《Adopted On Tour》Part.6



People were crowding around her, making it worse.

"Back up" Mikey warns, and Gerard and Patrick, the two closest to him comply.

"He said " Pete growls, drawing a whimper from Olivia.

The two bassists return their attention to the girl.

"Olivia" Mikey tries the simplest way to reach her. "Olivia, can you hear me?"

Pete cautiously reaches his hand out to put it on her shoulder, but she flinches away curling further into herself.

"Where the hell is James" Ray mutters in the background as Mikey keeps trying to get Olivia's attention.

"Olivia, Olivia, it's me Pete" Pete tries, his voice loud but soft.

"P-p-Pete?" She whimpers, her eyes hazy.

"Yeah, kiddo, it's Pete. What's going on in that head of yours?" He asks quietly.

"T-they're here p-Pete. T-they w-want t-t-to hu-hurt me again."

"She, honey, they aren't going to get you, I promise" this time it's Mikey speaking.


"That's right, hon, Pete and I are right here. We won't let anything happen to you, okay?"

"O-okay" Olivia seems to come back to reality, slumping into Mikey and Pete as she begins to sob.

It's now that Brendon and Spencer enter, James and the tour managers coming in right behind them.

"What happened?" James asks, rushing over to kneel on the other side of Pete and beginning to rub Olivia's back comfortingly.

"She had a panic attack" Pete and Mikey answered at the same time, before realizing this and blushing, looking away from each other.


"I-It's my fault" Brendon says, stepping forward. "I asked her about any past foster families and that must have triggered her panic attack."

"You didn't know" James assured. "None of us did."

Olivia had calmed down, James took a deep breath and asked her:


"What about a past foster family caused this? If it's too much, you don't have to tell me." James backtracks quickly, not wanting to cause another panic attack.

"T-they w-weren't nice. The-the kids weren't either. They broke things and blamed it on me, and every time I would get a slap. The-the kids would beat me up a lot. The parents constantly screamed at me and told me horrible things. One day the kids pushed me down a flight of stairs at the school and a social worker was called in. Everything was pinned on the kids and I was sent back." Olivia tells her story in a shaking voice, her terming hands fiddling with the hem of her shirt in an effort to calm herself down.

Right away, she was vying hugged by the three closest people, James, Mikey and Pete. Gerard, Patrick, Ray, Joe, Brendon, Spencer and the rest were soon to follow.

and Mikey offered to take Olivia back to her house seeing as the tour managers wanted to work on scheduling more and James was forced into assisting.

"Are you okay with that, Kiddo?" James asks, hugging Olivia tightly.

"Y-yeah. I-I'll be fine" Olivia says into James' shirt before pulling away.

"I'll see you soon" he promises, placing a fatherly kiss onto the top of her head. She hug him once more before following Pete and Mikey to Pete's car.

a drive filled with some jokes and references to things that Olivia didn't understand, Mikey and Pete realized that Olivia had heard some of their music, but knew nothing else about them.

Therefore, Pete and Mikey set out telling stories about their separate bands. They also showed her videos of their interviews online and Pete even showed her the new album Fall Out Boy released earlier this week titled "Infinity on High".


It was towards the end of the album that Olivia remembered she needed to move her things back into her room.

"Um, would you guys be willing to help me move my stuff into my room? James and I painted it last night" Olivia explained.

"Sure thing, Oli" Pete grinned, jumping up.

"Lead the way" Mikey agreed, standing up as well and grabbing Pete's hand as the three walked upstairs.

"Are you guys dating?" Olivia asks once she notices their joined hands.

"Are we what?" Mikey asks, stunned for a second, not dropping Pete's hand.

"I-I mean, you guys seem close and you're holding hands. I'm sorry" Olivia rushes to apologize, face burning as she enters the guest room where all of her stuff is.

"No, its fine" Pete reassures her gently. "We just got together recently, no one else has noticed yet. We were just surprised."


Mikey decides to break the awkward silence by grabbing the CD player from downstairs and playing My Chemical Romance's new album The Black Parade.

The first thing they do is move Olivia's bed frame into the right spot. The bed frame thankfully wasn't moved from Olivia's room for painting, so all they had to do was move it into the purple corner. Mikey and Pete moved the mattress and Olivia grabbed a bed set and as many pillow as as she could carry - four. Once Pete and Mikey solaced the mattress into the frame, Olivia dumped the bed set and pillows onto the bed before helping Pete with her desk.

entire length of The Black Parade later, all of Olivia's things are in her room. Mikey volunteers to make her bed and Olivia and Pete set up her reading corner.

She has the bookshelves placed on the black carpet, leaving enough room in the corner to put her black beanbag. One bookshelf has a few books on it, the other is empty. Her white beanbag leans against the empty bookshelf. Blue, purple, green and red pillows are placed on and around the two beanbags.

Mikey decides to decorate Olivia's empty bookshelf with stuffed animals and Olivia arranged her art supplies on her desk.

Once done, the three sit in her reading area.

"Gee would love to see your artwork. He went to college for art and dream comic books in a basement for a few years" Mikey comments, running his hand over Olivia's painting.

"Thanks" Olivia blushes, leaning into Pete as her eyes begin to droop.

"Go to sleep hon, we'll be here when you wake up, and so will James" Pete encourages.

"M'kay" she mumbles, snuggling into Pete and falling asleep, worn out by her day.

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