《Apartment 10A || Steve Rogers, Captain America (BWWM)》11.



I was laughing with Tiffany as my phone started ringing I looked down and seen Commander Hill trying to call me. part of me wanted to ignore the call because I was already too deep in this bullshit with Steve and my father and now Steve is pissed at me.

I picked up the phone writing down notes to help the case out with Jessica. This was my last case at the firm with them due to starting school and wanting to leave because of how everything unfolded with Jason and Jessica.

"Hello?" I answered "your father is in the hospital undergoing surgery in the ICU" hill informed "what?! Why?!" I questioned standing up "he's was found in Steve's apartment, with multiple shot wounds and we don't know who the shooter is" she explained as tears started to form in my eyes. "Okay I'm on my way" I assured.

"I got to go" I said to Tiffany "what happened?!" She asked "my father was shot and he's in the emergency room going through surgery. can I borrow some clothes?! My clothes for work in the morning is dressy" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah of course, do you want me to go with you?" She asked.

"I don't know I maybe in danger and I don't want you out in danger if you don't have to be. so stay here, I'll be back and in the morning I'm leaving ASAP to work." I explained as she nodded.

"Be safe and keep me updated and don't die please?" She asked as I nervously giggled hurrying to get dressed.

I got dressed, placed on a black Nike cap and hugged tiffany before leaving and heading up to the hospital. "Nicolas Fury" I said to the nurse at the desk "I'm sorry miss you can't see him he's in an open surgery and only family is back there " she said "what do you mean I'm his daughter?!" I asked starting to get frustrated but I heard Commander Hills voice interrupting us. "She's with me" she stated as she grabbed my arm lightly leading me to where he was being performed on.


I walked in slowly as Natasha looked back at me and immediately hugged me. I seen Steve look through the glass watching them operate

on Fury's body and he placed his head down. I walked closer to the glass as Steve finally looked at me and I just watched them perform surgery. His heart rate started dropping as they brought the defibrillator out and started shocking his body as tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"You don't need to see this" I heard someone say placing their hand on my shoulder as I turned and seen Rumlow. He faintly smiled and placed his arm around me. Steve looked between us then looked at Rumlow as they just stared at each other for a minute.

"No she's fine" Steve stated as Rumlow started walking me out.

"Rumlow" we heard Steve call out "Keep her safe" Steve said "I will cap" Rumlow assured and turned around continuing to walk me out but I looked back at Steve. "Don't trust him" he mouthed to me as I turned around and continued walking with Rumlow.

"You want any water ,coffee, or anything from the vending machine?" He questioned. "Can you get me some tea?" I questioned as he nodded and motioned me to sit in the chair that was in the hallway of the hospital.

He soon came back with the tea and some sugar packets As I smiled and thanked him. "I wanted to get you out of there you didn't need to see that" he expressed as I faintly smiled. "Yeah" I agreed. "Also I wanted to talk to you about Captain Rogers" he started off.

"what about him?" I asked "we think he's the one who shot your father so, pierce wants to sit down with him tomorrow and wants you to be there since you're Fury's daughter." He explained which threw me off because how did he know I was Fury's daughter? His first time ever seeing me was yesterday and the only people who know I'm Fury's kid is Tiffany, commander Hill, Natasha and now Steve.

"He wants you to help give Rogers the punishment he deserves" he explained as i scrunched my eyes.


"You really think it's Steve?!" I asked as he nodded. "He was in Steve's apartment and it was just them two" he expressed as I looked at him. I felt someone touch my shoulder as I looked up and seen commander Hill she just looked at me as I started crying immediately. She begun rubbing my back as I cried harder. Natasha tried to come up and comfort me but Rumlow stopped the both of them.

I wiped my tears and looked up "you can see his body if you want they cleaned him up. If you don't I can walk you downstairs to your car " Natasha explained as I got up and walked behind her. Steve was standing there with his back against the wall as he was looking at Fury.

I looked at Fury's dead body just laying there. I stood there for a minute thinking and then I placed a kiss on his forehead. I walked out immediately as Steve called my name but I ignored him. He grabbed my hand and I turned around "why the hell was he even in your apartment?!" I asked Steve "I don't know" he said.

"Don't lie to me. Is it because We have issues with each other?!" I questioned "what? No I don't know Y/N" he said as I looked him in his eyes and something told me he was telling the truth. I snatched my hand away and turned around leaving him standing there

as he called my name again grabbing my hand. "Don't trust Rumlow" he said as I looked up at him and looked passed Steve seeing Rumlow and more officers from SHIELD.

"Cap they need you back at SHIELD" Rumlow stated as Steve turned some "okay im coming" he answered before turning back to me "don't tr-" he started off as Rumlow interrupted again "Rogers they need you now" Rumlow stated in a demanding tone as Steve turned some looking back at Rumlow. "I said okay" Steve said with more authority as he turned back to me.

"Do not trust him" he whispered to me as Rumlow grabbed my arm softly "I can take you home" Rumlow said smoothly as Steve just glared at Rumlow. "No I'll make sure she gets home safely" Steve stated. "You are needed back at headquarters"

Rumlow stated in his demanding tone again.

"She just lost her father let me take her home I'll be there after" Steve said with aggression in his voice which made me bite my lip to myself. "Okay hurry up and make sure she gets home safe" Rumlow stated "remember what I said to you Y/N" Rumlow said as I nodded and Steve placed his hand on my back walking us to the elevator.

The elevator closed shut before I placed my hands on my eyes. "I drove myself here" I whispered some "yeah I know I'll follow you because they're everywhere" Steve whispered back looking at the camera in the elevator as the doors to the elevator opened on the lobby floor of the hospital.

Steve held my back as he walked me to the car "what did he say to you?" Steve asked "that you're the one who did it" I said as I looked at him and he opened my car door for me to get in. "Your father is the one who told me to make sure you're safe" Steve assured "put your seatbelt on" he said as I strapped myself in and he closed my door.

I started the car and drove back to my place on purpose just in case I was being followed from the hospital. I got out the car as Steve came up to me "be safe, don't make any calls from your phone or text messages" he instructed as I nodded. "Anything I say tomorrow during the meeting just go along with it" I simply said as he looked at me confused. I then ran into the apartment and peeked out the window. I waited out for about an hour and a half before I went back over to Tiffany's house.

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