《Chasing the nerd ✓》Chapter 24|Noah


I move as quickly as I can shoving people along the way. Every now and then I look behind me to make sure she is following me and thankfully she does. She looks confused and her brows are pulled together but she follows me.

I reach the kitchen and I open the back door to get outside. There are few people around, mostly couples making out like there is no tomorrow, but still is quieter than inside. I take a quick scan around and I spot a place in the far end. It's somewhat secluded and a bit private.

Exactly what I need.

I move there and before I turn around I take a much needed deep breath. I push my glasses up my nose and turn to face her.

She is moving towards me with her hands crossed over her chest, still frowning. This is the first time I can't tell what she is thinking and for no apparent reason I'm shitless scared. I swallow hard and try to speak but my mouth fails me. How do I start?

"Hi." I end up saying feeling stupider than ever. She crooks her head to the side and looks at me raising her brows but she doesn't speak.

"Look, I wanna apologize..." I start saying but she cuts me off.

"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry." She says looking sincere and I'm confused.

"What for?" I'm at a loss.

"For acting so possessive and jealous. And for assuming that there is something more between us,when in reality there isn't." She says and I feel like a million tiny needles are falling at me from the sky. It stung hearing her say that. I'm so stupid I really messed up.

"There isn't?" I ask trying hard to make my voice flat not wanting to show how wounded I'm feeling right now.


She fidgets in her spot looking down at her shoes and stays silent. I move closer and lower my head to her.

"Hey, look at me." I almost whisper involuntarily. She raises her sight and her eyes bore into mine. She's not looking mad as I expected, but sad. The sparkle I saw earlier has vanished. "Can I talk now?" I say a little louder never leaving her eyes. She nods lightly.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you and always assuming the worst. The thing is that you confuse the hell out of me and I don't know what to think,so I just stay in the surface. It's easier for me to judge by the cover because if I dive into the book I might get hurt. I don't think I'm ready to take that leap yet. See, being the geek I am I have a dark past with popular kids like you, and I've built a wall around me not allowing to myself to get hurt again. But I realized that my past has nothing to do with you. So I'm sorry I messed up." I pour my heart out to her. I wasn't meaning to do that but for some reason I couldn't control my mouth, spilling my guts, like the pussy I am. And as if that wasn't enough I reached out to her and tagged her hair behind her ear craving to touch her. She gave me a weak smile but I considered that a win at this point. "Are we good now?"

She smiles again a little wider now.

"Depends." She says leaving her phrase standing as she placed her hands on my chest sending electricity through my body.

"On?" I ask as I put my hands on her waist stroking lightly her bare back.


"On what your next move is going to be."

I close the space between us hugging her tightly as she places her hands on my neck and lean over to kiss her.

The moment our lips touch I feel complete. I realize how cliché that sounds but I can't help it. God, I'm turning into a complete and utter wuss here.

As our tongues dance in sync I'm starting to feel tighter in the pants region and my grip on her is getting harder. A moan escapes from the back of her throat and she pulls me even closer.

Oh, what she is doing to me...

I start fighting for breath but at this moment I would rather die than break the kiss, but she does. I'm both relieved and disappointed at the same time. I take a sharp breath to fill me lungs and place my forehead on hers still hugging her tightly. Her eyes are still closed but she is smiling pleased and I feel like a hero for making that happen. As she opens her eyes to look at me she bites her bottom lip playfully. That little thing does all kinds of stuff to me, making me even harder.

"So are you my boyfriend now, nerd?" She says smirking at me. I chuckle a little with her choice of words.

"No." I say smiling and she gasps taking a step back looking confused. I smirk at her reaction but I don't stop hugging her.

She smiles again after a second and starts stroking me lightly with her fingers from my neck to my abdomen and back again sending chills down my spine making me even harder, if that's even possible.

Man! I feel like I'm going to explode.

"Well, you will be. Just wait and see." She says seductively,like she is putting a spell on me and suddenly I feel the urge to agree with her. She can bring me to my knees just like that. Unbelievable!

"Overconfident much?" I say to her just like I did the day she sat next to me in class. A knowing smile is forming on her lips and I know she remembers that.

"The only color I c..."

"Shut up!" I say laughing playfully stopping her as I pull her to me one more time

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