《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Eleven


I felt nervous when I woke up the next day. Dr Moon had permitted me to stay off for a week to help settle in BTS, but to return to work if they do not wish for my help or because I feel as if I can come back without them needing me.

I had made sure to wake up extra early to be able to stock up their wardrobes with clothing after receiving their measurements from the centre. I had also made sure to buy hybrid friendly foods and foods that they would like considering their last meal choices at the centre and their species. I had gone a little overboard this time for some reason. I think it had something to do with the protective and loving feeling I felt over them. It was weird to feel these emotions for hybrids I had hardly met, making me slightly worried about taking them in.

I arrived at the centre fairly quickly so I decided to take a moment to calm my nerves in the van, not wanting them to think that I'm suddenly rejecting them or scared of them if I turn up all shaky.

A tap on my window made me jump slightly before I looked up. The receptionist and my friend, Taehyun, was standing there with a crinkled look on his face. I rolled the window down, not opening the door because he was standing in front of it. "Are you coming in or staying in here all day," he says with a judgmental tone to his voice. "You do realise that It's painful to watch you like this from the desk and I can't bear to see it all day," he says, ending his sentence with a dreadful groan.

When he doesn't see me moving, he gives me a pointed look while placing his hands on his hips. "Well?" He rhetorically asks. "What are you waiting for? Christmas."


I feel a bit butt-hurt at his subtle insults, contemplating whether to listen or not. I decided on the first option, not willing to face an angry squirrel when he's not had lunch.

I roll the window up, waiting for him to step back before opening the van door and stepping out. "Thank god, I swear I aged a year," he dramatically said before walking away, small mutters being heard as he carried on.

I make my way inside the centre before navigating my way towards Moonbyul's office, knowing she would be there. I knocked twice before stepping in, wishing I had waited as I walked in to see her eating the face off of Solar. "Aw Shit," I shouted before slamming the door behind me as I rushed out.

I didn't want to be stuck in an awkward moment so I decided to just make my way towards the boys room without her, cursing at myself on the way.

As I walked in, they looked at me as if I was crazy for speaking to myself. I just sheepishly smile and wave before moving to stand in a corner of the room.

A couple seconds later, Moonbyul comes bursting through the door, her eyes immediately catching mine while holding a guilty expression. The guys look curious, wanting to know what's going on but I wish not to talk about the previous events. "Y/n-"

She goes to talk to which I'm quick to cut her off. "I don't want to talk about it, forget it ever happened, okay?" I asked, not letting her get an answer in as I clapped my hands together. "Right then, let's get you guys discharged and on your way."

Despite the guys not liking me, I tried not to let it get to me, opting to just smile along the way as we made our way towards the reception area.


"Finally had the balls to man up?" Taehyun asked rhetorically, referring to collecting the boys. "Very funny," I sarcastically say with an eye roll causing him to laugh.

"I'm guessing you're here to discharge these fine gentlemen."

I just nod before taking the forms out of his hand to sign. It didn't take long to sign and document the forms meaning we were able to leave.

I was lucky to have brought my van as the eight of us would have never fit in my car. Surprisingly , Jimin had decided to sit up front with me, not something I would have expected from him.

I decided not to question it, opting to start the van so we could make our way home.

"Get comfy, we have a twenty minute drive ahead of us."

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