《Adopted On Tour》Part.3


I take the stairs two at a time, trying to get to my room as fast as I can. My toe hits the top of the last step and I stumble, but I ignore it and jog to my dorm. Once inside, I go for the closet near my bed. I pull out the suitcase I had three years ago when I was first dropped off here.

I begin to pack my suitcase. 10 Monochrome, crimson, forest green, and blue shirts come off of the hangers. Six pairs of jeans, two sweatpants and two leggings come off of the shelf. Three sweatshirts, ten oversized shirts and ten pairs of shorts follow them into the suitcase. In go my combat boots and my converse.

Then, my last two clothing items. A Fall Out Boy concert t-shirt that was originally my mom's from the only concert my parents took me to. It the last thing we did together, actually, and my dad's old football sweatshirt. The last things I have of them.

I barely manage to fit all of the clothes into my suitcase. I went through a huge growth spurt while I was at the orphanage so I have an entirely new wardrobe than I did when I got here. Ann convinced her aunt and uncle to take me shopping, so I was able to wear new clothes.

I end up putting my sweatshirts into a duffle bag the orphanage provides. On top of them go my two sketchbooks, my friend's old iPod, full of her favorite music, my earbuds, and forty dollars I had been saving.

The door bangs open, and in bursts Ann, who launched herself at me. She forgets that I'm an inch shorter than her and everything she does this, we both end up on the floor. We collide and collapse.

"I can't believe it!" She shrieks, hugging my from our awkward positions on the floor. "You're finally getting adopted! I came in just after you went upstairs and talked to the guy adopting you! He told me everything and I gave him my number so we can keep in touch." Most of this comes out in a rush, but I'm able to understand her.


"Your fat ass is crushing my legs" I tease her, poking her back.

"You all packed?" She asks, finally getting off of me.

"Yep" I nod, and she grabs my suitcase, and takes off downstairs. I grab my duffle and follow. We walk into the entryway, the same one I walked into nearly four years ago.

The minute Mr Martin, er, James, comes into view, my relaxed nature fades away. I become more tense and even feel on edge. Ann notices this and slings her arm over my shoulder, bringing me close to her and helping me to relax slightly.

"Are you ready to go?" James asks, and I nod, glancing at Ann.

"I'm gonna miss you, bitch" she wraps me into a tight, long hug.

"Me too, asshole" I murmur, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Take care of yourself you hear? And if you ever feel like--like" Ann fumbles for the words.

"If I ever feel like I'm sitting in a room of shades, or like a shipwreck survivor clinging to driftwood in the middle of an ocean?" I supply, my voice muffled due to the fact that my cheek is pressed against her shoulder.

"Yeah, if you feel like that, call me, okay?"

"Okay" I promise and we pull apart.

"Call or text me as soon as you get that phone. And you" she turns to address James. "Take care of my fragile child or I will find you and beat your ass."

James' eye widen slightly before he grins at Ann. "You got it, captain" he smirks, and salutes Ann. She nods before giving me only last hug and walks back into the orphanage, where she's volunteering.

James offers to take one of my bags, and I hand my suitcase over to him, preferring to carry my duffle.

We walk to his car, place the suitcase into the trunk of his car, and get in.

roughly an hour of mostly silent driving, we reach James' house. It's a two-story suburban home twenty minutes away from the headquarters of Fueled By Ramen.


James offers to give me a tour of his--our house.

"On the main floor is the dining room, kitchen, living room, bathrooms, "man cave" and the bar. There's also a door to a back porch and a staircase leading upstairs." James informs, walking Olivia through each room.

The furniture in the living room was a soft brown, and the coffee table was a darker, polished brown. The couch with it's back to the door was an almost roman-style couch, made to lounge and lay on. A TV was propped on a mantel on the wall above a fireplace, facing the ring of couches. Two side tables the same color as the coffee table stood in between each of the three couches.

The dining room was pretty bare, a china cabinet was placed in the middle of the west wall, and as buffet table was on the south wall. In the middle of the room was a four-person dining table.

Cabinets, counters and appliances lined the walls of the kitchen. In the center of the room was a thrice-divided island. On the far left was a sink, in the middle was a stove with an oven built underneath it. On the far right was simply an empty countertop with three stools placed on three sides.

Two bathrooms were built side-by-side, one with entrance to the living room, and one with entrance via the man cave.

A wall separates the bar and man cave from the rest of the ground floor. In the man cave was a medium-sized u-couch with a flatscreen tv and a plethora of video games, consoles and controllers. A bar was situated in the back corner.

Upstairs is James' room, a guest room, James office/ collection of books and miscellaneous shelves items and my room.

There was a landing which opened up into a hallway at the top of the stairs. James showed me where both his room and the guest room were located and told me that if I ever needed anything, I could come and talk to him. I just had to be sure to knock first.

At the end of the hallway, a door opened up into a rather large room. The first part of the room was converted into James' office, a wall separating that part of the room from the rest.

The rest of the room was occupied by a few bookshelves and a table. A beanbag was in an unoccupied corner of the room as well. The bookshelves held numerous books and awards. James told me that I was welcome to any of the books on the shelves and that I could use that room any time I wish.

Lastly, James showed me to my room. The walls were bare, and James explained that I could paint and decorate them however I want when I feel comfortable with it. I had a bed in the corner with sheets and pillows in monochrome colors.

A desk was near the door of my bed, and on it was the laptop James told me about. In the corner of the room nearest to the desk was an empty space that Olivia decided she was going to make into a reading corner. She could envision it filled with pillows, stuffed animals, blankets and two small bookshelves.

The door to the bathroom faced the pile of fluffy and cuddly objects. Inside was a toilet, sink, shower and a bath. Outside of the bathroom, a closet was built using the wall of the bathroom as a back wall.

James sat my suitcase down, and suggested that I unpack. "I'm going to make spaghetti, is that alright?" He asked before leaving.

"Y-yeah" I smile brightly. "I really l-love pasta." He smiles and heads downstairs as I begin to unpack.

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