《Adopted On Tour》Part.12


AJ and I walked into the empty venue, and after finding the back room empty, walked into the arena. We stepped onto the stage and the lights flickered on.

"SURPRISE!" A myriad of voices shouted, causing both AJ and I to jump. People popped up from behind chairs, everyone holding a box or bag. Birthday presents.

They clambered from their hiding spots and I noticed that almost everyone was wearing a party hat. Gee, Frank, Andy, Jon, Spencer, and Nick were the only ones actually wearing them on their heads the normal way.

Patrick's was strapped under his chin like a beard. Brendon made devil's horns with two of them. Ryan and Pete both had their party hats on their noses like beaks. Mikey, of course, was wearing his like a unicorn horn. Joe had his strapped to the back of his head, which had to hurt his face. Ray had two..... on his elbows? Finally, Avery had like, five, of them, strapped all over his head, giving him a spiky look.

"Where's Dad?" I ask aloud, and the curtain behind me moves. AJ has gone off, so I'm assuming that's his doing. The curtains pull aside to reveal Dad, a box with holes in it and... Ann!

"Happy birthday bitch" she grins as I run over and hug her.

"I woke up at four to make the five-hour round-trip to go and get her" Dad remarks from the side, causing me to let go of Ann.

"Thanks Dad" I say, hugging him as well, careful of the box under his arm.

ends up sitting on the stage in circle to hand me gifts.

Ray got me a Polaroid camera and a box of filled chocolates with filling flavors like cherry and peppermint.

Gee and Frank got me a small box of comic books and a sketch pad and pencils. I remember mentioning to them that I like to draw sometimes.


"Here's some of your own comics so that you stop stealing ours" Frank says with a joking smile. I'm constantly stealing their comics.

Mikey and Pete got me a huge quilt, and, after looking closer, I realized the patches were made using different pictures and concert shirts from the tour so far.

Patrick and Andy got me a large photo album, already containing a load of pictures from tour and just pictures from home.

From Joe I got a large bag of jellybeans and thirty bucks.

Brendon and Ryan gave me a copy of their album because of course they did. They also bought me a pastel purple sweatshirt a size too big and a brown stuffed bear. I blushed at the gift, feeling childish and I could practically feel the confusion.

"You said that you don't ever remember having a stuffed bear, or a stuffed animal at all as a kid. So Bren and I bought you one" Ryan explained. I launched myself towards them into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you" I said happily.

Jon and Spencer gave me a $50 gift card, telling me that they didn't know what they should get me. I thanked them anyway.

Nick gave me the entire Harry Potter series, something I hadn't finished yet.

Avery bought me the Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings. I'm assuming they went shopping together.

Then, it was Dad's turn. He handed me the box with holes in it, and I opened it to reveal a puppy. I squealed and picked up the tiny creature, hugging it.

"It's so cute!" I gushed, and everyone laughed.

"I helped your dad pick him out, I knew you'd think he was cute" Ann pipes in and I smile at her. Dad explains that he already bought food, two dog beds and a bunch of toys for the puppy.


I look at the collar to see the name plate and read it out loud. "Jax" I announced with a soft smile.

Then, it was time for AJ's present.

"You said that you wanted your dad and I to come out as a couple for your birthday." AJ says, and I nod, a little confused.

"Well, I'm going to take it one step further." AJ grabs my dad's hands and hauls him up off the floor before kneeling down and producing a box from his pocket. Gasps and unmanly squeals echo through the arena.

"James, you and I have been on and off for years. Through those off times, I've never dated, or even looked at dating anyone else. I've loved you since our first kiss. I've been in love with you since our first time. Will you do me the honor of letting me love you for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?"

"Y-" Dad stutters, emotional. "Yes, Fuck yes, AJ. I'll marry you." AJ slides the silver band onto Dad's ring finger and stands up. Dad pulls AJ in for a kiss and clapping and wolf-whistles can be heard.

"Some birthday present" Ann admires, smiling.

"I think I still like the puppy better" I joke, nuzzling Jax and smiling at Dad and AJ.

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