Excuse any errors. I didn't proof read.
Milo in the mm. ❤️
2 weeks later.
"Come on, I wanna show you something." Anya said grabbing Milo's hand.
"Where are we going?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows as she walked up the steps to the rooftop of her dorm, when she needed an escape she'd come up here and watch the clouds pass by if it was nice outside.
"You'll see." She smiled as she opened the door to the rooftop, they walked until she found the spot she would normally relax as she laid down.
"Are we even suppose to be up here?"
"It's fine just come lay down." She chuckled seeing how nervous he was.
"Will we get in trouble?" He asked reluctantly as he laid beside her.
"Only if we get caught." She chuckled as he shook his head.
"You're not as innocent as I thought." He mumbled as she pretended to be shocked.
"Yes I am. I honestly just come up here when I wanna get away.." She said watching the clouds move across the sky, it was a little cool outside but the weather in Dallas wasn't too terrible.
Milo glanced over at at her as she looked at the clouds. "It's too quiet up here."
"Just relax, try to clear your mind. I noticed you haven't been switching as much."
"I have but I haven't been rapid switching, that's what you're normally used to seeing." He said playing with the pocket of his sweatpants.
It was quiet for a minute before Anya spoke. "When I was little... My dad used to yell a lot... that why I was crying a few weeks ago it reminded me of him.."
Milo looked over at her and sat up. "I'm sorry.."
"It's ok, I'm just letting you know what happened.. He used to yell a lot but he never hit me.. At least I don't remember him hitting me...I'm ok now, although I don't really talk to him much or my mom. I'm just on my own... Alone." She said as Milo furrowed his eyebrows.
"You're not alone....At least you're not now."
"Because I have you." She smiled as he licked his lips before scooting closer to her.
"Yeah, you have me and three other people living in my head, never a dull moment." He chuckled.
She sat up and looked over at him. "You're so silly
.. but you're also honestly such a strong person."
"I have to be, if I wasn't I would have left this world when all of this stuff started."He admitted refereeing to his personalities.
"I'm glad you didn't.."
"Me too,because I wouldn't have met you."
Anya looked at her hand before he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, a little shocked at what he did she looked over at him.
Not sure of where these emotions were coming from he stood up and walked toward the door of the rooftop, swinging it opened he jogged down the steps with Anya on his heels.
"Milo. Slow down....Milo wait." She said touching his shoulder as her jerked away.
"I told you.. You're getting too close. I-"He was becoming worked up as his hand shook, he was switching and she couldn't stop it.
"Hey.... Hey...Slow deep breaths... In and out."
He followed her as she walked him through the breathing technique. Once he calmed down he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Truth is we care about you.. a lot." He said biting his bottom lip. "We don't want anybody to be mean to you or cause you discomfort.. Jaxon is an asshole sometimes but he's coming around too."
Before Anya could say anything Milo gave her a hug, his arms wrapped around her waist as his face made its way to the crook of her neck. "Don't leave us..."
"I won't." She whispered as they stood in the empty hallway a little still in their hug, he let go and looked into her eyes.
"You ok Milo?"
"Yeah I'm ok.. You're just beautiful that's all."
"Thanks. You're a sweetie."
"I guess so." He chuckled popping the collar of his hoodie as she laughed.
"Let's go do something fun tomorrow night. I'll come pick you up."
"Ohh so now you're the adventurous one? Where's Zane?" Anya chuckled.
"Not sure... He's not around anymore.." He shrugged .
"Where'd he go?"
"I don't know, I'm sure he'll be back though..
Satisfied with his answer she smiled a little. "Where did you wanna go?"
He shrugged. Skating?. I don't know." He said.
"Roller skating? Oh no Milo I don't-" She said waving him off.
"Come on it'll be fun." He said leaning against one of the classroom doors.
"Ok we'll go skating." She agreed to go with him, Milo walked her to her dorm since she needed to get some studying done.
"Since we have to same math class, why don't you just come here and study." She said as he raised his eyebrows a little.
"You sure? I mean we don't wanna invade your personal space."
"It's fine. If anything we'll go to the library. it's open 24 hours I think."
Milo thought about it for a minute and shrugged, he didn't mine studying as long as it meant that they'd been together. "Sure. You wanna go now?"
"Yes. We have a test coming up. Let me grab my books, you can come in."
Milo shook his head."I'll wait out here, you go on." He said clutching his book and sketch pad.
Why didn't you go in? That was another voice taunting him, he couldn't recognize it though but he knew it wasn't Jaxon or Sai. "Who are you?" He mumbled still waiting for Anya to come out of her room.
I don't have a name just yet.. But I know I'm here to cause more mischief..I'm not really sure. "I have Jax for that, you can go away now." He mumbled clutching his book tighter.
Just know that I'm a mixture of you both...You and Jaxon at least...I guess Sai is on his own... Just call me Atlas man. The voice said as he sat down on the bench next to Anya's bedroom he brought his elbows to his knees and put his head in his hands. One voice left and another one showed up, it was like a cycle.
Oh, just for a heads up.. I do have an age. It's 18..
Milo's alters usually had no ages so this was new to him, he tapped his foot against the floor before glancing at the window.
Just let me take over for a while I got this.. I think, beside you need a break. Milo took a deep breath and allowed Atlas to take over, standing up he knocked on Anya's door.
"I'm sorry I had to use the restroom. You ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"You're gonna come study with me."
The confused look on his face cause her to sit her books down on the bench next to him.
"You're not Milo. I can tell... But you're not Jaxon or Sai either so which one are you now?" She asked noticing his change in mood and gestures.
He looked over at her when he sat beside her running his hand over his face. "Atlas. I'm new.. Just showed up today I assume I'm taking Zane's spot for a while and I'm confused right now.." He sighed.
"Don't be. I'll help you."
"It's just general confusion.. just trying to process everything, I'll be fine in a minute.. I hope."
"Well I'll introduce myself again-"
"No need." He said waving her off. "I know who you are I'm just confused about the switching... Like I just popped up." He shrugged. "Maybe they needed me."
"Maybe so." Anya smiled before standing up, Atlas followed behind her as they went into the library. It was empty for the most part, they sat at a table by the bookshelves and pulled out the assignment they needed to have done.
"Hm?" She said focusing on her work., she was doing one of the complicated questions on the assignment that Atlas happened to finish.
"You got a boyfriend?"
Anya's face turned red as she looked up at him. She wasn't expecting him to ask that. "No I don't actually."
"Aight cool. Now I can spit my game. You cute as hell."
"Atlas.. I don't think Milo would want you flirting with me."
He sucked his teeth. "Jax said you're getting too close but shit.. I don't even care."
Anya laughed covering her mouth, Atlas was slouching in the chair giving her eye contact.
"Can you stop?" She chuckled as he laughed. Atlas leaned forward with his arms on the table.
"My bad ma."
"Atlas,how old are you?" She asked.
"I'm 18." He shrugged and that's when it clicked for her. He even acted like a teenager, straightforward and blunt. "I really don't feel like studying.. I wanna go play ball and I'm hungry as hell." He said standing up from the table.
She watched him walk over to her side of the table and sit lazily in the chair next to her. "We have to study Atlas we have a test on Monday."
"Shit we got all weekend. I'm gonna go shoot hoops. Yo who the hell picked this outfit? I need to go to the mall." He said standing up and walking away from her.
Anya's mouth dropped as she watched him walk away carelessly. She chuckled a little before gathering all of their stuff to take back to her room.
She knew he had his phone on him so she decided to go find him just to make sure he didn't get into any trouble.
Atlas was on his way to the gym he was co-conscious at the moment meaning that he was doing everything but Jaxon was also coming through controlling his emotions which caused him to have a bit of an attitude.
The gym was empty so he grabbed a basketball and dribbled before hearing the door open.
"There you are." Anya said walking toward him.
He rolled his eyes and continued dribbling. "If you're trying to get me to come study, it's not gonna work. I told you I didn't want to."
"I wasn't." She said putting her hands up. "Our books are in my dorm room. I came to make sure you stayed out of trouble."
"What are you my mother?" He said screwing his face up.
"You're cranky."
"Nah.. I think we're gonna head home though.. we don't really don't wanna be around you right now.. You're a little annoying."
Anya didn't like the sudden attitude Altas was giving off.
You're upsetting her stop. There was Milo trying to come through but Atlas wasn't having it. "No I'm not upsetting her.. She's annoying." He scoffed tossing the ball across the room.
Anya didn't really know how to feel but her feelings were a little hurt. She didn't like Atlas now that he was treating her differently, she wanted Milo or at least Jaxon back. She sighed and folded her arms before turning around and walking away from him. If he didn't want to be nice to her then she'd stay away from him for time being.
"Whatever." Atlas mumbled leaving the school all together and heading home, looking down at his phone he rolled his eyes at the text from their therapist Brianna asking Milo to come in for a session.
He started the engine of his car and headed to her office.
I can already tell this it's gonna go well at all. "Shut the fuck up." He mumbled making a turn at the light.
You didn't have to treat Anya that way.. She's been here for us..Yeah. That was Sai chiming in. You were flirting and then you switched up."Please shut up." He said hitting his forehead with the palm of his hand while the other one gripped the sterling wheel, he could feel himself blanking out and that wasn't good.
Pulling up to the office he got out and slammed the car door shut, after sighing in he bit done on his bottom lip and waited for Brianna.
"Milo." He looked up and rolled his eyes. "I'm not Milo.." He said as he followed her into her office.
"You seem a little frustrated today, I also heard you say that you're not Milo? Is it Jaxon today."
"No." He said in a duh tone.
"Ok.. So which one are you today?"
"Oh! You're new in the system.. this must be a really confusing time for you huh?" She cooed as he sloughed in the chair.
"You're telling me. I was just talking to Anya but then I got really pissed off and wanted to go play ball but she told me we needed t study and I got irritate and left...She found me in the gym and I called her annoying. I guess I hurt her feelings...."
"Did you apologize to her?"
"I think you should, maybe text her or allow Milo to come through since she might not be too happy with you." Brianna said writing in her notepad.
"Honestly I don't care to apologize. I told her what she needed to hear, what Milo wouldn't tell her." He said folding his arms across his chest, his phone vibrated in his pocket but he ignored it.
"I don't think we're gonna get anywhere with this. Can you switch with Milo? Only for a few minutes?"
"What if I don't want to? What if I just stay a little longer. Milo is keeping us locked away.." He said looking over at the window as he made a face.
Brianna sighed and set her notepad down. "Atlas please?"
Altas let his hand rest on his leg as he started to disassociate, stared at the cup of water before blinking a few times, he let Milo take over and he looked confused.
"Take a minute to ground yourself. You're probably feeling a lot of emotions."
"Why am I feeling upset?"
"Well Atlas took over for a while and he was upset. I do have a few with questions while you're fronting, first off do you have a crush on Anya? and second do you know why Altas's age is 18? Did you deal with some sort of trauma at that age?"
Milo scratched the back of his neck before smiling a little as thoughts of Anya were entering his mind. "Yeah I like her.. I just told her that we cared about her.. but Jaxon thinks it's bad that she's getting too close."
"Oh okay, good job at expressing your feelings toward her. How'd she take it? Why does Jaxon think that?"
"I mean she said she cared about us too.. As far as Atlas goes I don't think I wanna let him out anymore. He hurt her feelings.. I need to call her and apologize... Jaxson is just scared that we'll blank out and do something.."
It was quiet for a minute before he spoke again. "As far as I know the only trauma I experience around 18 was when I saw someone I knew get shot, they aren't dead but their pretty messed up behind it." He said referring to his best friend Sebastian.
"Can you tell me what happened? if you remember?"
"No.. I.. I can't... I can't talk about it.. Please don't make me talk about it." He said standing up, he covered his ears as he trying to regulate his breathing, he was starting to panic.
"Milo I need you to calm down."
He leaned against the chair before walking over to the corner, he slid down and closed his eyes as his breathing became more unsteady. Brianna got up and sat by his side trying to comfort him but nothing was working.
"What would you like for me to do?"
"Call...Anya..." He said trying to take slow deep breaths,his whole body was now shaking and he could feel himself beginning to black out.
Brianna contacted Anya and she was headed to her office, this was the first time Milo had ever allowed Brianna to contact anyone to come into his session.
Slow deep breaths. Inhale and exhale. She'll be here soon. He heard Sai saying as he tried to calm down. He was beginning to cry because he was scare, when he blacked out he didn't remember anything.
Hearing a knock on the door Brianna opened it to see Anya, when she saw Milo she ran over to him. "Shh.. Shhh.. I'm right here, it's ok." He laid his head on her shoulder as he calmed down, his body felt weak.
"I'm tired Anya."
"I know.. Ms.Brianna called me, wasn't that nice of her?"
He nodded his head slowly before they stood up.
"Thanks for giving me a call."
"No problem. Make sure he gets home safe. He'll probably fall asleep once he gets there."
Anya nodded her head and walked Milo out of the office, she followed him to his apartment and got him into bed, turning to leave the apartment she stopped hearing him say something.
"No..Stay." He mumbled scooting over in his bed so that she'd have room.
"Only until you fall asleep."
She smiled a little and laid on top of his blanket, he closed his eyes trying to rest.
"Does Jaxon want me close now?"
"Mhm... He said you can be close. We won't hurt you."
Anya watched Milo as he fell asleep, getting up from the bed slowly she kissed his cheek.
"I won't leave you guys." She said going into the living room.
She ended up falling asleep on the couch at his apartment but when she woke up he was still sleeping, she decided to spend the night to make sure he was alright.
🥺 I know I said I was taking a break but I just had to get this chapter up.. ok bye.
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