《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter Four


"That day off was just what I needed," I said with a sigh, slumping back into one of the beanbags located in the main staff room. "I told you so," Solar replies with a smirk before putting her focus back on the file in front of her.

"Areum is showing clear signs of waking up soon." She says, lifting her head up from the file again to look at me. My eyes light up in joy as my back immediately straightens. "Really," I called out in joy, hands clasping out in front of me as a smile beamed across my face.

Solar hums as she takes a brief glance down before looking back up towards me. "Yeah, Soo-"

Just as she was about to continue, Hwasa burst into the room out of breath. "Sorry to interrupt, an old man has just come through with a severely injured hybrid, six more, less injured, on his tail."

Both Solar and I jumped up worried before heading straight for the door. "Does he require surgery?" I asked as all three of us dashed through the halls. "Not that I know of," she worriedly replies, looking as if she was trying to remember his specific injuries.

"It's okay if you can't recall," I reassure her, putting her at ease slightly as we make our way to where all six are. Pushing into the hospital room, I look around for the most injured, immediately finding him and rushing over.

"Update?" I call out, cutting the already torn shirt off his body, clear signs of blood visible. "Bruised ribs, swollen face causing him to receive a bloodshot eye, slash across the right side to the stomach, may require stitches, no other injuries seen but we would like for him to receive a scan to make sure that he hasn't received any damage from the face injury."


I go to grab my needle and thread after examining the wound and realising that it does require stitches before a growl is bellowed out from behind me. "What is a human doing near one of my mates?"

My body freezes and tenses up slightly, only now realising that the only people in here, including staff, except Hwasa, was a hybrid. I turn around slowly, remembering that any sudden movements could make a territorial hybrid pounce. I come face-to-face with a panther hybrid who doesn't seem all that pleased with my closeness to his mate.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" He spits out venomously, eyes tracking every single one of my movements, even my smallest ones. "I have to give your mate stitches in order for him to not lose too much blood," I reply softly, hands still holding onto my needle and thread.

"Can't another do it?" He asks in anger, obviously hinting that he wasn't too fond of humans. "If you want your mate to live, you will let my friend stitch him up," Solar growls out, unafraid of going up against a panther.

"You really think that you, a female lion, can go up against me?" He asks with an eyebrow raised, underestimating Solar's abilities.

"Do you really think that you, a weak, starved panther hybrid, can go up against a healthy, well-fed lion hybrid?" She snides back rhetorically.

He seems to back down slightly, scowl leaving his face just as quick as it arrives again. "I still don't want her near what's mine," he says, staking his claim over the injured hybrid layed unconsciously on the bed.

"I just want to do my job, not hurt him," I say softly while keeping my hands where he can see them, not wanting to alarm him by thinking that I was secretly doing something behind his back.


He looked conflicted as he studied my face, mainly my eyes while trying to find any lie hidden beneath.

"Fine," he mutters out, "you can treat him."

I sigh out in relief before turning back around to get on with my job. "Can you clean the area up for me please?" I asked Huening Kai who was standing nearby.

He grabs a cloth before dipping it into water and proceeds to clean around the wounded area, dried blood being washed off with the cloth. "Thank you," I say gently to the buck hybrid who blushes shyly in response.

Once the wound is clean, I start to gently, but efficiently, stitch the area up before a gauze patch is placed over the top.

After I'm finished with the hybrid on the bed, I turn towards the others and smile before asking, "who's next?"

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