《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Eighteen


"I think it's best that you go back onto some of your previous medication," Wheein says sympathetically while rubbing my back. She eventually gets up to walk towards her desk before pulling her prescription pad out.

"I'll prescribe you the antidepressants and relaxants that you had before. Both of these together should help you sleep more and sort out your moods a bit." I nod, taking the prescription out of her hand after she'd signed her signature at the bottom.

"Why don't you take Areum and the others out for a bit, it might help you but also reassure Areum that everything's okay," she softly says, smiling at me.

"Yeah, thanks Wheein."


"Y/n-ie," a small voice whined out as I walked into the house. A smile immediately found its way onto my face as I walked towards the pouting girl. "What's wrong?" I asked while mimicking her pout.

"Jinnie won't give me another cookie," she whined again as her eyes widened in faux sadness. I fake gasped, putting my hand onto my chest. "He won't?" I asked in surprise.

Her ears flattened against her head as her eyes filled with tears and her bottom lip quivered. "I want a cookie."

I couldn't help but coo at the girl as I stepped closer to her. "Come on then," I called, holding out my hand for her to take. The brightest smile I had ever seen replaced the once saddened look on her face making me chuckle slightly.

I couldn't believe that one single cookie could make a girl so happy.

"Do you want to go to the park after you've finished?" I asked the girl once she'd settled down with her cookie. Her little bear ears twitched as she turned to look at me. "Can we?" She sweetly asked. I nodded, humming in confirmation, making her bounce in her seat. "Are the others coming as well?"



It took a bit of convincing before everyone agreed to come to the park, Yoongi being the main issue. All it took was for Areum to sulk and ask him before he was dragging himself from the comfort of his sheets and into the van.

"Why did I agree to this?" I could hear him grumble from the back making me silently snicker as I could see him battling for space against two rowdy maknae's who wanted nothing more than to play fight, even if it meant doing so over a grumpy hyung.

It took around fifteen minutes of pure chaos before everyone was fighting their way out of the van, me and Areum being the only ones who could get out freely as we had the space of the drivers and passenger seats.

She started jumping up and down, looking at me and then back to the field where some other kids were playing, asking for silent permission to go and have fun.

I nodded before watching the girl run with her little ball of fur as a tail going back and forth quickly in excitement.

The rest of the guys eventually got out of the van, huffing as they glared slightly at each other before each going their respective ways. Jungkook, Tae and Jimin were the first to dart off to a quieter part of the field to continue their play fighting with each other.

The rest of the boys decided to walk near to their youngest cubs, not wanting to be too far away.

I quickly got the blankets and picnic baskets from the back of the van before walking over to the guys who were just standing around a big tree.

I silently put the blankets down around the tree before placing the baskets down, keeping one nearer to me as it contained my reading book.


I had a feeling that they wouldn't really want to communicate with me so I had decided to sit down on the opposite side of the tree with my book, making sure that I could still see Areum as well.

Just as I'd settled down, my phone started to ring. Sighing, I stood up before walking away to take the call.

"Hello," I answered, not bothering to check the ID. "Y/n," Moonbyul's voice rang out, making me slightly worried.

"Is everything okay at the centre?" I asked. "Yeah, everything's fine," she says lightly, making me feel more relieved.

"Wheein told me that you were taking Areum and the boys to the park so I wanted to keep you informed that Areum's attacker still hasn't been found," she sadly revealed, causing me to look towards where Areum was currently playing.

"Should I be worried?" I asked in a concerned tone. "Just make sure that you watch her and call the police straight away if anyone acts suspiciously or goes towards her. Jaebum should be on duty so he will be the first point of call at the station because he knows her case."

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