《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Fifteen


"Please," Areum whines out as tears form in her eyes again. My heart breaks for the little girl before me who I had not long got settled down. "I can't take you hunny," I whispered sadly, causing her to cling onto me tighter.

Her cries grow louder, making me move to pick her up to try and soothe her. "Let me see what I can do, yeah?" I say with a sigh making her cries magically stop.

"Moonbyul," I called out as soon as I saw her. She looks up from her work and smiles at me. "Hey Y/n," she cheerfully exclaims before looking down at the sad bundle placed in my arms.

"And what's up with you misses?" she asks, causing Areum to pout up at her. "She's had a bit of a bad night and wants to come back with me," I explained, making her see where the issue lies.

"We don't normally let patients go with staff, especially if they don't have the correct forms put in place." Areum whimpers, her eyes glistening sadly making me nervous for the breakdown that's about to happen.

Moonbyul releases a stressed sigh as she looks at the sad bundle of fluff wrapped in a blanket. "I guess we can make an exception," she draws out, making me release my own sigh of relief.

"But," she sternly says. "You must be back in the centre by morning, afternoon at most," she says as she prints off some forms.

"You just need to fill in these forms for me and get a wrist band so that we can locate Areum in case anything goes wrong during her stay, okay?" I nod, my hand already moving to pick up the pen so that I can fill out the forms.


Moonbyul puts the band around Areum's wrist, making her curious about what it is. "That's a tracking device which will tell us your location in case it is needed," I explained softly. "We only ever use them when a hybrid wants to go to a store while being under the centre's care, or of course when a carer takes a patient with them, which is very rare"

"Ready to go?"

The drive home was fairly quiet, the only sounds being made was the excitement Areum felt going past parks and different stores. I made sure to make a mental reminder of where she liked so that I could take her out tomorrow before her time is fully up.

Pulling up to the cabin, Areum's mouth dropped open. "Wow," she exclaimed as she rushed to unbuckle herself just to fling herself out of the car. "Wait up," I call out while rushing to catch up with her. "I know you heal quicker but I don't want you to strain any previous wounds," I said worriedly.

Obviously hearing the commotion, the front door flings open just to reveal Jin in all his glory. "Oh, hello," he says surprised as he looks down towards Areum who just beams back at him.

"Areum will be staying the night."

Jin just nods before stepping aside to allow us in. "Areum, why don't you let Jin show you to the spare room on the second floor," I say, making her look up at me sad again.

"C-Can't I stay with you?" she whispers sadly as her eyes glisten with unshed tears. I rub a hand across my face in slight frustration and tiredness as I find myself unable to say no to the girl. "I guess so hun."


Areum had soon cheered up when I took her down to the basement, her focus soon being taken away by the teddies lined up in the corner of my room.

"I see you've found mister pickles," I amusedly exclaim, fond memories coming back to me as I remember the first time I got him. "My nana got me him just before she left to the sky," I said softly. Areum looks up at me curiously before asking, "what does that mean?"

"That means that she's found eternal peace flying with the birds so that she can watch over all those she loves."

I quickly wipe the stray tear away as I stand up, clearing my throat before I say, "I'll go get dinner on, come up when you're ready."

I decided to shove a few pizzas in the oven with chips, not in the mood to be making foods from scratch or anything to complicated.

"Where's Areum?" a voice asks, startling me as I turn around. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, It's just that Jin mentioned Areum was here and I wanted to see her."

"She's in my room but she'll be up in a minute."

"Ah okay," he says before sitting down. "I actually wanted to apologise to you as well," he continues before sighing.

"I wasn't the nicest to you in the beginning or even now so I wanted to start fresh if that's alright." I just nod with a soft smile as I stick my hand out towards him.

"Hi, nice to meet you. My name's Y/n, what's yours?"

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