《Adopted On Tour》Part.1


It was good to be back in my home town for a while. I sighed contently, looking at around the calm Midwestern town as I made my way down Main Street. Not much has changed these last eight years, most of the old family businesses are still flourishing and the buildings look as old as ever. The last time I walked down this road, I had just gotten my two year degree and I was off to a local public collage, full scholarship. I was majoring in Cultural Anthropology (the study of world cultures) and minoring in psychology. And what did I do with it? I chose to go on tour with bands as a cultural advisor for international tours. It pays surprisingly well.

I turn down Hampton Road and the sight of a cul-de-sac greets my eyes at the end of the short street. It only runs for about 30 yards before the street meets the wide circular pavement that is surrounded by a curved orphanage. The words "Hampton's Orphanage" greet me from where they are chiseled into a large rock by the front door.

I walk though the oak double doors to the receptionist's desk. An elderly, familiar face greets me, the frown quickly turning into a smile.

"James!" Ms Murdock greets me with a smile as she stands from being her desk. "It's been so long, dear." She makes her way around and folds me into a strong hug despite her frail arms.

"Ten years m'am, I left when I turned 18 and I left town just after my 20th birthday."

"Oh, yes I remember. So what can I help you with today, darling?" She smiles, moving back behind her desk.

"I want to adopt, give a child the parent I never had you know?" I reply, smiling back at her.


"Such a lovely idea James, I just need to access your records and we can see if you're fit to care for a child, then, we can go interview few kids." Her fingers click across the keyboard for a good five minutes only accompanied by the sound of her humming as she looked through my public records.

"Alrighty then, it seems you're clear enough, let's take a look at few of these kids' files eh?" She grins, opening a filing cabinet. "Any specific age group?"

"Probably between 10 and 13, they take a while to find the right person and you have that rule about only adopting kids up to half your age." I decide, she hums, pulling out a few files.

I take them and walk into the interview room to read though each one.

Name: Nichole Ruth Greenfield

Age: 13, born May 9

Bio (Official): Rescued from an abusive household, she had nowhere left to go so the authorities transferred her to the orphanage.

Before I can read more, Ms Murdock comes in.

"Darling, I'm going to need that file, a couple who's been interested in Nichole and who've undergone quite extensive and rigorous background checks have decided to adopt Nichole."

I hand her the file with a smile "No problem, it's good to know that she'll be in good hands."

The next two are of twins, Harry and Teddy Oliver both 10, whose mother passed during their birth and father who is a missing person. I decide not to apply for them, hoping their father will be found or another family member could take them in.

The next is a young girl,

Madeline Thompson, who just got here last week, an adorable 11 year old who is sure to be adopted soon. Instead, I turn to the next file, a girl named Olivia Ann who has been living here for just over three years now.


Name: Olivia Ann Sarah-Smith

Born March 16

Bio (Official): Left at the Orphanage by her parents when their jobs changed meaning they would be constantly traveling worldwide. They didn't have enough money to care for her with their new jobs. Sadly, they were both killed in a plane crash soon after. Slightly introverted and slightly antisocial, she is very tolerant of the other orphans. Over the past six-seven months Olivia Ann has had three anxiety attacks (that we know of).

While tolerant, she doesn't really interact with the others much, preferring to keep to herself and her music. She is constantly listening to music and it is rare to find her without her earbuds. She is a very smart girl, taking several advanced courses but she tends to lack motivation. Over all, she's a lovely girl, she just needs a guiding hand.

Self-Bio: I was left at the orphanage by my parents when I was 10. They both got promotions that caused them to constantly travel worldwide. Gave me up without a second thought. It doesn't matter though, they never really payed attention to me. They didn't neglect me or anything, it was more of I was there, and they were there. We coexisted, and didn't interact much. It's okay though, it worked for us.

They're dead now, died in a plane crash when I was 11.

I'm not much of a people person, every friend I used to have has probably forgotten about me by now. I'm okay with talking to people at times, but sometimes I get overwhelmed. I prefer being away from people though, I'm too nervous.

I have a bit of social anxiety. Just enough that it's hard for me to interact with people without my anxiety popping up. Mostly it's with kids my own age and authority sources. I also have low self-esteem, I can't help it. But at least I know that I have a problem and I'm not afraid to acknowledge it.

I read over the file again, this is it. I don't even read any more of the files. Olivia Ann is the one I want to adopt. Sure, there will be challenges, what part of life doesn't have challenges? Besides, I minored in psychology, if she needs a bit of a therapist from time to time, I can help her out. Maybe I should get her a dog. They're very therapeutic.

'Calm down James, you haven't even met the girl yet. Let's meet her before you go making a bunch of plans.' I think to myself, taking the files with me out the door.

"I think I'd like to talk with Olivia Ann, please." I ask Ms Murdock when I hand her back the other files.

"Follow me, James dear," she smiles knowingly, walking off to where I know the girl's wing of the Hampton Orphanage is.

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