《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Thirteen


I tense slightly as a voice calls out from behind me, "what happened six years ago?" I turned around to see Taehyung standing there with one leg cocked out and his arms crossed against his chest.

"Nothing," I spat out before hastily standing and rushing out of the room. Footsteps thundered after me making my nervousness increase tenfold. Just as I reached the basement door, his hand yanked me back causing me to stumble into his chest. His arms tighten around me, keeping me locked against him.

"What's so bad that you can't talk about it?" He asks. "I thought humans had it easy?" He snides out.

I forced my way out of his arms, ignoring the tingles that had spread around my body from his touch. "Just because hybrids have it worse, it doesn't mean that humans don't face nearly the same pain."

He just scoffs, letting me force my way out of his hold as he takes a step back. "Like you've had it worse," he mutters angrily out. "You haven't been raised like an animal and experienced the worst pain possible," he angrily calls out while jabbing his finger into my shoulder repeatedly.

"You haven't been ripped from your family at birth and forced to do things no one should be doing," he shouts out, his voice raising with everything he says.

"What's going on here?" An angry voice bellows out from behind us. Tears start to gather in my eyes as my hands shake from the anxiety that's building. Taehyung turns to face Hoseok who doesn't look very happy.

I take the chance to reach for the handle behind me, pulling the door open before slamming it behind me as I twist my way into the room, locking it behind me. I rush down the stairs just to crash onto my bed and sob into the coverings.


I hear knocks on the door making me sob harder. "Y/n?" A voice resounds, echoing down the stairs. "Are you okay?"

I ignore the shouts, not wanting them to see me like this, deciding to instead stay buried in the sheets, sobbing my heart out like a teenage girl.

The knocks soon stop, instead being replaced by mumbles before footsteps could be heard leaving.


I couldn't remember falling asleep after crashing onto my bed. It felt weird to be able to sleep more than four hours, but I guess that was all due to the crying.

I got up, heading straight for the mirror just to see a bird's nest resting on top of my puffy face. I felt like crying again for just looking at the monstrosity I called myself.

Deciding to freshen up, I headed towards my connected bathroom while pulling off my clothes. I chucked my dirty washing into the basket before stepping into the shower and turning it on.

The water gushed down in heated rivulets causing my aching muscles to relax slightly. I stayed under the water for a good ten minutes before deciding to wash and get out.

The cold air racked against my body as I stepped out of the shower, making me shiver as I moved to wrap a towel around me. It didn't take long to dry off and put on some comfy, baggy night clothing that swallowed my form whole.

I was shocked to hear the sounds of cries echoing up from where Y/n had disappeared to. Jin was quick to push me out of the way before starting to knock on the door, calling her name out worriedly.

"Y/n?" he called again before stopping as Namjoon appeared from behind us. "What's going on?" he asked, confused. Jin sighs, moving away from the door to face him. "Y/n locked herself inside after Tae said something to her," he says.


Namjoon looks towards me with an eyebrow raised, waiting for me to explain. "I was just wondering what happened to her six years ago," I defended, not seeing what I had done wrong.

Namjoon looked even more confused after my explanation, making me release a sigh of my own. "I heard her on the phone earlier with that therapist from the centre, Wheein. They were talking about sleeping issues and something that had happened six years ago."

"Ok," he says with a shrug, not seemingly interested in the matter. "Really Namjoon?" Jin scoffs out, annoyed.

"There's not much we can do Jin," he calls out, stating the obvious to him. "She's sad, she might need our comfort," Jin defends back, receiving a small glare from Joon.

"Just leave her Jin."

"But-" he goes to say before Joon gives him another hard look causing him to understand that he shouldn't fight him on this. Jin walks away with his shoulders slumped making me feel worried for him.

"Come on Tae," Joon says while holding his hand out towards me. I take one last look towards the door before accepting his hand, allowing him to pull me away.

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