《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 28


Time skip

Julie pov

I'm on my way yah~

Run to the top~

I was walking through the hallway of the college go to my usual peace place, Library for studying my subjects. I was walking when suddenly, someone dragging me into an empty room.

I almost scream but got stop when someone put their hand on my mouth.

"Shh... It's me."


His voice... It's really familiar to me. So, no wonder.

"wah. You remember my voice so fast."

I can heard how impressive he was. He let go of his hand from my mouth and standing infront of me straightly.

I can feel my heart almost dropped when he do that.

"Of course, I am. How can I didn't?"

I said while patting my chest softly because of the shockness.

"And you better do that again after this if you want me to die early"

I said sarcastically while glaring his tall figure. I can heard he laughing.

"I'm sorry, Jiah."

He said making me look at him. Ommo, is he know that is me or what?

"Oh, sorry. You are not Jiah. I'm sorry."


"Yes exactly. Who's Jiah anyway? Why did you and your friends keep calling me by that name?"

I pretend don't know who's Jiah.


Heeseung pov

I know you, Jiah. But, why did you pretending to be another people?

It's okey, I will pretending too. HAHA.

"Well, she is my girlfriend, but she moved away from here to the Australia. So we all lost contact with her after what happen."

After I lied her about that, I can see how her face changed into a disgusted face. Haha. I know that's mean.

"Wah. Never thought you will have a girlfriend that have a same face as me."


She said sarcastically making me laughed.

"I know right? It's kinda like make a sense."

She nodded. After that, we both being silent. The awkwardness surrounded us right now.

"Uhm... Well, I'll be going now since I have something to do after this."

"Are you free after this college?"

I asked her out of sudden. She shook her head.

"Nothing much to do."

She answered.

"So, do you want to meet? Like having a tea or coffee at the cafe after that?"

I asked her. I hope that she accept it because I wanted to know if she's really Jiah or nope. Because she looks like she pretending but not. She was like thinking about it.

"Just two of us?"

She asked curiously. I nodded.

"Yeah. Just two of us."

I said with smile. Then, she nodded.

"Okey then. But, you will treat me. HAHA."

I laughed after she said that.

"Sure.why not?"

We both laughed together. Finally, she accept it!


Time skip

Just like we promise before, now we were at the cafe. The others didn't know that I will meet Julie at here since they will go home with Jake. While me...

I look at Julie who was taking a sip of her drink, then look around the cafe.

"How aesthetic this cafe was."

She said while admiring the cafe. While me, admiring her face. She's never changed. Still with her black straight long hair, with a simple make up, also with the earrings that she wear right now. She just same as Jiah before. But, although I said that, she have a changed too. It is her personality.

Before, everyone know her as a cold girl in our school. But, now, she's the sunshine of the college because keep on greet people with a smile,the smile that can make your heart beating faster insanely. I can't denied it. She looks prettier than before. I miss her so much.


"Uhhh... Why did you staring at me like that?"

I snapped feom my thoughts when she suddenly asked me making me smile widely but scratch my nape awkwardly. How can I get caught by that?

"I'm sorry. You just making me remember how my girlfriend looks like."

I lied to her again. She then nodded with a lips formed into circle. I smile after see her cuteness. Yeah. Still cute like before...

"Julie, where are you came from?"

I asked her making she look at me.

"Ohh.. I am from Australia."

I'm not that shocked. I still with smile.

"Ohhh... So why are you moving here?"

Then, her face expression changed aftrer I asked that question. Why? Did I do something wrong? I panicked for a moment.

She smile weakly before said.

"Well, there have something happen at the Australia making me wanna come back here."

She said making me more curious. But, after see how sad her expression was. I didn't dare to ask about it. I bet there have sad thing happen when she was there.

"If you can't talk about it, it's okey. I won't force you."

I said sympathetic to her, but got panick when suddenly her eyes formed into a tears. I quickly stand up from my seat and go sit beside her. I pulled the chair closer to her.

"Hey, I'm sorry if that question making you feel sad."

I said to her. Then she shook her. She wipe the tears on her eyes. Then, she look at me and smile. I was stunned by that. This is how to look Jiah's face when she was smile?

"Well, it's okey. I just can't move on from what happen to me and my family at there. It's really sad for me to remember it."

She said before look down on her laps. I can feel that she was fight with her feelings right now. I feel so much guilty. Then, I take her hands that were she playing and hold it making she look at me with confusely. I smile.

"If you have any problems or what, just tell me. I will be there for you. I promise."

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