《Adopted On Tour》Part.4


"H-hey James" Olivia walks into James's office, where he's on his computer, answering emails.

"Yeah, Olivia?" He stops typing, giving her his full attention.

"Um, could we go to the store and get some stuff for my room?" Olivia had been living in her monochrome room for a week now.

"Yeah, go grab your shoes and we'll go" James agrees, smiling at the slightly nervous girl.

"R-really?" Olivia's face breaks out into a large grin, the largest one James has seen since she got here.

"Definitely" James agrees, standing up from his desk. Olivia sprints from the room, her blonde-ginger braided hair flying behind her.

they reached the department store, James directed her to the paint section.

"Pick any color, kiddo" James instructs her, and she picks out a few paint cards.

"Could I have a pen? She asks, and James hands one over, watching as she marks a pale violet, a pretty gray, not unlike the gray of an overcast sky, a navy blue, a dark brown and a forest green. James shows the colors to a worker, and they get a gallon can of the violet and gray, and a quart each of the brown, green and blue. They also grab a pint of yellow, some paintbrushes of different sizes, and some rollers.

Then, they go to pick out bedding and furniture. Olivia buys a fuzzy rug, a black beanbag chair, and a white beanbag chair. They also purchase two sets of bedsheets.

"Umm, James?" Olivia asks, noticing two low, dark brown bookshelves.


"Could we get those bookshelves too? A-and a bunch of pillows and stuffed animals?" Her faces flames red, embarrassed about asking for the stuffed animals.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed, we can get those too" he assures her, resting a hand on her shoulder.


hour later, they leave the store with everything but the two bookshelves, and four shelves that go directly into the wall. They stop at Subway to eat before making their way back home.

James offers to help Olivia paint, and she accepts. They move her desk and bed into the guest room. Then they place tarp on the floor and tape around the edges of her walls and over her outlets.

For the next few hours, James and Olivia paint together to the sound of the local alternative rock station.

At one point, Olivia takes the tape and marks off a corner of her room near her bathroom, the place she mentally marked out as a reading corner last week. James was painting the wall behind her bed when he noticed this.

"What are you going to paint there?" He asks over the sound of Red Hot Chili Peppers' Californication.

"I'm going to paint a nighttime forest scene" she responds quietly. She starts to sketch the outlines of trees, grass, bushes, and the horizon lines.

The rest of the time is quiet, the sounds of the radio, paintbrushes and small conversations are the only noises heard until dinner.

James decides to order pizza and he brings it upstairs so they can finish painting. Olivia is putting the finishing touches on her nighttime scene and James was painting the remaining walls grey. When he gets upstairs Olivia is singing along to Fall Out Boy's Thnks Fr Th Mmrs.

"I didn't know you knew this song" James comments, setting the pizza on the floor and sitting down by it. Olivia sets her paintbrush down as well and goes to sit across from James.

"M-my friend, the one who d-died a few months ago really loved them. Sh-she idolized them and introduced me to Fall Out Boy and some similar bands. I just kinda listened to whatever she played, I wasn't as much of a fan as she was. She gave me her iPod just before she died and they really helped me get through her passing." Olivia admits, tears slipping from her eyes.


James moves over to hug her. "I'm sorry that I made you talk about it."

"It's fine, I need to talk to you, and I need to talk about her" Olivia admits, snuggling into James.

They eat some pizza together before James's phone buzzes with a text.

"Speaking of Fall Out Boy" he mutters before the front door opens and a voice shouts from downstairs.


"I'M UPSTAIRS, GIVE ME FIVE MINUTES" James shouts from Olivia's doorway. "That's Pete" James sighs "I just got a text from Patrick that Pete was planning on dropping by my house."

"Pete and Patrick from Fall Out Boy?" Olivia asks, torn between being surprised and laughing.

"Yeah, people from bands stop by a lot, it just kind of started happening." James explains, running a hand through his hair. "Ready to go meet your first band member?" James asks, and Olivia nods nervously.

"The rest of the band are sure to follow Pete, so if it gets overwhelming, you can just come back up here or into the library, okay?" James tells her, playing a hand on her shoulder. Olivia nods, realizing that she had become a lot more comfortable with James in the past day than she has in the past week.

James walks downstairs, Olivia following. "Hey, Pete" James calls and Pete comes in from the game room. "Pete, meet Olivia, she's my ward until the adoption papers go through, Olivia, this is Pete Wentz."

Pete has dark hair in a fringe and is wearing a sweatshirt, skinny jeans, some eyeliner and what appears to be uggs.

"Hey, kiddo, nice to meet you" Pete says as the door opens and the rest of Fall Out Boy walks in.

"Olivia, this is Patrick, Joe and Andy, the rest of Fall Out Boy" James introduces, pointing to each in turn. Olivia gives a shy wave and smiles slightly at the band.

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