《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 23


4 years later...

"Take care, guys!"

Jake said to Jungwon, Niki and Wonyoung after he send them to their college. Yes. They already graduated from their highschool, and the three of them start to continue study in the same college, while the others are working.

Like usual, they will being surrounded by the students in the college because of how famous they were.

"Uwu, Jang Wonyoung! Marry me!"

"Yang Jungwon, NOTICE ME PLEASE!"

"Nishimura Riki! You're such a handsome boy!"

They three got annoyed by that but just keep control their annoyed and walk to their classroom.

"Bye, Niki."

Jungwon and wonyoung bid a goodbye to Niki before he got inside his class. Then, they walk to their own class. Before they got inside, Wonyoung stop making Jungwon also do the same. He turn to the girl.

"Why, Wonyoung? Is there have something bothering you?"

He asked. Wonyoung shook her head.

"Just still thinking about Jiah. How is she now? I miss her."

She asked to herself. Jungwon look at the girl sympathy because her bestfriend definitely leave her to the Australia right now. And they never know how is she right now because they lose contact after 4 years Jiah move to Australia. He can't denied himself that he didn't miss her, of course he miss her because she is his old crush.

He shook his head before put his arm around Wonyoung's shoulder making the girl look at him weirdly.

"Don't think about her now. We should keep focus on study only."

He said while smiling. Wonyoung just nodded and they both walk inside the classroom together.


"Today, we will have a new student. Please, welcome her."

Wonyoung look up to look who is the new student. As she look at the person, her eyes open widely.



She stand up from her seat earn many eyes on her,included Jungwon who sit beside her. Jungwon pulled her to sit down back and say sorry to the others also the lecturer.

"Why are you yelling like that?"

Jungwon whispered to the girl.

"Jungwon, she is Jiah!"

Wonyoung said as she point at the girl who also looking at their side right now. Jungwon also look at the girl and his eyes open widely after see who it is.


"Right what I'm said!"

Wonyoung said happily before continue focused with the introduction of new student. She can't believe that the person who she waiting for right now already back home. How she's really miss her.

"Okey. Let's continued. Can you introduce yourself, miss?"

The lecturer asked to the new girl.

"Hello, my name is Julie Kim. I am from Australia."

After heard that name, Wonyoung's smile faded away. Also, Jungwon.

Julie Kim? Since when she change her name? Something is not right, right now.

"You can take a sit behind those two."

The lecturer said as he point at Wonyoung and Jungwon. Julie bowed to her for the last time before taking a step to her seat. The students around the class start to talk about her.

"Wah! Aussie girl! I love it!"

"She's so pretty! I hope that I have those face too!"

"Look how thin she was. I hope that I was that thin."

Julie stop after heard that before she turn to the girl who said the last sentence. The girl got nervous when Julie staring at her. It's looks like she staring at her into her soul. The other students also feel nervous, included Jungwon and Wonyoung.

"Miss Julie, why are you stop?"


They heard the lecturer said. Julie just ignore her.

"Love yourself."

After she said that, she give her sweet smile to the girl before go to her seat making the girl was stunned to speak. The other students can't believe what happen just now.

"D-did she smile to me?"

"Oh my gard! She so pretty also have a such kind-hearted!"

"I'm admire her!"

"I hope that I have her kindness."

While the other students talking about the new student, Jungwon and Wonyoung look at each other.

"She is not her."

Wonyoung said. Jungwon nodded and they sighed together after that.


Time skip

Wonyoung and Jungwon decide to invite the new girl with them. They both stand up and turn around. Before they could do that, someone already asked her.

"Hey, Julie! Do you want to join us lunch?"

A girl named Bae Jinsol or just call as Bae asked her friendly. Julie smile.

"Ah sure! Why not?"

Julie said before she look at Jungwon and Wonyoung. She looks at them with her innocent face.

"Why are you guys standing at there? Do you want to join us too?"

She asked making Jungwon and Wonyoung look at each other. Is she didn't remember them?

"Jiah, I know that your name is Jiah. Why did you change your name?"

Wonyoung asked her straight to the point. Making the girl frowned after heard that.

"Jiah? Who is that? I don't know what are you talking about. My real name is Julie Kim. Not Jiah."

Julie quickly packed her things and was about to walk away with Bae when suddenly, Jungwon stop her by holding her wrist. The girl look at him frowned while Jungwon look at her coldly.

"Jiah. Stop acting that you is Julie Kim and not Kim Jiah."

He said. Jiah scoffed and look away before look at Jungwon back with her mad eyes. She yanked her wrist from Jungwon making the boy look at her with wide eyes.

"I already said that I don't know who the f*cking Kim Jiah is! My name is Julie Kim! Not Kim Jiah! Can't you understand that?!"

She yelled out making Wonyoung flinch and hide behind Jungwon. Jungwon who also shocked by that but still keep himself standing straightly. Don't want to show her his weak side. Because she is his weakness.

"Julie, let's go now."

Bae said. Julie nodded and take a last glance to Jungwon and Wonyoung. She take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry."

She said before walk away leaving them dumbfounded.

Jungwon and Wonyoung just watch the girl out from the class. Jungwon feel his knees weak and he sit down on the chair that not far from him.

"If she is not Jiah, why do I feel like she was her?"

Wonyoung said as the tears fall down to her cheeks. Jungwon thinking about what happen. Wonyoung was right. If she is not Jiah, why do he feel like she is Jiah?

That's the question.

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