《Adopted On Tour》Part.2


I tap my foot, humming along to Fall Out Boy's A Little Less Sixteen Candles a Little More "Touch Me". I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, keeping quiet and minding my own business. You tend to do that when you're constantly worried if you're bothering someone. Based off of the glare Marianna is giving me, I'm going to say that I am bothering her. I look away the moment we make eye contact, looking back down at my shoes.

"Keep it down, would you?" She snarls at me, and I give her my best annoyed look.

"Knock it off" my only true friend Ann says, walking in. "Hey bitch" she greets me, sitting down next to me and slinging her arm over my shoulder.

"Hi asshole" I grin back at her. She doesn't actually live at the orphanage, she lives with her aunt and uncle a street over. We met at school and she kinda made herself my friend within my first week of school. I pull out my earbuds and pause the song with a smile.

"What's up?"

"Same ole' same ole'," she shrugs, plopping down next to me. "Uncle James got another request to come up to the prison. They say mom keeps wanting to talk to me but I won't let her." Ann's mom is in prison for murdering her dad one night. I don't know the details and I don't ask.

"Ay-Oh!" One of the younger kids run into the room. Sarah is three, she's been here since she was a week old, and gave me the nickname "Ay-Oh". Only the little kids call me that though.

"What's up, blondie?" Ann asks, scooping her up.

Before she can answer, the doors open and Madam Turnstiles walks in.

"Sarah" she scolds with a smile "you know you shouldn't be running off like that." She then turns to me "you've got a man in the interview room who requested to see you. He's looking to adopt and seems to be interested. Good luck." She says before picking Sarah up and taking her elsewhere, probably the playroom.


"I'll walk you down, Aunt Lois want me back soon anyway" Ann says, and we walk downstairs to the interview room. Ann opens the door, pushes me inside shouting "you'll love her" and closes the door, leaving.

I can feel my cheeks burning red as I sit in the seat across from the man, forcing myself to look up towards his face.

"I'm James Martian" James smiles, attempting to break the silence that fell after Olivia Ann looks up at him.

"I'm Olivia Ann" her voice was a little shaky, but she didn't stutter. "Which you know 'cause you read my file" she says after a moment, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"It's fine. So, tell me about about yourself" James suggests.

"You read my file" Olivia states bluntly.

"There are things about you not on your file. What's your favorite color? What type of clothes do you like to wear? What do you like to do in your free time? Things like that." James clarifies, shifting in his seat slightly.

"My favorite colors include most shades of purple, followed by dark, almost red, forest green, and pastel blue. I like to wear a lot of jeans, flannel shirts, and oversized sweatshirts. In my free time, I like to listen to music, write and draw." Olivia answers back, her voice mostly monotone.

"Is there anything else about you that you think I should know?" He asks, studying her.

"I have issues" she says after a minute of silent contemplation.

"What kind of issues-- if you're okay with sharing that is" Hames quickly backtracks, not wanting to make Olivia uncomfortable.

"I-it's not on my file yet, but I was diagnosed with anxiety and minor depression two weeks ago. They offered me medication, but I declined. There, there was a girl a few years ago who had anxiety and depression and took meds for it. She acted really different on the meds and after a while, she developed bipolar disorder. She committed suicide two months ago." Olivia admitted, looking down and playing with her shirt, trying to ignore the bubbling anxiety in her chest and stomach.


"I won't make you get medications" James promises, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. He retracts it when Olivia flinches back.

"S-sorry. I-I just don't like it when people touch me when I'm like this."

"I understand" James assures her, letting his hand fall.

"Um, so what about you. I err, I don't know anything about you" Olivia moves on timidly.

"I'm interested in adopting you and I know you've had a few foster homes before. I'm a cultural advisor for record labels like Fueled By Ramen. I go on tour with bands doing international tours. My job is to translate, make sure we're all respecting the culture and customs of the country we're in and make sure no one does something incredibly stupid."

James grins lightly at the last statement. "It's fairly simple, and it pays well enough for me to support the both of us. What I want to know is, what are your expectations of me?"

"Umm..... I guess to act like a parent, monitor me, provide for me, teach me, you know, normal parent things." Olivia replies, unsure.

"So you have no idea either, eh?" James grins. "I was an orphan too, grew up in this same building. That why I choose to adopt."

"You want to give someone the life you never had" Olivia interjects.

"Exactly" James agrees. "Anything else?"

"With your job, you travel a lot, right?" He nods in confirmation. "So I'm guessing I'll be homeschooled?"

"Yeah, that would be our best option, online schooling. I can get you a laptop and a cellphone, for schooling and if you ever need anything or get lost." James explains.

"I see you have everything planned out" Ms Murdock's voice comes from the doorway. "You are able to take custody of her today, if you both would like. Then you can file for adoption, but the official papers may take awhile." The elderly woman places the papers on the table in front of the pair.

"Well, Olivia Ann, would you like to become my ward, and hopefully one day soon, my daughter?" James asks, signing both the papers for custody and adoption. She smiles widely and takes the pen, signing both forms with a grin.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Why don't you go get things packed, say goodbye to your friends and we can head out before one. It's a two-hour drive back to my place." James warns, and Olivia just nods.

"Thank you so much" she says finally, her voice thick with, hopefully happy, tears.

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