《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 26


A few days later...

Author pov

Julie walk towards the main door of the college building as she stop when she saw a car infront of it. She stand at there till the owner of the car went out from their car.


She quickly turn around as Jake look towards her.

Meanwhile, Jake, he's looking at the girl who stand not far from where he was right now. But, she's stand back facing him so he can't see her face right now.

Who is she? Why he feel something on that girl?

But, he shook his head to throw his thoughts before turn to the maknaes. He smiled.

"Take care and study smartly okey?"

"Okey, hyeong/oppa!"

Wonyoung, Jungwon and Niki said it together. Jake smile.

"I'll be going now."

Jake bid a goodbye to the maknaes before turn to his car. His eyes turn to where the girl was just now, but looks like the girl already gone. He bet that she already walk inside the college. He shrugged his shoulder before walk inside the car.


Julie take relief sighed. She finally can get out from that place just now.

"I hope that he don't see me."

"See what?"

She jumped a little when someone spoke from behind her. As she turn, she saw Wonyoung, Jungwon and Niki walk towards her. But, like always, Niki as a cold boy while Jungwon give her a blank look and Wonyoung with her pretty smile.

"A-ah. Nothing!"

Julie smile awkwardly after that.

"Tch. I hate that smile."

Niki said making me look at him with one eyebrow lifted. He was crossing his arms right now.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? You literally judging me like I'm always done something with you."

Julie said with her frowned eyebrows. She can't understand, why this Niki always judging her like, he hate her smile, he hate everything about her? Like why?


Niki rolled his eyes before walk pass them. He bumped his shoulder into Julie's in purposely making the girl hissed in pain because of what he did. She give him glare as Niki smirk and walk away leaving them.

"That's rude. Are you okey, Julie?"

Wonyoung asked worriedly. Julie smile and shook her head.

"It's nothing."

Julie said and smile. Jungwon can see how fake her smile was.

Is there something have bothering her?

That's what in his thought right now.


Jake pov

I knocked Heeseung hyeong's office room door.

"Come in."

I open the door and went inside before the door back behind me. Jay also at there.

"Yow, my bro!"

I greet him.

"We're in the work, Jake."

Jay said as he scanning the paper works on his hands right now. I turn to Heeseung hyeong. He just shrugged his shoulder. I take the seat beside Jay, infront of Heeseung hyeong. I remember about just now.

About the girl who I saw at Jungwon and the others college. I remember how her hair brushing by the wind. Also, how familiar she looks from behind.

Who is she?

I can't really see her face.

Who is she?

Why she looks familiar to me from behind?

"Jake? Jake!"

I got snapped when Heeseung hyeong and Jay calling my name.

"aa nae?"

I asked them.

"You're zone out just now. What happen?"

Heeseung hyeong asked me. If I tell them about that girl, will they ask me about it?


"Just tell us already."

Jay said as he look at me with a glare. I laughed because of that. Although he always give me that look, I will end up laughing because how funny it was.

"Okey okey. It's about..."

I tell'em everything about what happen just now. They look at each other.


"You can't see her face?"

Jay asked me as I nodded.

"Yeah. Because she's back facing me."

"how her hair look was?"

Heeseung hyeong asked.

"I don't know how I can say this. But, she have a long straight black hair. It's long till her waist."

I explain how the girl's hair looks like. Yeah that's what I can see. I can see how soft her hair was.

"Well, there will have many students have that hair like Wonyoung. She's also have that hair."

Heeseung hyeong said.

"But, she's kinda a little wavy her hair."

Jay said. I nodded agreed with what he said.

"Yes. But, as I said before, it's not that girl only have that hair. There must be have so many people that have the same hair."

Me and Jay nodded as agreed. Then..

"Why do we talk about this girl? It's not like we can meet her."

Jay said annoyingly before look back on his paper works.

"Well, we can. If we go to their school."

I said with a smile as Jay and Heeseung hyeong look at each other.


Time skip

Jungwon pov

We were eating our lunch in the cafeteria. Right now, I'm just eating with Niki since Wonyoung follow Julie eating with the other girls. Yes. She left us with her new friends now.

I don't care about that. Hahaha. Because it's glad to hear that she finally have a friend, especially with the person who looks seem familiar to us. Yeah. Julie Kim. You know who she seem familiar to right?

We were eating peacefully when we heard some screaming.

"Handsome seniors are here!"

Some of them scream said that words.

Niki and I look at each other. Handsome seniors... Is that mean...

"Hey, Jungwon! Niki!"

We both turn to our side.


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