《Lloyd Garmadon x Male Reader |Just My Type|》Chapter 1: Evil
I woke up this morning with the loud beep of my alarm clock ringing in my ears. I hated listening to that stupid alarm. I honestly just hated going to school.
Most kids didn't like me. I don't have any friends. It used to be worse at my old school. The bullying was awful.
You know that saying, the one that goes "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" That's a lie. I could handle the hitting, kicking, and tripping, but it was the insults that really got to me. The things that people would say just made me feel awful about myself. It made me insecure about my weight, my height, my hair, my face, my clothes... pretty much anything that could make me feel bad, DID make me feel bad. My mom always told me to suck it up. Giving in to mindless insults was a sign of "weakness." As she would like to put it, which only made me feel worse about myself.
But all of this stuff changed when I moved to Ninjago High. I still have no friends, of course, but I'm no longer the center of negative attention. That would be Lloyd. Lloyd Garmadon.
I don't know why everyone hated him so much. I get it, he's the son of the evil Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean Lloyd is bad. He still goes to school and works just as hard as the rest of us. I don't know... Maybe I'm thinking about it too hard... Maybe Lloyd is evil. Who knows... I'll try not to think about it too hard.
I didn't really do much to get ready for school. I just ran my fingers through my hair until I thought it looked presentable, threw a hoodie on and grabbed by bag and left. I didn't say bye to my mom. She was probably still asleep.
I walk to the bus stop and those thoughts from earlier still run through my head. The word "evil" is a strong one, isn't it? How would someone define "evil?" You can't really decide if someone is evil or not unless you've met them, and I feel like it's a word only to describe those who are truly awful. Not just someone who might look or act different, or even come from a family that some would consider "evil."
I'm doing it again, aren't I? I'm thinking too hard about something I told myself I wouldn't think too hard about... stupid brain...
The bus pulls up and I'm snapped out of my thoughts. I climb aboard the bus and take my seat in the back on the left. Boys on the left, girls on the right. I don't know why they came up with this rule. It was dumb. I can assure you that I'm not going to act any different on the ride to school just because I'm sitting next to a boy instead of a girl, but whatever. Nobody ever sat next to me anyway. I normally had the seat all to myself.
To pass the time on the way to school, I would just scroll through whichever social media I hadn't checked in a while, and most of the pages I followed were fanpages for the secret ninja. I really liked them, a little too much, probably. The idea of them saving the city all the time was super cool to me. I even have some posters of them in my room. The Green Ninja was my favorite, in fact, I kind of had a huge crush on him. Even though you can't see his face past his mask, there was just something about him that I found super attractive, more attractive than the rest of the ninja, but I have no idea what that would be. He just appealed to me more.
When we got to school, I stepped out of the bus and made my way to my locker. I shoved my bag in my locker and pulled out the books I would need for my morning classes, but before I went to class, I pulled out my phone and checked the 'Good Morning Ninjago' website. 95% chance of an attack today. Of course.
I hate the fact that I have to check to see if I'll have a safe day at school or not. As much as I like Ninjago High for not being inhabited by people who hate my guts, constant threat of attack was definitely a negative. At least we have those secret ninja.
I open my locker and shove my algebra book back inside. No point in taking it because the attack will probably happen before second period, and the attacks normally last about 40 minutes to an hour, so I figured I could leave the extra weight behind. I drag my feet as I make my way to my first period language arts class.
I come to class a bit early. Most people come to class only a few minutes before the bell rings because they're talking to their friends or something, but I never did any of that.
When I enter the class, there's only two other students in the room. Chen and Lloyd. Lloyd was always first to class because he was in the same situation as me with the whole "No friends" thing, and Chen was always there right after Lloyd so he could torment him without a teacher scolding him for it. I make quick eye contact with Lloyd, who is sitting in the front row, as I head to my desk at the back of the class. He looks scared.
I sit down and watch the events unfold from my seat in the back row. Chen is standing in front of his desk, bending down to be almost eye level with Lloyd.
"Hey, Garmadork, did you get your homework done?" Chen asked with a cocky tone in his voice.
Lloyd faked a smile. "Y-yeah, actually, I did," he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the floor.
Chen then took Lloyd's binder from off of his desk and took out Lloyd's homework. "Mind if I copy this down? I forgot to do mine," Chen said, still with that condescending tone.
"S-sure, just give it ba-"
Lloyd's words were interrupted with the loud sound of his paper being ripped in half by Chen. He had this nasty smirk on his face, like he was proud to ruin someone else's day.
"Oops. I ripped it. I'm sure you can just do it again. This is easy work anyway," Chen laughed and walked out of the classroom with pride, probably to go tell his cheerleader friends what he had just done.
Now THAT is what I would consider evil. Putting others down just to make you feel better about yourself.
I see Lloyd get down on to the floor and pick up the two halves of his paper that Chen had so rudely ripped apart, all while I was still watching from the back of the class. I felt bad for not saying anything, but I didn't want Chen to tell everyone I was defending Lloyd. That would do damage to my reputation. Not that I had a good reputation to start with, but I didn't have a bad reputation either. I was neutral.
Lloyd was still on his knees on the floor, examining the two halves of paper. He was facing away from me, so I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was probably on the verge of tears, because he just sat there for a while... just looking at the paper. I see him bring his arms up to his face and rub his eyes as he sniffles a bit. My assumptions were probably correct.
Some might say that crying over a ripped piece of paper is a bit of an over reaction, but I completely understand. He's not crying because the paper ripped, he's crying because of the malicious intent of the reason why the paper was ripped.
After rubbing his eyes for a little bit longer, he rises to his feet and makes his way to the front desk of the class. He picks up the tape despencer, but there's no tape.
"UGH," he let out a sigh of annoyance as he hung his head down and looked at the floor.
I figure that because no one is around, I could probably help him out a little.
"...Do you... do you need some tape?" I ask, softly with concern.
He whips his head around and looks at me with wide eyes, and it was clear that he had been crying.
"H-have you been here the whole time?" His voice was shaky. He had that post crying voice.
"Yeah, and I'm sorry about your paper. That sucks, man," I try to sympathise with him and make it seem like I didn't just watch him cry for five minutes straight.
"Y-you're talking to me, right? You're offering ME tape?" He seemed confused because no body else had really tried to empathize with him like this before, at least not that I've seen.
"Yeah, I am," I unzip my pencil bag and pull out a little roll of tape. "Do you want the tape or not?" I ask with a bit of a chuckle.
"Yeah..." he slowly approaches my desk and holds out his hand to take it, but then he retracts a little bit.
"Are you sure you want to give ME tape?"
"Just take the damn tape," I insist.
He quickly takes the tape from my grasp, almost as if he were scared that I would redact my offer if he didn't take it. He pulls a big piece off of the role. It was probably more than he needed, but I didn't really care. At least he actually took the tape.
He patched up the paper and handed the roll back to me.
"Th-thanks," he smiled.
"No problem," I say as I put the tape back in my bag as he returned to his seat. And as if on cue, more students entered the room. I could hear them laughing and joking with each other, but I couldn't hear exactly what anyone was saying, because it seemed like everyone was trying to talk over each other.
Within a few minutes, everyone was in their seats and the teacher entered the room. She opened up notes on the board that she wanted us to write down and that's pretty much all we ever did in this class. It wasn't fun, but it was easy, and I was happy with work, as long as it was easy.
Through out my note taking, I kept looking up at the back of Lloyd's head. I don't know why I kept looking up, I knew that every time I look up, nothing would change, but I kept looking anyway and I just kept thinking about our encounter just a few minutes prior. I felt bad for the guy...
At the end of the period when the bell rang, I routinely grabbed my things and went down the hall. The halls in this school were huge. They had to be in order to fit so many kids. This was the biggest school in all of Ninjago. I kept my slow walking pace, as I was in no hurry to get where I was going. I'm never excited for algebra... speaking of algebra, I shoved my book in my locker, thinking the attack would happen earlier on in the day, but I was wrong. After I realize this, I shift direction and walk the other way, back to my locker.
At this point, I'm the only one left in the hall way and everyone else is already in their classes. Right now, I'm upstairs and I need to get to my locker downstairs, and then I need to come back upstairs to go to my next class. I know I'm going to be late, so I walk extremely slow so I have to be in algebra for as little time as possible. While I'm walking, I hear the bell rings and I'm officially late.
Before I'm able to head down the stairs, I stop in my tracks when I hear a loud siren... a siren that is far too familiar. The siren that sounds when there is an attack on the city. And I'm still in the halls. I panic as I start to run back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. During an attack, the policy for each classroom is to lock the doors, and to not let anyone in the classroom.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. It's extremely unsafe for me to be out here in the halls. There's no where for me to hide, and I can't duck and cover like they always teach us to do under the desks.
My frantic pacing was soon haulted by the shock I felt when I heard the sound of shattering glass behind me. I turn around to see that the huge window on the right side of the hall way had been busted through, and there were about ten shark army generals right in front of me. One of them spots me and makes his way toward me. I try to run, but I was too late. When I turned around, he grabbed me by the hood of my shirt and pulled me into his grasp. I have no idea what he wants with me, but I know, whatever it is, it's not good.
I begin to scream at the top of my lungs. "LET GO OF ME! HEEEELP! SOMEBODY, HELP!"
He slaps his hand over my mouth to keep me from yelling. "Shut up, kid!"
I squirm as I try to escape his grasp, but I can't. He easily over powers me. I still try to scream for help, but it's no use. My yells are muffled by his gloved hand and I'm running out of ideas. Tears run down my face as he begins to drag me off somewhere, but before he's able to get very far, I see a fist fly and hit him in the face. He lets go of me and falls to the floor. I look up and it's none other than The Green Ninja himself. I've always dreamed that one day he would save me from some sort of danger, but now that that time has come, it's a lot less exciting than I imagined, and it's just scary. Tears are still streaming down my cheeks.
"Run, now! Go!" He yells at me as generals start to charge at him.
"Where?! All of the doors are locked!"
"Find a bathroom, a closet, it doesn't matter, just go!" He screams as he delivers a punch to one of the generals faces as they charged at him.
I do as he says and I run down the hall and I don't look back. I run until I find a janitors closet. Luckily, it wasn't locked, so I hurry up inside. I turn the lights off to make sure no one can see that I'm in here from the light underneath the door. I would have locked it, but the lock on the door was busted.
I curl up in the corner of the room, hearing nothing but the faint sounds of fighting down the hall, and the loud noise of my shaky breath. I'm still crying, but my breath starts to slow down the longer I sit.
I begin to hear some voices other than The Green Ninja's come from the hall way.
"Green, look out!" It sounds like some of the other ninja have shown up to help The Green Ninja.
"Thanks, Fire," the sound of The Green Ninja's voice thanks the one who must be The Fire Ninja. Too bad they're using their code names. I would have loved to know who they really are.
I feel safer knowing that the ninja are here to protect me, but I'm still terrified.
"Ugh!" The sound of pain escapes someone's mouth. I can't see to know who it is, but then I see the handle on the door start to turn. I quickly hide my face in the corner of the room. I know that if whoever it is wants to hurt me, covering my face isn't going to help, but it's worth a try.
The door opens and the sound of someone entering fills my ears. I hear fabric rustling, and finally, a voice speaks.
"Damn mask... can't see a thing."
I open my eyes, and I'm filled with shock. It's The Green Ninja and his mask is off.
I flip on the lights and he looks at me.
"Uh, you weren't supposed to see this, I-I-I u-um," he's in just as much shock as I am, and now that I'm getting a better look at him with the lights on, I see that he has his right sleeve rolled up and there's a cut on his arm. A rather large cut, actually. It started from the top of his fore arm and went all the way down to his wrist and it cut almost all the way down to the bone.
I gasp and interrupt his stammering. "Oh my God, are you okay?!" I ask in shock as I grab a hold of his arm and examine it without trying to hurt him.
"I-I'm fine, really, but you're not supposed to see me like this!"
"That doesn't matter right now, you're hurt bad!" While I was shocked about Lloyd being The Green Ninja, I had enough time to fanboy about that later. Right now, I was more concerned with his wound. Blood was gushing out of the cut. I'm not a doctor or anything, but I do know that this much blood loss could kill someone.
"No, I really need to get back out there! The other ninja need me!" He tried to get up and leave, but I held a tight grip on his shoulder and pulled him back down to the floor.
"No, this could cause serious damage!"
I try to look around the closet and find some bandages or something that could keep the wound shut. My eyes dart around until I see a white cloth hanging off of a rack in the corner of the room. I grab it and I look back over to Lloyd.
"No, listen... I gotta... I gotta go..." His eyes became dull and he looked as if he was about to pass out from the blood loss.
I quickly started to apply pressure to the cut and wrap the cloth around it to keep it from bleeding any further. The instant feeling of pain made Lloyd perk up and hiss in pain. His face scrunched up and he bit his lip. I knew that it had to be uncomfortable, but he needed help.
Once the cloth was wrapped entirely over his wound, he tried to speak.
"I... I..." was all he could manage to say before his eye lids began to slowly close. He was passing out.
"Come on, Lloyd, stay with me, buddy," I demand as I shake him a bit. It was pointless. He had passed out as his body fell against the brick wall behind him. I try to think of what to do.
"Uh... Come on, (Y/N). Think... THINK," I yell at myself, hoping it will help my thought process.
Then, an idea comes to my mind. I lift up a little bit of Lloyd's gi, hoping he had something on underneath. He had that same green jacket that he always wears. I begin to remove his entire gi and hide it under some boxes in the corner of the closet, leaving him only in the same casual clothes that he was wearing earlier. Now I could find him help without anyone knowing he's The Green Ninja.
I wrap my arms around Lloyd and pick him up bridal style. I'm not very strong, and his dead weight seemed like it would have been too much to carry at any other time, but I was running on pure adrenaline, giving me extra strength.
I stand up with Lloyd still in my arms. I kick up my leg and push it against the door handle and force the door open. When I opened the door, I peered out into the hall way to make sure I wasn't in danger. It seems that the generals and the rest of the ninja have gone elsewhere. I head out of the room and book it down the stairs. This is probably the fastest I've ever run, even with Lloyd's dead weight slowing me down.
I make it to the bottom of the steps and turn the corner that would lead to the main entrance when I see a large group of generals fighting with the other five ninja.
I stop in my tracks. I don't want to get in between this little battle that was happening in the middle of the hallway, but I needed to. For Lloyd. I charge through the clash between generals and ninja, trying to avoid getting myself hurt. I attract the attention of a couple of the ninja, but the generals are more focused on defeating the ninja. I hear The Lightning Ninja exchange some dialogue with The Water Ninja, but I couldn't hear them over the sound of my heavy breathing and my heart beating in my ears.
I shove my way through the big glass, double doors and I see cop cars and a few ambulances scattered around the front of the school.
"HELP! HE NEEDS HELP!" I shout, hoping to get the attention of a cop or a paramedic and I drop to my knees and place Lloyd gently on the ground in front of me and I keep his head elevated with my right arm.
A couple of paramedics notice my struggle and begin to run my direction and I can hear Lloyd come back into consciousness. He groans in pain.
"It's okay, dude. Help is on the way," I try to assure him as I look into his emerald green eyes. He closes them once more and falls back into the sea of unconsciousness and the paramedics gather around me.
"H-he was hurt during the attack!" I explain.
"Don't worry. You can go, kid. We got this," one of them says as some of the others bring Lloyd into the ambulance.
And with that, they drove off. It wasn't a very satisfying conclusion. I really wanted to know if Lloyd would be okay. I guess I'd just have to wait and see. I just really hope he's okay and that he comes back to school soon.
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