《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Twenty-Nine



"We've decided to leave."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. My throat tightened up, denying me of oxygen.

"W-What?" I stuttered out.

I could see him gulp nervously as he wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans. "We just think it will be for the best, you know?"

'I don't know, but who was I to deny them of their freedom'

Taking a deep breath of air, I push myself away from the pillows before shuffling to the edge. "When do you plan on leaving?"

He stood up from the chair, walking closer before throwing himself next to me. "We got in touch with Moonbyul before I came to speak to you," he tells me softly. "She said we could leave tomorrow whenever we wanted."

I just nod, facing away from him as tears try to push past the barriers. "You should probably go and pack...I'm sure the others, especially the maknae's will need some help."

I swear I heard a sniffle escape him as I felt the bed lift back up from where it had dipped. I don't turn around to check, I just listen to his footsteps fade as they make their way up the basement stairs.

"I'll see you in the morning."

"Did you tell her?" a voice asks as soon as I softly close the basement door. I just nod, knowing that if I spoke, I'd break down.

I turn to face Jin who just looks at me stoically, like Yoongi normally does. "The younger ones are in bits," he whispers softly.

I just shake my head, trying not to think about it. "They'll get over it soon."

Jin scoffs as he lightly pushes my chest. "You need to get your head out of your ass and forget about the past Namjoon," he harshly whispers, jabbing at my chest every now and then.


"You're just gonna break the pack in the end...you can't make them choose between you and her." he sniffles, shaking his head as he wipes a stray tear away.

He turns to walk away after muttering, "you won't like the outcome."


As soon as the sun rises through the curtains, I push myself up from the bed before grabbing my bags. As I pass by the mirror, I glance through it just to see puffy eyebags resting beneath my tired eyes.

Sighing softly, I drop the bags, reaching into one of them to pull out my makeup before dabbing some concealer on to cover it up.

Just as I go to put the makeup away, my door opens to reveal a tired Yoongi. He glances down at the concealer before looking at me again. "Can I borrow it?" he asks gruffly. "Mine ran out."

I just nod, allowing him to snatch it away before he darts back out the door. I tilt my head up to try and stop the tears from escaping.

I already know the packs breaking apart...

Despite taking relaxants before bed, my eyes refused to shut and my mind refused to quieten down.

Groaning, I pushed myself out of the heavy covers despite the warmth they brung me. I glance back at them, wishing to sleep the nightmare away before snapping out of the unrealistic dream and trudging my way to the bathroom.

My eyes are droopy and dark, hair knotted and skin pale. I roll my eyes at my reflection before turning on the shower, peeling my clothes off and stepping in.

The cold water hits my skin, waking me up as I lift my head to face it. The cold spurts hit my face harshly, turning my pale skin slightly red. Several minutes pass before I decide to finally wash up and step out.


My hands remain pruned as I pull on a pair of leggings and a baggy jumper with my fluffy socks.

I run the brush through my hair, pulling each knot out before throwing it up into a bun. My eyes still droop with sleep, making me sigh as I look at them through the mirror.

I pull open the draw closest to me, pulling out my concealer before I start to put it under my eyes softly.


Reality hits me full force as I open my door to see the boys all rushing around, rolling bags around and muttering things to themselves. Taking a deep breath in, I step out of my comfort, closing the door behind me just before a body is thrown onto my own, forcing me to lean back onto the now, luckily, closed door.

"I don't wanna go noona," a sad voice whispers as tears drop onto my hoodie and neck.

"It'll be okay," I whisper back as I pat their back. I don't know if i'm trying to convince myself or them at this point...

I push the tears down, wiping away the stray one that manages to escape.

"I'll always be here for you Kook, no matter what."


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