《Adopted On Tour》Part.5


"So, Pete" James begins as they all sit in the game room together. "Why are you here? Not that I don't like you but you guys normally don't drop by at random, that's Panic!'s job."

"We've got a tour coming up and Pete decided to come over to talk instead of waiting for you to go to the studio tomorrow." Patrick explains.

"Besides, we all knew you didn't have to come in because you were adopting and the label was nice enough to give you a week-long break to bond with your ward -- Olivia, right?" Joe adds before looking to Olivia to confirm her name. She nods in agreement, before looking back down into her lap.

"So, tour" James brings the attention off of Olivia.

"Yeah, we've got two weeks to prepare. The label want you to come in tomorrow, you can bring Olivia too, if you're both comfortable with that." Patrick tells the duo, his eyes flickering to Olivia.

"Gerard and the guys will be there too. Panic! might be there too, and whoever else the label decides to bring in." Andy speaks for the first time and Olivia looks up in visible surprise at his voice, not really expecting a higher voice from him.

guys left about forty-five minutes later, and Olivia had relaxed considerably since they first arrived.

"What did you think of them?" James asked as they walk back up to Olivia's room.

"I like them" she decides, smiling softly. "Joe is smart and fun, Patrick is relaxed and very kind. Andy is funny and protective and Pete is childish and....... Pete" she giggles, unable to find the right adjective for the bassist.

"That's about right" James laughs. "We have to be at the studio at nine and it's" James looks at his watch "eight thirty-six. We can paint for another hour or so if you want to."


"Sure" Olivia grins, going over to her corner and adding little details.

About twenty minutes of singing along to the radio later, Olivia's face takes on a mischievous grin. After dipping her brush into some paint that she didn't need, she flicked her brush towards James, grinning as it splattered across the tarp and onto his shoulder. She quickly turns around and pretends to paint something.

She isn't too surprised when James hits her back with some paint of his own. When she turns around, he's facing her and before long they get into a paint-flinging war.

they stopped, twenty minutes later, they realized that they got some black paint splattered onto the gray walls being them.

"We can paint over it tomorrow" James promises and they begin to to put the lids back onto the paint jars and clean off the brushes. They each take showers in their separate bathrooms and Olivia goes to sleep in her bed that's been moved to the guest room.

next morning Olivia is woken up by James turning on her light.

"Hey kiddo" he says, smiling at her from the doorway. "We have to be at the studio in forty-five minutes."

"Okay" she mumbles, pushing her covers off of her bed.

"I'm going to make some breakfast while you get ready."

"Okay" she responds, shuffling over to the door. James moves out of the way, laughing as she shuffles out the door and into her room where her clothes are

minutes later, Olivia walks downstairs in dark jeans, sock feet and a sweatshirt. James is in jeans as well, and he's putting Eggo™ waffles into the toaster.

Once the waffles are finished, the two eat them and clean up before James realizes that they need to leave for the studio. Now.

James" a woman in a Nirvana shirt says, smiling at her coworker. "This must be your ward" she directs her smile to Olivia who smiles back shyly. James rests his hand on her shoulder gently, and she takes a breath.


"I-my name is Olivia, n-nice to meet you" Olivia respond quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Olivia. I'm Karen, and if you ever need anything while James is busy, you can come find me."

"T-thank you" Olivia grins at Karen, who grins back before saying goodbye and heading off elsewhere in the building.

meets seven more people before she and James find their way to a conference room, where Fall Out Boy and at least eight other people were already waiting.

James squeezes her shoulder lightly, giving her a supportive smile. A man in a suit, the only man in a suit, actually, makes his way over to them.

"James! So glad you could make it! This is Olivia I take it?" He grins at James, shaking his hand.

"Yes sir."

"Well, I'll leave you to it then" the man in a suit says before leaving the room. Everyone else it sitting down, two seats in between Pete and another person left open for them. Olivia sits next to Pete and James sits next to the unknown man.

the course of the next two hours, Olivia meets Fall Out Boy's tour manager Nick, Frank, Ray, Mikey, Bob and Gerard of My Chemical Romance, their tour manager Avery, and Brendon and Spencer from Panic! and AJ, Panic! At The Disco's tour manager.

She mostly watched the people interact as they talked about and argued over the tour route.

Finally, they had finalized the basics of the tour route, and apparently that was enough for them.

They stayed a little while longer, talking and catching up, and everyone had to meet Olivia. Which she was fine with, she spoke with Mikey, Gerard, AJ, Avery, Nick and Spencer just fine. That streak was broken when she met Brendon.

He wasn't mean or anything, he was very nice and childish. It wasn't really his fault even, all he did was ask a simple question.

"Did you have any foster families before James?"

Now, Olivia couldn't breathe, her chest was tight and she could feel herself start to hyperventilate. She looked around frantically for James, but he was nowhere to be seen, the only people in the room were the various band members.

She was soaking now, trying to keep the memories at bay. She couldn't hear anything and her eyes were blurry with tears.

Screams, the sound of skin hitting skin violently, the feeling bruises forming on her skin. Secrets she told no one. Being told she was worthless. Being in the hospital for breaking her arm "tripping and falling down the stairs" when, in actuality, she had been pushed.

Her mind is swirling with memories, and her body is shaking with sobs. Brendon and Spencer have left to find James. Mikey Way and Pete are crouching closest to the shaking girl, they knew what was going on on the outside.

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