《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Fourteen


It shocked us to see Y/n coming through the doors of the kitchen in her scrubs considering the fact that she had been given time off to settle us in.

She walked past us to grab an apple before turning back around. "I'll be going into work today," she briefly mentions before moving towards the door. Jin is the first one to dart up, taking a hold of her arm to make her stop walking. "Why?" he asked, confused.

"You guys don't need me to settle you in so I thought that I'd get stuck in with work again," she says with a slight smile as she gently pulls her arm away from Jin's grasp. "Just please don't trash my house," she calls out as she makes her way out of the kitchen.

We all stayed silent, listening to the sound of the door closing, the sound of tires screeching not long after.

Jin sits down heavily as a puff of air escapes past his lips. I move to place my hand on his arm just to have it rejected as he turns to glare at me lightly before looking around at the others. "If you guys don't want to be her mate that's fine," he angrily states as he stands up before adding, "just don't ruin it for others," and leaving the room.

"What was that about?" Yoongi grumbles out, looking up from his plate. I just sigh while giving Namjoon a pointed look before getting up myself and leaving the room.

I had decided to let the boys settle in by themselves which meant going back to work. I didn't let my emotions shine through when I saw them this morning, no matter how much Taehyung's actions seemed to hurt me last night.


Unlike any other hybrid that I had taken into my care, the boys seemed to have a certain effect on me which I didn't quite understand.

Hwasa was the first to greet me as I stepped into the hospital unit. "Y/n, I'm so glad you're here," she calls out, seemingly out of breath. "What's up?" I ask worriedly, not being used to seeing her in this state.

"Areum took a turn for the worst over night but we're not sure why yet," she rushes out anxiously. "We had to sedate her at one point because she kept trying to tear at her own skin while screaming."

My brows furrow in worry for the girl as I take in everything that Hwasa said. "Has she spoken since?" I asked before starting to make my way down the hallway. "Not really, she only called for you a few times before going silent."

It takes just under five minutes before we're standing in front of Areum's door, my hand already on the handle. "Areum," I whisper softly as I step into the room with Hwasa just behind me.

The little girl bursts into tears as soon as she sees me, making me even more worried as I rush towards her, quickly embracing her in my arms. "What's wrong?" I softly ask while brushing my fingers through her slightly matted hair.

She snuggles up closer to me, her face being shoved into my neck before she whispers, "can she leave." my eyes darted up to Hwasa who was still standing next to the door. "Please may you give us a minute?" I ask, still keeping my voice soft to not startle Areum.

Hwasa just nods and gives me a smile before quietly leaving the room. I adjust myself on the bed so that I'm resting against the headboard. As soon as I get comfortable, Areum moves to rest between my legs, her head moving to rest on one of my thighs as she curls up.


I pull a blanket over her to which she accepts, bringing it closer to her face. "Do you want to talk about what happened last night?" I softly asked her while putting my hand back through her hair, being mindful of her ears.

"Nightmare," she whispers almost silently, my human ears almost unable to hear her. "Was it a memory nightmare?" she nods in reply with a soft sniffle. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

She pushes up so she is sitting before getting back comfortable with her nose taking in my scent as she pushes into my throat; a true sign of pure trust as I know she could kill me with the throat being the best area for a hybrid to choose in order to kill another.

"They kept touching me," she says as her cries louden slightly. "Who?" I ask, my eyes taking on a glistening shine as anger floods through me. "They wouldn't leave me alone when I asked them to stop."

"Hun, do you think you could tell me who they were?" I ask again, not sure if I would get a reply. "The bad men," she whispers with fear, lacing her tone making me grip her a bit tighter to me. "Would you like to speak to Wheein about this?"

She shakes her head no, not willing to part from me as her scenting starts to get a bit rougher. "Okay, it's ok," I called softly to get her to calm down.

"I was sleeping in my box and then my master woke me up to tell me to have fun," she cries out, her tears falling onto my skin. "I thought that he would take me outside again like last time to play in the pond," she says so sadly that my heart melts in a puddle of pain. "They said they would take care of me but all I felt was pain."

The more she spoke, I noticed the emotions leaving her tone, the only signs of sadness being her cries and tears as she shook lightly against me.

"Once they were done, my master came back and told me that I was being replaced for something better," she says, pausing to sniffle more before continuing. "He tried to kill me and then took me to where I was next found."

My own tears escape my eyes as I hug her closer to me, securing the blanket around her to try and get her to feel more secure in her surroundings. "I promise that you won't be hurt anymore, Areum."

"Master always made promises too."

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