《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Seventeen


Nightmares were not unusual for me...

I just didn't expect to freak a six year old out by my constant thrashing and screaming. "Hey, it's okay," I hear a soft voice whisper out while the sound of crying echoes around the room.

My body is being gently shaken by the shoulders, making me come around quicker than I usually do. My eyes flutter open, slightly glazed as I try to push myself out of the fog that consumes me.

The first thing I notice when I come through is worried eyes laying on my form making me confused as to what's wrong.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly, "is Areum okay?" Just as I ask that, my eyes land on the shaking girl being held between Seokjin's arms.

My mind raves into a panic at the shaking girl, my body forcing itself up so I could get to her. "Are you okay sweetie?" I called out to her as I made my way to the edge of the bed closest to her.

Her cries seem to echo louder as she pushes herself away from Jin's arms and into my own. I look up still confused, waiting for answers.

"Do you not remember?" Hoseok asks with a furrow in his brow. "Remember what?" I confusedly announced before gasping slightly as I questioned, "Is it because I didn't stay with you last night, Areum?"

"You had some sort of nightmare. Areum had come down to lay with you but saw you thrashing and screaming so she came and got us."

My heart breaks for the little girl still shivering in my arms as she tries to get her cries to calm down. I gently smooth my hand over her back as my other rakes through her hair softly.


"I thought they calmed down," I whispered sadly, mentally beating myself up for letting her see me this way after all the emotional trauma that she has been through.

"I'm sorry sweet girl," I sadly said, causing her to look up at me. "It was scary," she whines out as tears now silently roam down her face.

"I know, but it's over now."


"Is everything okay?" Wheein worriedly asked as I slumped down into the arm chair placed in her office.

"Not really," I say, sighing in frustration. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"Areum saw me have a nightmare," I sadly commented to which her face contours into one of understanding.

Wheein had always known how bad my nightmares could be and how dangerous they could become. She knows first hand how terrifying they can be to witness in person, especially if you are not used to seeing people being aggressive during a nightmare.

Wheein had come to see me a year after my attack, six years ago, to see how I was doing because I refused to open up to anyone. What she didn't expect to see when she let herself in with the spare key was me, clutching a knife to my chest as I sat curled up on the floor with my eyes wide open as I stared at a blank wall.

She thought I was awake at first, just having issues sleeping due to my trauma but she was wrong. I didn't know when my sleepwalking started but I was so glad when they were found out because I didn't know what I was doing during those times.

Over the years of Wheein being my best friend and therapist, we had come to realise that these episodes were related to a series of nightmares related to my attack. Since getting these episodes, Wheein had put me on medication to help me sleep and try to stop the sleepwalking.


I had recently stopped taking them, believing that I didn't need them anymore, well, until now that is.

"Did you hurt her?" Wheein cautiously asks, not meaning any offence in her question. "No."

"Do you remember what the nightmare was about?" she asked me curiously as she placed a cup of herbal tea on the table before me.


The hyena hybrid's laugh echoed through the dark alleyway making me hyper aware of the fact that I wasn't going to be saved.

The streets were always quiet around this area which is why I always chose this route for work. I never expected to be jumped by someone after my shift, especially not a hybrid.

I had heard on the news about hybrids rebelling against humans but always took it as bullshit, probably due to the fact that ninety-nine percent of the hybrids I helped were sweet towards me.

"Shh," the hyena cooed towards me as he pulled my body further down the alleyway. My legs kicked and my arms thrashed as panic set into my mind. I started to curse out hybrids for having better strength in my mind as my efforts turned futile against the hybrid's grip.

He dropped my body down harshly causing me to try and scramble up, just to be kicked back down into the wet concrete floor. "Not so fast kitty cat," he snarled out before pinning my body down. "I haven't had my fun yet," he says as another cackle escapes him.

His nails dragged softly over my clothing before becoming harsher, ripping the fabric to shreds causing tears to escape my eyes.

As soon as I sobbed, he smirked up towards me with a sick satisfaction across his eyes. "Oh, this will be fun."

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