《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 24


Julie pov

I'm sorry, Wonyoung. I'm sorry, Jungwon.

I have to do this.

This is for our own good.

You guys will understand one day.

"Hey, Julie! Are you okey?"


I look up to see my new friends looking at me worriedly.

"Are you okey? You literally space out since we're here."

Jihan asked me. I sighed.

"Yeah. I'm okey. Don't worry about me."

I give them a smile so they won't worry.

"What's wrong? You can tell us about your problems. We're friends now right?"

I look down on my laps, thinking that I should told them or not about this.

"Are you thinking about just now?"

Bae suddenly asked making me look at her. The others too.

"About just now? What happen?"

Jinny asked curiously.

"That famous boy and girl in our class call her Jiah. But, Julie already told them many times that she is not Jiah. Till the last, she shouted at them."

Bae explain what happen. I look down on my laps again.

"Is this about your feel sorry for them?"

Sullyoon suddenly asked. I sighed an nodde, don't wanna to tell them about the truth.

"aww. Julie, you have such a kind-hearted. Don't worry about them. You can say sorry to them later."

Jihan comfort me. I smile and nodded.

"Thanks guys. It's my first time feeling this way."

I said as I give my bright smile to them. They sighed relief.

"Julie, if you have any problems in this college, just tell us and we will help you if we can."

Jinny said making me feel overwhelmed. They are such kinds friends. I wish I could be like them before. The friend who indeed when they needed.


Time skip

It's already the end of the last period of our subjects. I packed my things right now when suddenly I felt someone standing right infront of my table. I look up and saw Wonyoung who was looking at me while smiling.


"Hey, Julie. I wanna say sorry about what happen just now. I really thought that you are our friend before. I hope that you will forgive us about what happen."

She said with her sad eyes. I can see it. I sighed and give her beautiful smile.

"It's okey, Wonyoung. I bet you guys must be miss her."

I said, and she nodded. I'm feel guilty after she nodded. I'm sorry, Wonyoung again.

"Well, can we being friends?"

She asked me. I look at her and thinking twice. It's not bad to be her friend back right? Then, I nodded and give her my best smile. She jumped happily after that. I shocked a little when she take my hands and hold it. I look at her with wide eyes while she give me her hope eyes.

"Thanks for giving me a chance to be your friend. I really want it since you just move here."

She said, making me feel more guilty. I holding her hands back and smile back.

"No problem."

I said then we smile to each other after that.

Then, we got stop as someone calling Wonyoung.


We both turn to the person who calling us. My eyes open widely after see who it is, and quickly control my wide eyes into a normal one. I didn't know that he will be here too.


Niki pov

I'm calling Wonyoung noona and walk towards her when I saw she was talking with someone. When I almost closer to them, I got stop after see who is the person with Wonyoung noona. Jiah noona? But, my feeling towards her still not gone. Also, I still mad on her. Why she didn't contact us after all when she was at Australia? Is she forget about us?


"Niki, you're here."

Wonyoung noona said with a smile. My eyes still can't remove from Jiah noona.

You still beautiful as before.


I got snapped when Wonyoung noona calling my name. I quickly turn to her.

"Come on, noona. Jake hyeong already wait for us."

I said and look at Jiah noona back. She's literally blank like before. She always like that before.

"Oh. Okey then."

Wonyoung noona look at her and smile. How can she forgive her so easily?

"Julie, I'll be going now. I'll see you tomorrow."

She said to her while smiling. Wait- Julie? Since when her name is Julie?

"Okey then! Bye!"

Jiah noona smiling?!

"Let's go, Niki!"

Wonyoung noona dragged me with her till we got out from the class. We stop. Then, she sighed.

"Noona, isn't that Jiah noona?"

"I also feel the same. But, she's not her, Niki."

She said making me frowned.

"I don't understand."

I said.

"She's another person of Jiah. Her name is Julie Kim. Her face is just same like Jiah, but she's not Jiah. Do you understand it now?"

Wonyoung noona explain to me. I sighed. Oh, she's another person? That's why she looks a little different than Jiah noona that I know.

"It's okey. Niki, since Jiah will never going back here, we just thought that Julie as her, okey?"

She said as she patted my shoulder.

"But, I don't agreed it, noona."

I said coldly making she look at me frowned.

"What do you mean?"

She asked me.

"I will treat her how Jiah noona treat us before.,"

I said before walk away leaving Wonyoung noona who's calling me right now behind. Yes. I'm gonna treat her just like how Jiah noona treat us before. Although she isn't a same person, but she still have a same face right? That's make me mad. She's remind me of the person who leave us behind. Selfish person!

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