《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 22


A few days later...

Author pov

Jungwon just got inside his class and he was about to walk towards his chair when he saw no one at Jiah's table. Where is she? He's wondering where is she. Although, he and she are seatmate, but he literally barely seeing her in this class. He knows that she sometimes going to library since they start to study by themselves now. So, no teachers come in.

"Jungwon,have you seen Jiah?"

Wonyoung asked him as he take a sit. He look at her and shook his head making she sighed.

"Isn't she in the library?"

He asked. She shook her head.

"I already go there. But, she isn't at there. Also there have no sign for her to come to school."

She said making Jungwon on her seat. Yeah. There have no bag at there. Where is she? Then suddenly, the teacher come in making all students walk to their seat back. They greet the teacher before the teacher told them to sit.

"Looks like, Jiah will not coming to school again after this."

What the teacher said making everyone in the class looking at each other, included Jungwon and Wonyoung.

"What do you mean by that, Mrs. Lee?"

Woyoung asked her curiously.

"I thought that you are her close friend? so she would tell you about this."

She said making Wonyoung look at Jungwon again.

"About what? She didn't tell me anything."

Wonyoung asked her back. Mrs. Lee sighed.

"She will continued her study at Australia."

What the teacher said making the two of them look at each other with wide eyes.


Time skip

"How dare she doesn't told me about this?"

Wonyoung asked while crying so hardly. The boys just watching her, feel bad because of that. They never thought that Jiah will study at abroad. They were at the rooftop right now, comforting Wonyoung.


"We should meet her."

Sunoo said. They all nodded as agreed.


Time skip

They already arrived infront of the main door of Jiah's house. Now, Wonyoung was too nervous to rang the bell.

"Sunghoon, you do it."

She said as she pushed the boy forward.

"Why me? You should do that, cuz this is your bestfriend house."

"also your friend house."

They both bickering for who will rang the bell. The others just watch them while shook their head.

"This will never gonna end."

Sunoo mumbled.

"Let me do it."

Jungwon said making them look at him. Wonyoung and Sunghoon give him a space for rang the bell. Then, he really do it. They nervously waiting for someone to open the door.

After a few seconds the door opened, reveal someone who they really want to meet right now.

"What are you doing at here?"

She asked coldly to them while crossing her arms on her chest. They boys looking at each other while Wonyoung looking at her sadly.

"I heard that you will going to continue your study at Australia. Is that true?"

She asked her. Jiah pretend to think about it before she nodded.

"So, why are you guys at here?"

She asked as she look at them one by one with her cold gaze.

"We want to say goodbye-"

"Jiah, please don't go. Don't leave me alone."

Wonyoung said as she hug the girl. Jiah got shocked as her eyes wide open. She look at the boys who also shocked by that. But, Jiah just keep her attitude and push Wonyoung away from her softly.

"Please, go back home. Your parents are waiting now."

Jiah said and was about to walk inside her house when Jay said.


"Can you at least saying goodbye to us?!"

She knows that Jay was mad right now. Maybe because of her attitude. That rudely push them away. Wonyoung who watch her quickly pull her hand.

"Please, Jiah. Don't leave me."

She begged while looking at the girl. But, Jiah didn't dare to look at them, because she will broke down. Yes. She already love them. But, after the boys start confessed to her before, it's really making Jiah doesn't know what to do. And she was really confuse with her own feeling. What should she do now?

She yanked her hand from Wonyoung, earn Wonyoung look at her sadly. Jiah take a deep breath before turn around to see the girl also the boys.

"Please, leave this house or I will call the guard."

Jiah said coldly making Wonyoung step backwards with unbelievable. Her feeling was mixing right now.


"Leave this house now!"

Jiah shout loudly at them.

"We should go now, Wonyoung."

Heeseung said as he dragged Wonyoung with him.


Wonyoung whined calling her name while Jiah just look away. Don't want to watch them. The other boys look at Jiah unbelievable.

"I can't believe you kick your own friends... What a friend is you?!"

Sunoo yelled loudly to her before he running follow Heeseung and Wonyoung who already walk away.

"I'm disappointing on you."

Jay said coldly before leave too.

"I'm soryy, but I hate you already, Jiah."

Jake also said coldly before follow him.

"Noona, you always the person that I admire, but now... It's ruin. Bye."

Niki said and leave. Now, left Jungwon and Sunghoon. They look at Jiah who was now looking away from them. They can see how hurt her eyes were right now.

"I know that you didn't mean to do that. But, I hope, that you will get yourself back after come back here."

Jungwon said and he patted her shoulder for the last time and walk follow them. Sunghoon, he take a last glance to the girl and sighed. He really love that girl. But, looks like... He doesn't have a chance for to get her... She looks like a dead human right now. He just follow the others go back home after that.

Jiah still standing at there. Her eyes turn to them. She can't hold anymore. Her tears fall down after that.

"I'm sorry, Wonyoung. I'm sorry, guys."

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