《Its The Baby》CHAPTER 3


Sanam was doing something on his laptop when Zee approached him. He looked at her surprisingly as she forwarded her favorite chocolate towards him because it rarely happens. She understood the look he gave and eye rolled at him.

"I'm not offering you idiot, I want you to hide it."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because I keep craving for it and I've been eating it like some freaking black hole..... And I don't wanna get fat." She reasoned.

"Love, it's normal to get fat after pregnancy.." He says softly, stating the matter of fact.

"Whatever...just hide it from me where I can't reach it." Sanam huffs taking it from her hand and keeping it down close to her feet.

She looks at him confusingly. "It's not funny Sanam."

"It will get babe, it will." He smirked, getting back to whatever he was doing on his laptop.

She roll her eyes at him, then bend down to get her chocolate as she got this sudden crave of eating those. But she couldn't reach it because of her huge baby bump. She sighs as she straighten herself.

"I told you it will get funny babe." Chuckling to himself he glance at her then back to his laptop as she sent him a dead glare. She carefully sits back on the couch and looked helplessly at her chocolate.

She grinned to herself as she watch Evan approaching them.

"Evan..." It came out like a song, tilting her head, smiling at him. Which made Evan strangely look at her and he guessed that she wants a favor from him, his lip apart to say but was brutally interpreted by Zee.

"Shut up, just pass me that chocolate." She says, pointing at it.

Evan rolled his eyes as he knew this was expected and bends down to grab it.


"EVAN NO!" Sanam stops him.

"EVAN YES!" Zee snap looking at Sanam, who's eyes were already on her.

Evan stood there crossing his hands over his chest, glaring at the couple.

"You know what.." Sanam says before turning his head to Evan.

"Pass that chocolate to her and I'll tell Jiya that it was you who broke her favorite vase that Samar gifted her and not my baby, Yuki (his dog)." Sanam threatened, raising his eyebrows, smirking at the kid.

Which was enough to scare him. His eyes went wide in shock.

"I was never here. I'm out." He pointed his thumb towards his back before swiftly turning in his heels.

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