《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Twenty


"How's Areum?" I asked as soon as I sat back down, trying to make conversation. "Good," is the only short reply I receive.

Sighing in defeat, I decide to root through the snacks placed in the basket closest to me. I hear feet quickly padding over before a gasp sounds from beside me and the packet of strawberry pocky is being snatched from my hands.

"What-" I look up in surprise just to see a giggling Areum running back towards the park area happily while clutching the pack of pocky.

I can't help but pout at the girl as she goes to sit on a swing, eagerly opening up the pink box, just to pull out a similar coloured packet. I hear a snicker come from beside me causing my eyes to narrow as I turn to my right.

"You just got robbed by a kid."


After our trip to the park, the boys had agreed to drop Areum off to the hospital with me, making it a hectic van ride there.

I felt relief once we had pulled up with everyone diving out the van, giving me a moment of silence.

Of course it all crashed down as quick as it started as Areum opened up my door with the help of Jin. "Let's go," she whines while trying to pull my leg from the van.

"Okay, okay," I mutter before unbuckling my seat belt and exiting the van. Taehyun greeted the young girl with a soft smile as soon as we stepped through the doors.

"Hello," she waves shyly to the squirrel hybrid who nearly melts on the spot from her cuteness.

"Is Moonbyul here?" I asked as soon as he had stopped cooing over the little girl.

"She should be in her office," he replies with a bright smile etched into his face. "Just knock on the door," he tells me with a knowing glint to his eyes.


The rest stay confused as I just snicker at his remark. "Happened to you as well?"

He just nods, grimacing with a light shiver at the unwanted flashback. "It was mortifying," he tells me softly, trying to keep little ears away.

"I know."


"Hello," I call out softly as we step into the office. "I'm here to return a mischievous child," I joke, making Areum whine softly.

"Did everything go okay?" she asks with worry underlying her tone, hinting towards our previous conversation.

"I had a case of mistaken identity but other than that, there have been no issues."

She seems to relax at that as she stands up to walk towards Areum. Clicking a button, the band unclasps from her wrist, releasing her small arm from the confinement.

"Can you take her to her room, I have a few things I need to do here?" she asks gently with pleading eyes causing me to sarcastically sigh, fauxing annoyment.

I can't help but to laugh at her face as it falls down in shock. "Of course I can, I know how busy you can get with all the paperwork you have to fill out."

It's like a small weight is lifted off her heavy shoulders as she moves to fall back into her chair, releasing a soft sigh as she sinks back into it.

I close the door behind me after I have ushered everyone out of the office.

"Come on then," I called out with my voice raised slightly before I started to make my way down the hall to where Areum usually resides.

It doesn't take long before we reach the wooden door, pushing it open to reveal a simple room.

I open up the curtains to let some light in as Areum sets her bag down on the bed before jumping next to it.


"Do you have to go?" She asks me softly, pulling at my heartstrings. "It's better for you to be here while you recover, but I can always visit you and you will see me around the hospital anyway."

Her lower lip trembles as she widens her eyes at me, forcing them to glisten slightly. "I'll be back tomorrow," I tell her as I walk closer to where she sat, a few cooing sounds being heard from the boys as they stood close by.

"The boys can visit you as well if you want," I say before whispering, "I'm sure I can ever drag grandpa Yoongi here."

She giggles lightly at that comment as she turns to face the boys to ask, "will you visit?"

I get up from the bed after softly ruffling the girl's hair, allowing the boys to coddle her a bit before we have to leave.

"Of course we will," Hoseok is the first to say as he gives her one of his brightest sunshine smiles.

That seems to cheer her up even more as her little legs start to swing over the bed.

"I will get someone to bring you some food up," I pipe in once everyone has finished smothering the poor girl. "We will see you soon okay?"

She just nods with a small smile across her face, finally allowing us to leave the room.

Sighing, I look back at the boys as we leave the room. "There's just one more place we need to go."

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