《Adopted On Tour》Part.11


Tour had been going well. The bands and crew were like my family now, and it made me glad that tour wasn't even half over yet. I felt so comfortable around them that my anxiety was less likely to act up if it was just me and them.

It blew my mind that tour had only been going on for a month, and yet it felt like longer. I had made so much progress with them.

My last major breakdown was midway through the second week of tour, then three weeks ago I cried on stage as My Chem preformed Ghost of You in honor of Autumn. That was the last time I cried.

They had all helped me so much, especially Dad. Sure, I had my depressive moods and I wasn't unaffected by my depression and anxiety, but they seemed to be getting better, if only by a little bit.

"Hey kiddo" Spencer says, walking into the large back room I was in. I was absently watching Jon and Brendon play video games.

"Hey Spencer" I grin as he sits down next to me.

"Your birthday's next week" he says, and he's right. Today's Tuesday and my birthday is next Thursday, making today.... March 7th.

"Yeah" I nod.

"Is there anything you want?" He asks, and I take a moment to think.

"Other than AJ and Dad to finally admit that they're dating, not much. I got adopted this year, I'm seeing the country, soon I'll see the world, and as an added bonus, I met all of you guys. There isn't a whole lot more that I want that can just happen, you know?" Spencer nods thoughtfully.

"You make gift-getting hard, Oli" he teases, and I smile.

"Whoops?" The two of us laugh for a second before Brendon cuts us off.


"YOU ASSHOLE! YOU FUCKING CHEATED, JON!" This sends Spencer and I into more laughter as Brendon begins beating on his bandmate with a nearby pillow.

, while Panic! is doing sound check, I hang out in a lounge room with Fall Out Boy.

"So, your birthday is in nine days" Andy says as I'm sitting upside down on a couch.

"Yep" I reply. "I'm not really sure what I want, other than for Dad and AJ to admit that they're dating." Everyone in the room laughs, at this point we're 100% sure that they're together, but they won't say anything.

"Aw we're going in blind?" Patrick asks, leaning into Andy. Speaking of dating....

"Yep. Speaking of dating, are you and Andy....?" I'm still unsure when asking personal questions.

"Yes, yes they are" Joe answers before Patrick or Andy could answer.

"Joe!" Patrick and Andy chorus, and the short-haired man laughs.

"Speaking of boyfriends" Pete comments as My Chem enters, Mikey sitting down and hugging Pete and Frank and Gerard sitting together, cuddling.

suddenly it was a new week, a new state, and my birthday. The only people I'd seen all day were AJ and Nick, I hadn't even seen Dad.

"AJaaayyyy" I say, drawing out his name.

"Oliviaaaaa" he responds in turn and I grin.

"Where's Dad?" I ask, and he shrugs. "How do you not know? You've been attached at the hip lately." And it was true, it was hard to see dad without AJ or myself.

Plus, I caught the two of them in the middle of a heavy makeout session two days ago. I did not need to know that my dad seemed to be a bottom.

"He left pretty early this morning" AJ replies.

"Okay, where are the bands?"

"They're doing something up at the venue. Avery went with them to make sure they didn't do anything overly stupid. I think Nick left to go help a little bit ago." It appeared that I was getting nothing out of my dads obvious boyfriend.


"Why don't I take you out for brunch? It's like, ten and neither of us have eaten" AJ suggests.

"Sure," I agree, grabbing one of Dad's hoodies that I took clean from his suitcase a while back.

a ten minute walk, AJ and I arrived at the town's Perkins. We had to wait another five to get a table.

AJ and I both ordered waters, then AJ ordered a coffee and I a hot chocolate.

"So" I said, taking a sip of my water. "When were you and Dad planning on telling me that you're dating?"

AJ chokes on his water slightly, spluttering. "We were gonna -- how'd you know?"

"I walked in on you guys making out very heatedly two days ago. I did not need to see that."

AJ laughs "We were planning on telling you last week, but Spencer and Joe each came to us, saying that you'd want us to come out as a couple today."

I smiled, of course they did. Our other drinks came, and AJ and I ordered. He got an omelet of some kind and I got the rainbow pancakes or whatever they're called.

We talked about each other while we were waiting for our food. I mostly asked him about his life and what he likes. His first answer:

"Your dad" I hit my forehead with my hand and groaned.

"Yeah, I know that, what else do you like?"

"When I was a teenager, I wanted to be in a band, but I quickly discovered that I couldn't sing, dance, or play an instrument. Then I found out about the next best thing, being a tour manager and part of the crew. I had to learn about how the stages and arenas work during a concert, but I picked up pretty quickly."

"That's cool. I like listening to music, but I don't think that I'd be any good at making music. Besides, I want to become a freelance author. I've had a lot of people tell me that I'd be pretty good at it as long as I keep working on it." I tell him before our food arrives.

As we're eating, we talk about things like our favorite colors, how it would be cool if someone got me a dog for my birthday, and how long Dad and AJ had been together.

"Actually, we've been together for a long time. Two years, actually. We met on Panic!'s first tour and got together about halfway through. The only one who knows is Jon. It was actually pretty off-and-on since that tour ended, we don't see each other much. It was off for about three months until this tour started."

"So is that why weren't you with Dad when he came to adopt? Or the few weeks at home before the tour?" I asked.

"Yep," he said, and I didn't ask any more questions, he was obviously okay with Dad adopting me while they weren't together.

AJ's phone buzzed, and he looked down to read the text.

"It's James, he wants us to go meet him at the venue."

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