《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Twenty-Two


The drive home was eventful to say the least...

It seemed like the boys were treading on eggshells as they ignored me like the plague, going as far as to avoid eye contact. What shocked me more was the fact that 'the big bad alpha' had also remained silent, shooting up and out of the car like the rest of them as soon as I pulled up to the front door.

My body felt sluggish as I dragged myself through the front door, guilt coursing through my veins.

"Guys," I called out with a sigh, grabbing their attention as they each froze on their spots. "Can you come here for a minute?"

I sat down on the plush sofa, waiting for them to join me as I picked at the corners of the pharmacy bag placed on my lap.

Surprisingly, they all came and sat down on the remaining sofas around me, waiting for me to speak.

Sighing softly, I stop playing with the small paper bag as I look up towards them, scanning the room. "I didn't mean to snap at you today," I exclaim softly, the guilt etched into my face.

"Something did happen to me six years ago which required me to seek help," I reveal, looking towards Tae in particular. "Wheein was my top choice as I trusted her with my life, just like I do with any of my close friends–"

"What happened to you?" Yoongi asks, cutting me off. My eyes flash with visible hurt and sadness as the memories try to push through the barrier I had locked them behind.

"I-I don't think that I could tell you just yet."

I hear a scoff come from beside me, making me look towards that direction. "Of course you can't," Jimin mumbles with malice in his tone.


I didn't mean to flinch, but he must have noticed as a small smirk made its way across his lips, his eyes glinting with something unrecognisable.

"It's not anything against you, I just don't like to think about it," I whisper sadly. "What happened to me last night hasn't happened in a while. I take medication to help me get my sleep in better control and to also help with my mind and how I feel. I haven't had to take these in a while but Wheein thinks that it's best if I start again."

"Are you a danger to us?"

I turn to Jungkook who sits curled up on Hoseok's side, nose buried near his neck. "I've never been a danger to-"

"Have you ever been a danger?" Yoongi asks with a slight growl, cutting me off again.

"Only to myself," I mutter under my breath, head falling down slightly.

A sarcastic laugh escapes him as he forces himself up from the sofa to face Namjoon before screaming, "we're living with a loony, a fucking loony," in disbelief.

I feel tears brim in my eyes as my strong persona cracks bit by bit.

"Sit down Yoongi," Seokjin sternly voices from where he is sitting beside me. "Now is not the ti-"

I abruptly stood up, hands clutching at the bag in my hand as my head still remained low. "I'll talk to Moonbyul tomorrow about moving you somewhere else, I don't think you should be staying with me."

I make a swift exit, avoiding the hand that tries to grab my own as I feel my heart crack, tears clashing down my cheeks in clear waves.

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