《Lloyd Garmadon x Male Reader |Just My Type|》Chapter 10: Karma
After training with the rest of the ninja, I went home to train on my own accord. Well, actually, I went home and went to sleep. Now it's Saturday and I'm training today. I was determined to learn how to use nunchucks. I looked up videos and tutorials and watched them, carefully trying to copy their every move with my own nunchucks as I watched. I learned how to hold them and the proper way to swing them. I have a lot of empty space in my room, so I don't really have to worry about hitting anything. Anything other than myself, anyway.
I ended up hitting myself with the nunchucks more times than I'd like to admit. I hit my arms, my ribs, and even my legs. And of course I continued to hit myself in the face, but it's probably impossible to avoid. I actually ended up knocking one of my teeth loose. It's fine, though. I'm sure it's probably fine...
Come to think of it, when we were training yesterday, I didn't see Lloyd's black eye... He probably covers it up with makeup. That's something I should probably do...
The rest of the weekend passed and Monday crept up on me quicker than it seemed. I woke up, knowing that today is the day I finally get to come back to school from my suspension. How... exciting...
I hop out of bed and put my clothes on. I look at myself in the mirror and see my face covered in bruises. Over the weekend, I actually went out and bought some makeup to cover my bruises with. I don't know what it's called. I think it's concealer? I know absolutely nothing about makeup, but I've seen my mom use this stuff before, so I just picked whichever color matched my skin and bought it.
I look at myself in the mirror and put some of the product onto my fingers and put it over the spots that I had so recklessly bruised. I make sure to cover every inch of black and blue that littered my face. I can't have anyone figuring out I'm The Wind Ninja. I'm sure Lloyd would be the first to notice.
After I apply the makeup, I finish up the rest of my morning routine. So, basically, I just play with my hair until it looks decent, grab my bag and head out the door.
When I arrive at school, I make my way through the hall and to my locker. Everyone is looking at me and I can hear them whisper behind my back. They're most likely not over the fight.
I approach my locker and go to shove my backpack inside. I actually had my ninja suit inside. Just in case.
While I'm at my locker, I hear someone approach me from the side. I turn to look at them.
It's Kai. He probably doesn't have anything very nice to say to me...
"Oh, uh, Kai..." was all I could say as he walked up to me.
"Don't worry, I'm not here to make fun of you or anything. I just... wanted to say I'm sorry, I guess? I know what Chen did has nothing to do with me, but as his... uh... friend... I should probably say I'm sorry," he apologized.
"Really? Uh... thanks, but, uh... out of all of the people you should be apologizing to is Lloyd. He's probably more upset than I am," I tell him.
"Really? I didn't even think of that... Do you know where he is?" He asks.
"He's probably already at first period. You want me to take you to him?"
"Yeah..." Kai seems a bit upset. I can tell he's genuinely sorry for what Chen did.
Kai follows me to my first period class, where I knew Lloyd would probably be, and of course, there he was. Sitting silently in his own seat. His black eye was beginning to fade just a small bit, but it was still very prominent. This also proves my theory that Lloyd uses makeup to cover the injury when he wears The Green Ninja suit.
Lloyd looks up at us and he seems a bit startled at the sight of Kai. He's probably thinking the same thing I was when I saw Kai approaching me at my locker.
"Oh, uh, hey, (Y/N)... Kai..." he's a bit confused by Kai's presence, especially because he came into the room alongside me.
"Hey, Lloyd... I... I really need to tell you I'm sorry... for what Chen did to you... with the black eye and everything... I'm really sorry I never spoke up when I would see Chen being mean to you, and I'm sorry for ever even associating myself with him in the first place... Chen and I, well... we're not really friends any more, so I'm just apologizing to everyone that he's hurt. I feel awful..." Kai explains as his head hangs low and he stares at the floor with his hands in his pockets.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong," Lloyd says.
"No, I did. I was a bystander. I could have told someone what was going on, but I didn't. I've always told myself to stand up for what's right... But I... I didn't," Kai says once more.
"It's really fine. I forgive you," Lloyd says with a smile.
"Really? Thanks, dude," Kai smiles back. He then holds out his fist, expecting Lloyd to give him a fist bump, and he does.
"I'll catch you later... maybe during lunch?" Kai mentions.
"Yeah, sure!" Lloyd smiles.
"Cool. See ya, guys!" Kai waves as he walks out of the classroom, I assume to go to his own first period.
"Well, that was unexpected," Lloyd says.
"I know, right? You think he'll actually come sit with us at lunch?"
I sit in the seat next to Lloyd temporarily until class starts, as I always do. I attempt to start up a new conversation, but the sight of Chen entering the classroom catches my eye. I finally see the wounds I have given him in full. They've actually settled in and don't look like they'll fade away for some while. Chen's face is completely busted up. Funilly enough, I had given him a black eye, just as he had done to Lloyd. But I gave him a lot more than a black eye.
Chen stares at me as he walks into the room, attempting to threaten me with his soul piercing glare, but he doesn't scare me anymore. And I never will be scared of him. Especially after figuring out that he's too scared to fight back. I just return the glare as he makes his way to his desk. I return my vision to Lloyd and we begin to conversate.
"So I've been talking with Zane and Jay lately. They sat with me during lunch on Friday. I forgot to tell you," Lloyd tells me after the awkward silence that arose from Chen's arrival.
"Really? I'm glad you weren't alone on Friday, then. What all did you guys talk about?" I ask.
"Just basic small talk. We really don't know each other too well, so-" Lloyd tried to speak, but ends up getting cut off by Chen.
"Kai said something to you guys, didn't he?" Chen asks bluntly, interrupting our conversation.
"Excuse me?" I ask.
"Kai. That dipshit came and talked to you guys, didn't he? He probably came to apologize didn't he?" He spat.
"It's none of your business what he says to us. You're not friends anymore," I reply, anger welling in my voice. It's like Chen's mere existence angers me.
"And it's none of your business whether or not we're friends. I told that asshole not to make a big deal out of it, but he said he was gonna apologize to you two," he says with anger as he stands up, and I stand up too. I wanna make sure he doesn't try anything stupid.
"Who cares? The conversations that happen between us, stay between us. He has the right to talk to us, and we have the right to keep what he said secret!" I yell.
"I care, because Lloyd is evil. Everyone knows this! No one should associate themselves with that disgusting, horrible monster." Now Chen is just trying to say stuff to piss me off. I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to get me to attack him again so I get suspended. And he's trying to do it with no one else around so he can lie and said I attacked him out of no where.
Lloyd droops his head down in sadness at the remarks, though. Which is enough to make me want to beat the shit out of Chen again, but I know I can't.
"I know what you're doing, asshole. You're trying to get me suspended again. It's not going to work. I'm not that stupid," I remark as the anger in my voice grows stronger.
"Aw, too bad. You'd think you would wanna defend your boyfriend when someone makes fun of him," he teases.
"Do you mind explaining why you're like this? Does it bring you joy to hurt people? Because no one thinks it's funny. No one thinks it's cute. It just causes the people in your life to see what a horrible person you are. They all leave, one by one, they all see what a douche bag you are. First, Kai, then the rest of your little gang of idiots, then you'll be the one who's left all alone. will be the laughing stock of the entire school. And the worst thing? You did it to yourself. You caused your friends to leave. You'll be the one tearing yourself down all on your own. And us? We'll just be laughing. Laughing at the mess you made for yourself," I tell him off. He seems impacted by my words, but he has too thick of a skull to ever change the way he acts.
"We believe in karma. You'll get what's coming to you," I deliver one last remark.
"Am I supposed to be threatened?" He asks.
"No, you're supposed to leave us alone. Get out of my sight," I demand.
"Whatever, you fucking psychopath," He pushes me and makes his way to the door to enter the hallways.
I know he probably thinks I'm insane for lecturing him like that, and I know that I said I didn't know if I believed in karma, but the way Chen views himself? He has this vision of himself where he pictures himself as so much bigger than everyone else. And he needs to know that the bigger you are, the harder you fall.
That kid needs to change his attitude real quick. I'm tired of dealing with him.
Class had started and Chen never showed back up to class. He does skip occasionally, so it's no surprise he skipped this class today. I didn't see him for the rest of my morning classes, but that's because I don't have any other morning classes with him. I think I did see him in the hallway once. We just ignored each other and kept walking.
As usual, it was finally time to go to lunch. I was at my locker, putting my stuff away, when I see Kai appear next to me out of the corner of my eye.
"Uh, hey, (Y/N)!" He greets.
"Hey, Kai."
"Do you think I could, uhh... sit with you and Lloyd at lunch? I don't really have anywhere else to sit..." he hesitantly asks.
"If you really want to, I won't stop you, but it'll probably ruin your reputation at this school forever," I bluntly say.
"That's okay. The kids who do have a higher reputation here are..." he tries to find the right word.
"Alright, well I'm going to Lloyd's locker if you wanna come," I say.
I walk over to Lloyd's locker with Kai following right behind me. I see two other kids at Lloyd's locker with him. I believe it's Jay and Zane.
"Hey Lloyd," I say as I walk up behind him.
"Oh, hey! Is it okay if Zane and Jay sit with us today?" He asks.
Jay and Zane smile at me, but they're kind of threatened by the presence of Kai. They probably immediately associate him with Chen, and Zane and Jay don't seem like the type of people Chen would get along with.
"I don't mind. Can Kai sit with us?" I ask as Kai nervously smiles at Lloyd.
"Sure!" Lloyd agrees. Now Jay and Zane look even more nervous than before.
"Kai is... Sitting with us?" Jay asks hesitantly.
"Yeah, he's actually not a dick if that's what you're thinking," I say.
Kai just laughs a little bit, as Jay let's out a small "oh..."
We all walk to the cafeteria. This is probably the largest group of friends I've ever been a part of. Not that I would consider us all friends without really getting to know Jay, Zane, and Kai, but I'd hope to become acquainted with them at some point.
Normally, Lloyd and I don't go through the lunch line that often, but we do today, just to accompany the rest of the group. We get our trays and walk to our lunch table in the back corner of the cafeteria. It's normally nobody but me and Lloyd, so it'll be nice to have some company I guess.
We all sit down at the table. Lloyd sits next to me, and Kai, Jay, and Zane sit across from us. We all settle down at the table, some of us taking small bites of the food. I don't particularly care for what they're serving today, so I just push my tray away from me and don't bother eating it. I see Kai seems a bit on edge, so I try to talk to him.
"So, Kai. What made you decide you didn't want to be friends with Chen anymore?" I ask him.
"Oh, well... I guess it's just the way he treats other people... the way he treats you guys. I couldn't stand to be around him anymore. He was always nice to me, but it took me a while to figure out that a friend has to have more qualities than just 'being nice,'" he explains. "I just hope he doesn't see me sitting here and make a big scene out of it. That's something he tends to do..."
"Wouldn't surprise me if he did come over here and try to start something. He's been trying to get me suspended again," I state.
"What do you mean?" Jay asks.
"He's been trying to get me to attack him again and get me suspended. I hope he knows I'm not that stupid," I say.
"That's really stupid..." Jay says.
We go quiet for a little bit, until I see a figure approach our table. At first, I thought it was Chen, but I took a closer look, and it was actually Nya Smith.
"Kai, what are you doing?" She yells as she approaches us.
"What do you mean?" Kai asks.
"Why are you... why are you sitting here?" She goes from yelling to just a loud whisper. It's as if she thinks we can't hear her or something.
"These are my new friends," Kai states.
"What happened to sitting with Chen?" She asks.
"We're not friends anymore. Please, just stay out of it," Kai asks of her.
"No, just- come here!" She grabs him by the arm and pulls him off to the side so we can't hear them talk.
I knew someone would try to keep him from sitting with us. I see Nya lecturing Kai for a while. I can't hear anything they're saying, but Kai has quiet the upset look on his face. After a while of what looks to be them arguing, Nya drags him off to another lunch table. Kai just looks back at us with a look of sadness.
"Well... that was..." Jay begins.
"Very rude," Zane finishes his sentence.
Lloyd looks most upset that Nya took off with Kai. He probably thinks he's the reason why she didn't want him here. Which is probably true, sadly. He just puts his head down on the table and stares off.
The rest of the lunch period was pretty uneventful...
Hey, this is a pretty quick chapter. Sorry about that. I just wanted to put this out because I might be pretty busy for the next few days. Once again, sorry about that.
Anyway, feedback is important! Tell me what you think of the chapter!
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