《Adopted On Tour》Part.7


"Ready to go?" Mikey asks upon seeing Olivia. She and James were the last to arrive and would be staying in different buses throughout the tour.

"Nervous" she replied and Mikey ruffled her hair.

"You've got nothing to worry about kiddo" he reassures her.

"Mikes!" Gerard calls from their bus "where's my eyeliner?!"

"Gotta go" Mikey grins, handing her the pencil. "Hide this with Pete's stuff, will ya?"

Olivia grins, much more comfortable with James and the band members than she used to be, and nods.

"We're riding with My Chem today" James says, coming over from where he was talking with AJ.

"Okay, just let me go do something" Olivia grins before running over to Fall Out Boy's bus.

"Hey Pete!" I grin, running up and hugging the bass player, slipping the eyeliner pencil into his back pocket.

"Hey Oli" he grins back, using the nickname he gave me two weeks ago. He ruffles my blond-ginger hair -something everyone does now- and I hurry to pat it back down.

"Look at you, going on your first tour" he says, wiping away a mock tear.

Over the last two weeks, my wardrobe and hair had changed due to the influence of the band dorks--I mean members that have been my only social interaction. My wardrobe has acquired a lot of band merchandise, mostly in the form of hoodies and bracelets. Gerard helped my style my hair in a slight fringe that covers my eyes when I duck my head down--an action I still do a lot.

"Whatever" I respond with a grin. "James and I are riding with Mikey and the gang, see ya later."

"See ya!" I run off onto My Chem's bus.

So far, the bus was pretty clean, but seeing as I'd be living with five males and Gerard, it probably wouldn't be staying that way. Heh, Way. I shake my head at myself and walk into the lounge area where I sit down on Gerard's lap, a habit that comes from having them over at mine and James's house pretty much every day.


"Hey 'Via" Gee says, hugging me.

"Hi Gee" I reply, leaning into them, blinking my eyes sleepily.

"We've got a couple hours of driving, get some rest." James says from the front of the bus where he has just started driving.

"M'kay" I mumble, moving out of Gee's lap and laying down on the couch, putting my head in their lap instead.

up, 'Via" James says, shaking my shoulder.

I groan and sit up, removing my head from the pillow that had replaced Gee. I immediately knew that this day was going to go downhill. The last time I felt like this was the day I met the bands, before Brendon accidentally caused a panic attack.

"Are you alright?" James asks, seeing my blank face. I want to brush it off, but I don't.

"Kind of" I admit. "I think my depression has kicked in." James sits down on the couch across from me.

"Tell me about it, paint me a picture" he says, quoting Ann.

"That's what Ann says" I tell him.

"I know, she told me that you paint her pictures with your words when you talk about your feelings, and that she tells you to. I thought it might help.

"Thanks" I offer him a weak grin. "It's like, like I'm walking through fog. Everything is misty, damp and a little fuzzy. My emotions are layered in this fog, and they're pulsing slightly, colors shining through the fog, but they're still covered. I just kind of want to sit and surround myself in the fog."

James considers this for a little before nodding. "Do you want to let the fog surround you, do you want to sink into the earth, do you want to fly or do you want to drown?" He asks, again referencing my conversations with Ann.


"I want to surround myself with the fog" I say after thinking for a little bit. "I might want to sink a little bit, but I don't want to drown" I promise.

"Good" he smiles. "It's okay to be foggy, but anyone on these busses is willing to be your floaty if you feel like you're drowning, okay?"

"Thanks" I say, hugging James and feeling a tear of two slip. I grin and assure James "They're happy tears, I promise."

"Any tears are good tears" he reminds me. "Come on, we're at a rest stop and if you sleep any longer, you won't sleep tonight."

"Okay, are we getting something to eat?" I ask, standing up and stretching.

"Yeah, everyone else is inside" James tells me, standing up as well.

"Let's go then, I'm kinda hungry." We walk into the rest stop and into a small diner where they three bands a have pushed three tables together so that everyone can all sit with each other. There were two open seats for James and I in between AJ and Spencer so James sits by AJ and I sit by Spencer.

"How was your nap?" Gee asks from across from Spencer.

"It was fine" I say, shrugging my shoulders. When the waiter comes, I order a cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry milkshake and listen to the conversations going on around me.

Mikey, who is sitting across from Gee, is talking with Patrick and Joe as Pete leans on him. They're telling stories. Bob is talking with Avery and Nick about something that I can't hear. James is talking to AJ about something he saw on the way here. Spencer and Ray are talking animatedly with a lot of hand gestures. Jon, Brendon, Frank and Andy are having a conversation about....... Fruit?

I lean my head onto Gerard's shoulder and notice Ryan, who is sitting by Frank, staring at Brendon. I nudge Gee, who looks at Ryan with a smile.

"Like something you see, Ross?" Gerard teases, and the boy flushes red. The waiter comes by with mine, James's and Gee's food and I smile into my fries as Ryan stutters.

"I-I -- no! Umm" he looks back at Brendon before blushing again.

"Come on, you two were all over each other on your last tour."

"If it makes you feel any better, he likes you too" I say quietly, giving Ryan a small smile and biting into my burger.

"See, you've got nothing to worry about" Gee says before stealing one of my fries.

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