《Hybrids | BTS FF》Chapter One


"We have a code black coming through, I repeat, a code black coming through."

It's never nice to hear the sound of the alarm blaring through the hospital walls, causing a rush amongst staff to clear space for a new emergency patient.

I had always known that I wanted to work with hybrids, to build a safe haven for them so that they could hide away from the criticism that they faced daily.

What I had forgotten to think about was the fact that I had to go through days where I would have to let go of precious lives because I couldn't save them, leaving me to carry the burden around that maybe I could have done more to save them.

"We have a female child coming through, around six or seven years of age showing clear signs of abuse and rape, heart rate rapidly dropping due to blood loss from multiple stab wounds."

"We need a crash trolley on stand by and an emergency surgery room opened up now," I shout out, joining the ambulance crew that are pushing the girl through the hospital doors. "Can someone also prepare a room ready for her," I quickly shout out behind me before disappearing behind the surgery doors.

My heart pounds heavily against my chest as I quickly put on my scrubs so that I could perform life saving surgery on the poor girl that currently lay on my operating table lifelessly.

"She's crashing."

Those simple words cause my head to swirl in panic as I push forward to start CPR while the defibrillator is being turned on.

"Charging," another doctor calls before my hands are being removed to instead be replaced by the rectangular shockers that will help restart her heart. "Shock."

I watch painfully as her body convulses against the bed, my own heart breaking into tiny pieces to be scattered across the theatre's floor.


"Dr Lee?" A voice registers into my mind before I'm being snapped back into the present, Hwasa's worried eyes being present before me. "Are you okay to continue?" She asks wearily while reaching forward to place her hand over my own shaky one.

I just nod, worried that If I speak, the unshed tears will overflow, forcing me to step back which my heart wouldn't be able to take, my mind already taking on the overprotective urge to save this girl's life in order to give her a better future.

Hwasa reluctantly backs down after seeing the deep seated determination in my eyes, knowing that I wouldn't back down even if she tried to make me.

"Hearts restarted," a relieved voice calls out before I'm moving to pick up the hook which has already been attached with surgical thread. "Make sure the blood bag and IV drip are okay please," I call out worriedly, not even looking away from my task at hand as I start to carefully sew some of the largest wounds.

"All good Dr Lee," another doctor calls out after changing the blood bag to a new one, three previous ones already having run out.

Sweat trickles down my glands as my hands shake slightly in nervousness, worried that the girl will slip beneath my fingers. Hwasa quickly reaches over with a cloth to wipe away any signs of my worry. "Don't panic, you've got this," she whispers reassuringly before taking a step back in order to allow me space to work.

"Suction," I call out before the blood from the second wound is cleared slightly so that I can see better, the first wound having already been stitched up with precise perfection, despite my nervousness at hand.

My eyes flick briefly over the monitor to check her vitals, worried that she may go into cardiac arrest or start fitting on the table. "Her blood pressure is quite low which is worrying me, can we try to speed this up a bit please. Dr Moon, can you step in please?" I ask rhetorically before a hook with surgical thread is being passed over to him as he steps forward.


My mind feels slightly at ease as Dr Moon steps in to help, two sets of hands being better than one.

Just before I can fully rest, her blood pressure starts to drop even lower causing her heart to slow drastically, eventually coming to a full stop. A nurse steps forward to start CPR as Hwasa re-charges the defibrillator.

"Stand back please...shocking"

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