《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Nine


It didn't take long to clear up Namjoon's wounds which was a huge relief on my part considering the glares I kept on receiving. "All done," I muttered while pulling my gloves off and disposing them in the waste bin.

I packed up all the medical equipment before moving towards Seokjin to take Areum off his arms. "Thank you," I softly said before adjusting her in my arms so her head rested comfortably on my neck.

"Food should be delivered shortly," I called out after turning to make my way towards the door. Surprisingly a hand grabbed onto my arm, pulling me back slightly. "Why don't you join us? I think we have some things to discuss."

Confused, I just tilt my head slightly and look into Jin's eyes. "The housing arrangement," he states like it was obvious. I didn't think that it would be an option for them to live with me so I had let it slip my mind. "Oh," is the only thing I can say while I try to process the rest of my thoughts.

"We wanted to talk to you about your house in the woods."

I just nod in agreement which causes him to let go of my arm now that he knows I have agreed to stay. I move towards the room door, opening it to look for a doctor or nurse.

Luckily, Kai was already walking this way. "Hey Kai," I called out, causing him to stop and look towards me. "Please may you settle Areum in her room and get someone to bring dinner up to her?" I asked to which he nodded with a soft smile before taking her from my arms and walking away.

I walk back into the room, closing the door behind me before making my way towards one of the chairs located opposite of the hybrid beds.


"What would you like to know?" I asked after making myself comfortable. "How big is your home?" A shy voice called out. I look towards where the voice came from just to see Kook sitting on one of the beds while fiddling with his hands, refusing all eye contact with me.

"My father owned the cabin before it was passed on to me. It used to be a one story cabin, but I had it re-modeled so that there are three floors, a basement and a garden closed off from the forest with a pool and fitted hot tub," I listed them.

"What about rooms?" Jimin asked curiously while leaning dangerously in his seat. "The first floor has the living room, kitchen, dining room, pantry and laundry room. The second floor has eight bedrooms with fitted ensuites and each bedroom has been fitted with handmade beds that spread across one wall to the other meaning that they can fit an average of eight to nine people in comfortably. The third floor has a library, gym, gaming room, my personal office, a separate bathroom and a chill zone. The chill zone has sofas, blankets, pillows, bean bags, a snack bar and mini fridges that are always kept stocked. Last but not least, the basement," I say, taking a moment to study everyone's expressions before continuing. "The basement used to be where the gym was but I had it refurbished to be my bedroom so that whenever I housed hybrids, they wouldn't feel uncomfortable with my scent being so close to their own personal spaces. That reminds me...Each room is fully cleaned after a hybrid has left. This means that the air is diffused of scents, the bed sheets are renewed...basically, everything is renewed."

I stop to see if I have missed anything, but find nothing so I opt to look up to see if any more questions need to be answered.


"What about rules?" Namjoon asks with a glare. "There aren't any rules. I just expect you to treat my house with respect and not trash it." He seems to judge me for a while to see if I'm lying or not, which makes me feel a bit hurt.

"Anything else?" I asked after standing up, making it known that I don't wish to stay any longer. No one said anything so I decided to take my leave, stopping at the door to say, "Moonbyul will be in later to confirm your choices. If you do decide to live with me, you can be discharged because I can change your bandages regularly," before leaving.

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