckled and zarnish with Roshaane look down to hide their smiles.

"Mom you must be searching your Sameer." Shazam said and zeeniya nodded.

"There he is." Shazam said and zeeniya looked at the direction.

Zeeniya could see Sameer laying on the front sofa of hall which was visible from this dinning side. His arms and one leg was hanging down from sofa and he was in deep sleep. Everyone tried to control their laugh. Zeeniya sighed looking at his crazy son.

She walked to Sameer and slowly took his leg to put it on sofa. Going again in her room she took the blanket and went back to hall to cover Sameer with that blanket. Taking his head in her lap she sat on sofa and start running her fingers in his hair. All family members were smiling looking at the love of mother and son. Zeeniya kissed Sameer's forehead and slowly got up after placing his head on cushion. Walking back to the breakfast table she was smiling.

"Mom your elder son is still in his room. Can I go to call him?" Aabia said and was about to get up.

"No. Let them sleep. They slept very late last night and both were so tired." Zeeniya stopped Aabia and she nodded.

Everyone started their breakfast. Mr.Ahmad was making jokes with his grandchildren. Everyone was smiling and laughing.

Snuggling in the warmness a smiled touched my lips. Resting my head on something I felt so good. Something moved on my waist making me feel so good and ticklish. Suddenly I realized something. My eyes snapped open. I blinked my eyes to wake myself completely. I felt a warm breath on my neck. I slowly moved a little back and his face appeared to me. We were still in the same condition in which we slept last night. Laying side by side hugging each other. My eyes were stuck on his sleeping face. His breath was falling on my face tingling my heart. I tried to move a little but his hold was so tight holding me close to his heart like last night. He moved a little in sleep and I immediately closed my eyes to pretend me asleep. He straighten on bed pulling me on him. My heart was beating as hell. What he was doing to me. Few seconds later I opened my eyes and look up at his face. A breath of relieve released from my lips as I saw him sleeping. I look at myself and a blush creep on my cheeks as I was laying on top of him on his chest. Pulling my hand from his back I rested it on his chest. I felt his heart beat under my hand and I smiled. Leaning toward his chest I rested my head on it to hear the rhythm of his heart beat. A smiled touched my lips and my eyes closed with the music of his heart beat. My other hand tangled with his shirt button and my fingers start playing with it. It was strange. Everything I was doing feeling everything was increasing strange feelings inside me.


"Aarham." I called him.

I don't know why but at that time I feel the urge to call him. To take his name.

"Aarham." I whispered again while feeling him hearing the melody of his heart beat and mine creating together.

Slowly I looked up. He was still in his deep slumber. I knew he was so tired. After all the office work and the vallima function and after that the beach game. The water fun and the cold. A smiled suddenly appeared on my lips thinking about the last night adventure and then his care. When he pulled me toward him last night my heart was about to stop. I don't know how I just hugged him and when he wrapped around me the feeling was awesome. All coldness faded away in his arms and all night I slept peacefully in his protective arms.

"Aarham." I called him again as my eyes were capturing his every feature.

His beautiful nose,his eyes covered with long lashes,his hair messed up but still making him handsome and hot. My tongue was caught in my teeth as I thought of him as hot. A shy smile touched my lips and my hand moved toward his face. My eyes moved from his eyes to his jaw to his ear. My fingers slowly touched his right ear and I felt a sweet pinch in my heart. I was touching him. This thought made me shy but my heart was compelling to keep touching him. My fingers moved to his jaw tracing it. Thin beard was visible on his jaw just below his cheeks making him more adorable. My fingers touched his little shave while moving to his jaw to his chin. Holding his chin in my thumb and forefinger I caress it a little while smiling. With my every touch on him it was giving me butterflies in my stomach, tingling in my heart. I never thought in my life that one day I will be doing this. Touching and caressing someone's face. A face which I never get tired of looking at. My eyes will never avert from him. They won't tired in gazing him. My fingers were still caressing his jaw feeling him.

"Hmmm." He hummed a little in sleep and his head moved making me freeze on the spot.

I immediately removed my hand from his face and closed my eyes after resting my head on his chest. He hugged me tightly again and moved to left side landing me on bed but still in his arms. It was like I was his doll and he was carrying me with him on every move he made. I smiled with close eyes still glued to his chest. Slowly I dare to moved back and opened my eyes to see him. At the same time he opened his eyes and our eyes met.

"Good morning." His sexy sleepy voice fluttered my heart and my eyes moved to his ruffle hair spread on his forehead.

Sexy!!! Did I just said???

What is happening to me???

Language Mehak!!

"Good morning." I said and look down as I couldn't see in his heated eyes longer.

"Still feeling cold?" He asked and my heart jumped on his question.

My eyes start shivering as I felt his light touch on my face. His fingers playing with a hair lock hanging on my temple. His light but heated touch was destroying the peace of my heart.

"Mehak." He called me and I look up in his heated eyes.

But before he could say something a hard knock on the door disturbing us. We both came out of the lost condition and sat up immediately. We both look at each other and then to the clock.


9 of the morning!!!!

My eyes widened and I immediately grabbed my dupatta and ran to open the door which was again being knocked. I turned to see Aarham who fall back again on bed and closed his eyes. Covering my head with my dupatta I opened the door and guess what who was standing!!!

Miss Aabia.!!!

"Bhabhi." She squealed and hugged me.

"Good morning." She said while moving back.

"Good morning." I said with a smile.

"Is Bhai still sleeping??" She asked and I turned to see Aarham.

"He's." I said as I saw his closed eyes.

"Don't you think you both slept a lot today?" She said and winked with a naughty giggle.

"Aabia." I stopped her and she hugged me again.

"Mom is calling you both down." She said and I nodded.

She left and I closed the door. As I turned I saw him seated on bed with his back touched the headboard. His eyes were on me and I felt nervous under his eyes. I walked to the wardrobe and start searching for the dress.

"Choose red." His voice made me stop on my place.

I turned to see him who came out of bed and walked to me. I got nervous on the way he was looking at me. I turned to wardrobe again and start checking my clothes when I felt his warm breath touched my ear.

"This." He whispered while his hand travelled to my hand.

Taking my hand in his,he brought to the the red frock hanging in front of me. My heart was beating as hell in my ribcage and my cheeks heated up. I could feel him so close to me. His breath was continuously teasing my earlobe making my ears heated.

"This is perfect for you." He whispered again in my ear.

My knees were going weak on his this closeness. My heart was about to come out of my ribcage. His touch,his breath,his closeness was making me crazy.

"Mehak." He whispered again calling me.

Turning me to him,my eyes lower down as I was feeling his eyes on me.

"This colour become my favourite after seeing you in it last night." He whispered again and I looked up in his eyes.

He smiled and left from there to the washroom but I was standing still lost in his words. I was still under his influence. His words,his whispers,his feel everything was tingling my heart. I turned to wardrobe again and hold the dress and a huge smile appeared on my lips.

"Aarham." I smiled while looking at the red frock.

With the smile and his thoughts I start cleaning our bed. I turned again to my dress and picked it in my hands.

Going to the mirror I looked at myself. Smile with blush was visible on my face. All the moments of last night were showing its glimpses to me making me smile and shy. I didn't know how much time I keep standing there.

"Mehak." His voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Huh!" I turned to him.

I saw him drying his hair with towel. He walked to me and I saw him still in sleeping dress.

"My dress?!" He asked and I hit my forehead mentally as I forgot to take his suit out.

I nodded and walked to his side of wardrobe. Taking his dark blue shirt with black pant and coat I turned to place it in dressing room.

"Gave it to me. You go and get ready." He said and I nodded.

After giving him his clothes I rushed to washroom to take a bath. After bath and changing into my frock I came out with my hair wrapped in towel. As I stepped out a cold breeze touched me making me shiver. I look at the direction and saw him standing in the balcony. The balcony doors were open and so were the windows. Cold air was coming directly in room making me freeze.

"Aarham." I called him and he turned and as he saw me he smiled.

"See the weather." He said while coming closer to me.

"Come." He said and held my hand and drag me out with him to the balcony.

Cool breeze touched me and I shivered with cold. The sky was gilled with clouds. The first rain of winter was going to pour.

"Its so good. I just love this weather." He said while looking at the sky.

I smiled on his childish act. But his smile was causing me to smile. My lips stretched into a smile as he was smiling feeling the cool breeze playing with us.

"Its...getting cold." I said while rubbing my hands together.

He turned to me on my voice. I startled on the look appeared on his face. As he took a step closer I took a back. The game started and we both just keep playing it. He was coming closer and I was stepping back. My heart was tingling on his gaze. I stopped as my back touched the wall. He smiled and ended the distance between us. Placing his hands on both sides of wall he leaned on my ear.

"Again feeling cold?" He asked in a whisper sending chills to my spine.

He moved back and look at me. I looked at him for once and then look down. He didn't know what he was doing to me. His closeness was making me crazy. My heart was beating so fast that I thought he might heard it.

"You know I have the solution for your cold." He whispered again in my ear sending butterflies in my stomach.

With a twitch he pulled the towel from my hair and throw it aside. I looked up in shock and he leaned more closer. My wet hair were hanging on my shoulder moving with every attock of air. His fingers touched the hair strands on my face.

"This..." He said and paused.

Looking in my eyes he smiled. Taking my hand in his he placed it on his heart. My palm could feel again the beautiful beat of his heart.

""Can you feel it?" He asked while pressing his hand on mine.

"Tell me what are you feeling?" He asked and I didn't know what to say.

His every beat on my palm was tingling my heart. The warmth of his hand was developing strange feelings inside me.

"Your heart beat." I answered.

"It runs faster when it feels you around." His confession made me shock.

"You are doing this." He said while pressing a little hard his hand on mine which was placed on his heart.

I blinked my eyes and look down at my hand. I could feel his heart beat which was so fast. Why didn't I felt it before? I asked to myself but I think I knew the reason. Mine was also the same. My heart was beating as fast as his was. Our hearts were beating fast for each other. They start beating for each other.

"Mehak." He called me and I closed my eyes.

Every time he took my name it felt new and lovable. I was lost in his voice when we heard a knock. We both startled and again a knock.

"Bhai. Bhabhi." Roshaane's voice came.

I looked up in his eyes. He was smiling. Removing hair lock from my face he cupped it and my eyes closed down and my hand fisted his shirt as I felt his lips on my forehead. A smile touched my lips with the feel of his lips. So softly he pecked my forehead and moved back. I opened my eyes and didn't dare to look up at him.

"Go." He said and tried to step back.

But stopped as my hand was still fisting his shirt. I looked at my hand and then at him. Feel embarrassed I pulled my hand back and rolled my hair into a bun. He walked to the door and I moved to the dressing table to take my dupatta. Slipping my earrings in my ears I saw Roshaane coming with zarnish.

"Mashallah Bhabhi you are looking so beautiful." Both said as they reached me.

"Thank you." I said turning to them.

"Bhabhi mom is waiting. Today you both are going to your parents house as per ritual so she's waiting as you both are already late." Roshaane said and I start combing my hair.

"Its not my fault. Its your Bhabhi." Aarham took part.

I looke at his reflection. He smiled beautifully making me lower my eyes.

"Bhai." We turned and saw my both brother in law and Aabia with shams bhai standing.

I covered my head with dupatta and Aabia walked to me.

"Bhabhi thank you." She said as she hugged me.

"For what?" I asked her who started slipping bangles in my arms.

"For the first time Aarham Jahan Ahmad is coming out of his room at 9:30 of the morning and its all because of you." Aabia said making me go red and I saw Aarham's cheeks going light pink.

I hide my smile and looked at my arms which were filled with red bangles.

"Bhabhi are you going to stay at your parents today?" Shazam asked and I really didn't know what to say.

I looked at Aarham who was also looking at me. Aabia turned me to her and took me to the sofa.

"Oh God who opened this balcony door ??" Sameer asked while going to the balcony to close the door.

My cheeks heated up thinking about the morning closeness. I didn't dare to looked at him. All boys took seat with Aarham on bed and start talking.

"Bhai if Bhabhi is going to stay in her parents home then today I'll sleep with you." Sameer said while hugging Aarham making all of us smile.

"Who is going to stay?" We turned on the voice and saw zeeniya aunty standing.

"Mom." Aarham said and she entered.

Coming to me she sat next to me.

"Assalam-o-Alikum Aunty." I said looking at her.

"Wasalaam. But no Aunty call me mom Ami,Amma whatever you like but no aunty." She said making me smile.

"Okay?" She asked and I nodded.

"Okay mama." I said and she hugged me.

"Come on. Breakfast is ready. And then you both have to go. Your parents would be waiting." Mama said and I nodded.

"And one more thing I'm also your mama now not only Aarham's. Feel it home beta. This is your family." She kissed my forehead while saying.

I smiled with happiness and this time I hugged her with love.

"Thank you." I said and moved.

"Welcome beta. Now come its getting late." Mama said and left from there.

I looked at him who's eyes I was feeling on me all the time. He was just looking at me not moving not saying anything.

"Bhabhi we are going. You come after getting ready." Aabia said and winked before going out.

All left leaving us alone. I walked again to the mirror to comb my hair. I was feeling his eyes on me. My hands were shivering while combing my hair. After clipping my hair and placing my dupatta on my shoulders I turned to see him who was standing still in the same position.

"I'm ready.!" I said looking at him.

He nodded and took his coat to wear. I saw him taking his wallet and mobile. I took a step toward the door when he called me.

"Mehak." And I stopped on his voice.

Turning to him I waited for him to say what he wants to.

"Um,..are...are you really going to stay at your parents tonight?" He asked and my heart jumped.

" Um,..are...are you really going to stay at your parents tonight?" I asked.

I don't know why I asked this but I just asked compelled by my heart. Her cheeks turned into light pink colour and eyes lowered down.

"Everyone is waiting." She said instead of answering me.

I saw her walking out of the room and I just sighed. Going after her I was just thinking about is she really to stay tonight at her parents?

We reached in hall. Our breakfast was served there. Taking seat there I started my Breakfast and Mehak only took tea. Aabia started talking to Mehak while I start checking my mails on my mobile while having my breakfast.

"Bhabhi tell me are you going to stay at your parents tonight or not so I can decide." Sameer asked and I mentally Palmer my face.

Here I didn't want her to stay and my this brother was compelling her to stay. Her eyes again met mine on Sameer's question.

"Where is Mehak going to stay?" Mom asked as she took seat near Mehak.

"At her parents." Aabia answered.

"If she wants to then we don't have a problem. Beta if you want to stay at your parents for few days we don't have a problem." Mom said and my eyes widened.

She looked up in surprise. Her eyes moved to me and I was already looking at her. Here i didn't want her to go for one night and my mom was giving her permission stay for few days. Great!. I waited for her answer.

"So you want to stay at your parents?" Mom asked and the cup of tea was about to drop from my hand.

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