《Growing Pains》Chapter 22


The next few days are awkward and I find the entire flat far too stuffy, so I decide to give us some space. I slump back against the park bench, resting my head in my hands as I text Robin and Ash idly. They both reply sporadically as both are in the middle of lectures, but they provide a nice distraction nevertheless.

I sigh heavily, knowing that Sam has a good reason to be angry at me. I don't try hard enough with his friends, it's true and it must be irritating for him. He's always sticking up for me when they get the wrong impression, but I don't care as much as he does when it comes to other people's opinions.

Other people don't know me like Sam does and nobody tries to either. Or perhaps I'm not letting them? I shift uncomfortably, glancing at the time on my phone.

Sam should be out by now, he said he'd be going out for lunch with Elliot and it's now past two in the afternoon. I heave a sigh and get up, walking back towards our flat before pausing for a second. Sam's characteristically curly hair is easy for me to recognise. He's walking hand in hand with Elliot, laughing jubilantly but what really crushes me is that they're both holding Subway sandwiches.

It's petty really, but to me it seems so significant.

He's found someone to replace me, he's found someone to take him on real lunch dates and that really hurts. I turn immediately, attempting to refrain from running as I stride towards the park exit. I tug on my hair viciously, internally kicking myself for missing my opportunity.


I can hear Sam's voice calling and I pause momentarily, wondering if I should pretend not to hear him before ultimately deciding against it. That would surely only make things worse.

I turn and search for his voice, finding it quickly. He's smiling very tentatively, not having spoken to me since yesterday and I can understand why.

They walk over quickly, their hands no longer linked as I shift my weight anxiously.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asks and I shrug.

"I was walking, chatting to Robin and Ash." I mumble, holding up my phone and glancing at Elliot.


"Nice to see you again, Eli." I add, and he nods.


I clear my throat and rub my arm agitatedly.

"I'd like to apologise for how I behaved the other day, it wasn't polite and I'm afraid I gave the wrong impression." I admit, wincing at how overly formal I sound as Elliot's eyes widen slightly at my apology.

"Oh, I didn't..I thought you were alright, I mean we only met for a minute." He admits and I nod, biting my lip and trying not to cringe. I feel so utterly embarrassed and all I want is to escape. My eyes dart around, my fingers twitching.

"Okay, that's great. I'm going to leave you two to it, have a great afternoon." I utter, not able to make eye contact anymore as I back away, waving hopefully somewhat enthusiastically.

"Your roommate is really weird." I hear Elliot mutter and my heart clenches at the sound. Not because of what he said, but because Sam says nothing in response. My legs work harder, my calves burning at how fast I'm walking because I can't bear to be anywhere near them right now.

I groan audibly, wondering when my life had plummeted so drastically. I make my way home sadly, reminiscing all the times that I had been excited to return to the flat we share. I unlock the door, feeling my phone vibrate against my leg. I pull it out and answer it, glad to see Robin's contact on the screen.

"Hey." I answer glumly.

"Hey, you don't sound like a happy chappy." She comments and I huff.

"I'm sorry, things haven't been great recently." I admit and she sighs.

"Talk to auntie Ro." She encourages and I take her hint.

"Sam's seeing this guy and he..."

"Is a massive creep?" She interrupts and I groan.

"No, he's lovely. He makes him laugh, he's cute, he's good to him." I mumble.

"But?" She offers and I sigh.

"There is no but. Sam's smitten with this guy and I have no reason to dislike him either because he's making Sam happy. I'm really trying to be happy and welcoming but all it's resulting in is arguing." I explain and Robin is scarily silent.


"Oh." She whispers and I wait, not sure what to say next.

"I'm so sorry, Eli." She mumbles and I sigh, banging my head against the wall.

"I feel like you've just told me I'm a terminal case." I breathe and she laughs weakly.

"You'll be fine, you're a tough nut, Eli. Protect that squishy centre of yours and...don't give up on him, okay?" She says and I laugh hollowly.

"Why not? It'd be a lot less painful." I grumble, rubbing my chest.

"You two are meant to be, I'm sure of it." She says confidently, but I roll my eyes.

I go to respond when the door opens, Sam stumbling in lightly. He spots me sat on the stairs almost immediately and I pause, rethinking my response.

"I'll speak to you later, Ro, thanks for the advice." I say softly.

"Anytime, Eli." She chirps, probably sensing that now isn't the time and hanging up before I can.

Sam shrugs off his jacket, his attention awkwardly diverted and I sigh, pulling myself upstairs. Being alone is starting to feel more welcoming than the company of my best friend and that scares me. I pull open my bedroom door and slump into my chair, settling my attention on my neglected English work.

I gruel through half an hour of research and notes before I'm interrupted by a soft tap on my door.

"Come in." I mumble, hearing the door open at my request.

"Are you busy?" Sam asks and I sigh, dropping my pen. I could humour him, but I'm not really in the mood to give up my task for him.

"Sort of, what do you need?" I ask, not bothering to look at him.

He shifts against the door frame before deciding to perch on my bed. He shifts for a moment before he deems himself comfortable enough to converse.

"I appreciate you apologising today." He says quietly and I grimace at the reminder.

"No problem." I state, fiddling with my pen as I gauge the atmosphere, which is currently thick and uncomfortable.

"Are we okay?" He asks suddenly, searching my face avidly. I sigh deeply and drop my pen back onto the desk.

"Not really, but we'll be fine." I reply honestly and Sam sighs.

"I'm sorry, it's just...things have been different and I've not been dealing with it well." He admits and I don't exactly disagree.

"It's fine, I'm glad that things are going well for you and Elliot." I mumble, glad that at least one of us is happy.

"Yeah, he's a great guy." He states. I close my eyes, rubbing my temples and praying for him to stop.

"I don't think that it's going to work though." He continues and my eyes snap open again.

"What do you mean?" I ask, his face falling uncomfortably as he flops back onto my bed.

"He's too nice! Me and you have been distant ever since I've been seeing him and besides, he's not the type of person I really want to be with." He says definitively, staring at my ceiling.

"Okay, so what are you going to do now?" I ask, a small smile lingering on my lips. He's hesitant to respond, propping himself up on his elbow and watching me, as if I magically hold the answers.

"I'm not sure yet." He says, looking confused and lost.

"That's okay, we'll figure it out eventually." I assure and he quirks a smile.

"We will?" He asks and I nod. He grins, falling onto his side carelessly and I stand up, falling on top of him and laughing as he wails.

"Get off me, you fat lump!" He cries and I roll off, lying next to him as he huffs. He's silent for a long time and I find myself grinning as the tension in the room is effectively eradicated.

"I know you hated him, by the way." He mumbles and I turn to look at him, shocked.

"How?" I ask, not bothering to hide it. Sam scoffs, rolling his eyes and shoving me.

"Don't lie to me again. I can't date someone you don't approve of." He mutters, sounding betrayed and I nod guiltily, feeling bad for deceiving him, even if I had had good intentions.

"Promise?" He asks and I nod.


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