《3 Stepbrothers》The Campfire and S'mores


The sun was setting right now and we were all exhausted. Even the guys seemed tired, which suprised me. But then again we were running around and shooting water at each other. We all had taken showers by now and we were seated around the fire pit.

The fire pit reminded me of those that you find in movies. With the boy scouts sitting around on those really long logs well we were all sitting on those really long logs that were dug into the ground, too. Me and Suzie were sitting next to each other, the guys were across from us, and Lilly and dad shared a log to our right. We were all seated in a circle and me and Suzie were sharing a blanket.

"We're lucky the firewood didn't get wet," My dad said grabbing some of the wood and setting it in the pit. We all chuckled.

Yeah I guess it was lucky it didn't get wet, I thought. Considering that everything else was soaking wet.

"I feel sorry for the people that own this house," Cole said, "There gonna get one heck of a water bill."

Lilly and dad smiled. My dad grabbed some matches and lit the fire. He passed down some long metal rods and we each got onr. They were REALLY long. My dad pulled out the hot dogs and we all put the meat part at the end of the stick.

I placed my hot dog at the top of the fire allowing only to edges of the fire to touch my hot dog.

There seemed to be an awkward silence between me and the guys. I can guarantee yiu we were all thinking the same thing. Right now all I could think was, did I seriously just have fun with the Parris triplets? Did I really squirt them with ice cold water and throw water balloons at them? Did I really just chicken fight with them? God what is the world coming to!? Am I like about to be kidnapped by aliens or something? Or maybe Russia finally made zombies and I'm gonna end up like in Apocalypse of the Zombies?

Now the guys were probably thinking something somewhat the same. Probably something like: did I just have fun? Fun with Tori!? Tori Linean?! The shadow that lurks behind the lockers!? The bitch that flipped me and my brother over!? The same girl that went ballistic over a stuffed dog!? Did I really just have fun with my stepsister?

"I haven't been around a campfire for a really long time," Shawn said breaking the silence.

My dad chuckled, "We used to do these every other weekend. Tori would invite her friends and Suzie would invite hers and we'd all sit around and tell stories and laugh."

I smiled remembering those days. My dad was right, before he started dating Lilly we'd do campfires every other weekend and I'd invite Cali and Mark and we would tell stories and eat marshmallows.

"We haven't done this in a long time," Blake said pulling back his hot dog.

"You burned it," Suzie told him.

"Yeah but I like it this way." Blake started to eat his hot dog. A couple minutes later I pulled my hot dog out of the fire, Suzie followed and we both ate ours.

Once everyone had at least eaten three hot dogs my dad brought out the marshmallows. It was getting darker and in a couple minutes it would be pitch black.

"Thanks Bill," Cole said grabbing the bag of marshmallows and setting a marshmallow on his metal rod.


"Yeah thanks," Blake replied grabbing his own marshmallow.

"Thanks for everything," Shawn said stuffing his mouth with one and then grabbing another and putting it at the end of the rod.

My dad smiled and sat back down with Lilly.

"So how did you guys like the house?" Lilly asked.

"I loved it, it was fun." Suzie said.

"Yeah it was cool after I killed all the spiders in my room," I said.

"Where did you guys find this place?" Blake asked.

Our parents shrugged.

"So what if I tell you that we have decided to buy it?" Lilly askes with a huge smile.

"You bought it?" Cole shouted.

"No not yet," dad added, "But we're thinking about buying it. The owner gave us a really cheap price and we told him we'd think about it. He seems desperate to sell the house, so we're asking you."

I looked down at Suzie and then the guys. It was like we were all having a mental conversation. Then we looked back to our parents.

"Do we have to come here every weekend?" Shawn asked.

"No. We were thinking about coming here during Thanksgiving or Christmas. Maybe you can all have a party during Spring Break." Lilly added.

"So just kinda like a vacation spot?" Cole asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes Cole that is what your mom is explaining right now."

Cole gave me a look but I ignored it and looked back at my parents.

"So is that yes?" dad asked.

"Yes!" Suzie yelled.

I shrugged, "Go for it."

"Sure." Shawn said.

"Why not?" Cole muttered.

Blake didn't say anything at first, he took a deep breath, "Fine."

Our parents smiled and we all went back to the marshmallows.

"Why don't you guys start a conversation?" Lilly said staring from her boys to me and Suzie.

We all looked at each for minute and then went back to our marshmallows.

This felt so awkward. I mean we just ran around and had fun, but now we were just thinking. I mean did we really just have fun with each other. I'm not gonna lie, I did have fun, but with THEM. We never get along, please we barely talk and when we do its just short remarks or name callingg.

Dad and Lilly looked at each other, having another one of those mental conversations. Sometimes it really creeped me out.

"Tori I burned my marshmallow," Suzie said with a huge sigh.

I chuckled, "If you want it to be golden you keep it in the smoke."

"But that takes forever," Shawn said pulling out a marshmallow that was on fire. He blew on it and then ate it.

"Want mine?" Suzie asked.

He nodded and took Suzie's marshmallow. I placed another marshmallow at the end of her rod.

"Now just keep it in the smoke and twirl it," I instructed.

She nodded and I noticed how Cole and Blake moved up their rods. Their marshmallows now in the smoke.

"Tori which star is that?" Dad asked. The sky was clear tonight, perfect day for stargazing. Me and dad used to stargaze with mom. She was always interested in astronomy, so I learned a few constellations from her.

I looked up and traced the stars, "Orion's belt."

"Ohh thats the big dipper!" Suzie said excitingly.

"Isn't that Sirius?" Cole asked, looking up at the stars with us.

"Yeah I think so," I said.


"I didn't know you liked stars?" Shawn commented.

"When we had campfires we would try to name the stars, if it was a clear night." Suzie said. A couple minutes went by with me and Suzie just looking at the stars. It was a beautiful night, the stars glimmered and shined and I just wanted to reach for them an grab them.

When I was younger I remember trying to catch the stars, reaching for them like I could just grab them. But of course that wasn't possible, but when your young you believe anything is possible.

"Ok well we're heading to bed," Lilly said after a while, "You all want to stay a bit more? Finish all the marshmallows?"

We all nodded and my dad and Lilly got up and left. I watched as they left and I watched as they walked into the house.

"Why do I feel like they did that on purpose?" I muttered.

"Because they did," Cole stated.

I looked over at him and nodded. Of course they did it on purpose, they wanted us to have a conversation.

"So what's your favorite color?" Shawn asked uninterested.

I laughed now understanding, "Your mom put you up to this, didn't she?"

The guys didn't say anything they just roasted thier marshmallows.

I chuckled, "So what did you mom threaten you this time? No car for a month? No parties?"

"Just...." Shawn started but didn't add anything.

'Tori has it ever occured to you that if you do something nice for them, they might do something nice for you?' My dad's voice ran in my ears. Wow I just can't get that out of my head.

I sighed, "My favorite color is blue. I love meat, but I'll eat anything except for green vegetables. I don't really have a favorite band, I'll listen to anything. Ummm...... you already know I like soccer, but I watch football sometimes. I understand the rules to lacrosse, but I've never played. Anything else?"

The guys seemed to be reviewing that in their heads. Color: blue. Food: anything but green vegetables. Sports: mostly soccer.

"Wait," Shawn asked, "What about basketball?"

I shrugged, "I know how to play and all, but you score every other minute. So it seems boring. I mean I personally think when you make a goal or score a touchdown you jump up, scream, do a small victory dance because it doesn't happen often and it gets you excited and makes you blood start pumping. But in basketball how many times do you get to do that?" I raised an eyebrow at them.

"That...actually makes sense," Cole said.

I smirked, "Yeah that's what I was going for."

Cole chuckled, actually chuckled.

"What about school? Like what's your favorite subject and all that?" Shawn asked.

I felt Suzie curl up into me so I pulled the blanket around her. She layed her head in my lap and even though her eyes were opened all she did was stare at the fire. She'll be asleep in a matter of seconds, I thought.

"Well I used to like math until you three made it hell for me," I looked at them and they all seemed to smile, "But I like science too. And let me guess you all hate school and wish it never existed and you just want to play sports all day long." I added while rolling my eyes.

"You got it," Blake said.

"Shocker there," I said sarcastically, "So other than sports what do you all do for fun?"

The guys all looked taken aback. They did not suspect me to be asking questions. But I'm not the only one thats being interrogated.

"Umm...well we go to the movies a lot." Shawn said. He looked uncomfortable and moved his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah we play video games, watch movies, just chill out." Cole said. He also looked uncomfortable.

Blake didn't say anything but he did stare at me. That's when I got it.

I let out a nervous laugh, "Oh I get it, on your extra time your all behind the bleachers making out with those fake cheerleaders. Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

In the firelight I saw there faces turn red, but not with embarrassment but with anger.

"I'm just gonna drop it there," I said looking down at the now asleep Suzie.

"What about you?" Blake spat out, "I've never seen you with a guy, at least not in a relationship with one."

"Cause I'm not the dating type and even if I was I'd like a long relationship and not one that only lasts a couple weeks or months," I calmly replied to him.

His nostrils flared and I could see the anger in his face.

"Don't get mad I'm just saying. And don't act like its not true," I said to all of them, "I mean what's been your longest relationship? Two weeks, a month?"

"Your not the one asking questions here?" Shawn said.

"Since when was I being the one being interrogated?" I asked.

"Since our parents left," Cole said.

"Whatever. Do you have enough answers or do you need more?" I asked.

"I think that'll do for tonight," Blake muttered and looked back into the slowly dying fire.

I started to get up when I reliezed Suzie was still on me.

I lightly shook her shoulder, "Suzie?" I whispered.

She groaned but didn't move. I sighed.

"I got her you don't need to wake her up," Cole said getting up and walking towards me, "I'll go put her in bed, after all I'm sleeping in the same room as her."

He picked up Suzie and I got up and stretched.

"Can you guys put out the fire?" I asked Shawn and Blake, yawning in the middle of the sentence.

They just grumbled a yeah and me and Cole walked back into the house. We stayed silent and it seemed pretty awkward, but I was to tired to acknowledge anything.

We finlly reached the room and I opened the door for Cole to walk in. He lifted Suzie placing her on the top bunk.

"She told me she wanted to sleep on the top," Cole whispered to me.

"Yeah she was excited about that," I whispered back.

I went up to the bed and since I couldn't see Suzie I stood on the bottom bunk and looked over the rail to the top bunk. I looked into my little sister's face and smiled. She had loose strands of black hair in her face and I lighty pushed it away. I grabbed Mr. Cuddles and placed it under one of her arms.

"Goodnight Sue," I kissed her forehead and when I pulled back I whispered, "I love you."

Her eyelids slightly opened, "I love you too Tori." She closed her eyes and her breathing slowed down.

I smiled at her and then got off the bed. The whole time I didn't realize that Cole was standing there, staring at me.

I ignored his stares and through I yawn I said, "I'm heading to bed, goodnight."

"Night," Cole replied as I headed out the door.

When I reached my room I changed and got under the covers. Once my head hit that pillow, I was out like a light.


Ok you guys I don't know what to say other than I love you all, don't forget to vote, and please don't forget to comment on what you think. And I was thinking on maybe giving a short perspective from one of the guys? Yeah? No? You tell me.

Oh and I have a really good friend, you probably see her in the comments. Well she is writing a great book call Amour. Her name I heygirlhey2. So just check it out.





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