《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 19


Author pov

Today is Saturday. The day where people want to rest or do their favourite things. Included Jiah and her bestfriend, Wonyoung. They decide to spend their time together in the ice rink. Yes! They gonna have a skating time right away!

"Jiah! Help me!"

Wonyoung whined while struggling to skate to Jiah who already far from her. There have no many people in the ice rink. Jiah smile and skate towards the girl. Then they holding their hands together.

"Let's go!"

Wonyoung said then they skate together. They laughing to each other while skating around the ice rink. They have so much fun right now!


Sunghoon pov

I went inside where the place I usually go. You must wondering where is it, right?

It's Ice Rink! My favourite place ever! There have not so many people. But, there, something caught my eyes. It's someone that I familiar too.


I call her name and she quickly turn around and wave at me.

"Sunghoon! Come here!"

She called me. I smile and quickly run to her. She was sitting on the bench, outside of the ice rink.

"What are you doing here? And did you come alone?"

I asked her curiously. She shook her head and smile.

"Well, of course I'm come here for skating. What do you think I'm doing at here?"

She rolled her eyes annoyingly as I laughed because of that.

"then, did you come alone?"

I asked her the last question again. She shook her head.

"No. I come here with Jiah."

She said as she pointed in the ice rink. I quickly turn to the ice rink and saw the person who we were talking about skating peacefully in the ice rink. I was stunned. It's my first time seeing the someone that have a cold personality, having fun in the ice rink. Well, really suit with her since she is cold girl. Maybe I can say, as Ice princess. Yeah


"Well, what are you doing here too Sunghoon?"

I snapped from my thoughts and quickly turn to Wonyoung who already look at me with smiling.

"Just skating."

"Oh yeah. I just remember that you love to skate."

I laughed after that.


I take a sit beside her and put my bag beside me. I take off my skate shoes from the bag and wear it. I was so excited to have fun in my ice rink now!

"aren't you going to the ice rink now?"

I asked her. She shook her head.

"I already skating for more one hour. I'm decide to stay here for a while, while Jiah skating right now."

I nodded. I bid her a goodbye before walk inside to my ice rink.


I happily skate on the ice rink. Jiah who was skating look at me. I smile and skate towards her.

"Hey, Jiah!"

I greet her. She just nodded and skate pass me. I watch her with unbelievable face. What the-? Why she didn't greet me back? I chase her after that.

"Jiah, do you want to play a game?"

I asked her since I was bored.

"No thanks."

She said with her blank face before was about to skate when I stop her by gripping her wrist. She turn and look at me frowned.

I really can't hold this.

"Why did you ignore us?"

Finally, I asked her about what is bothering inside me since before. She then look at me with her blank face. Or I can say, poker face?

"When I ignore you?"

She asked as she push my hand away from her wrist which making me feel a little hurt inside of me.

The truth... I fall in love with her, since the first time that I met her. But, she never notice it. Also, I was too scare for it. But now, I'm going to collect my strength for confess her.


"You literally didn't talk to us when at the school, also you have been ignore us like you don't know us. Do you know how much it's hurt me?"

She frowned after heard that.

"what do you mean by the last sentence?"

She asked while still frowning. I sighed and take a deep breath.

"I like you, Jiah. When you start ignore and avoid me, it's totally make me feel insane. Make me insane because you literally avoid and ignoring us like we don't know each other. I really hate that feelings you know?"

I finally confess to her. I finally did it! I did it! I look at her and can see how shocked her was. Of course. It's my sudden confession to her.

"Sunghoon? Jiah? What happen here?"

We both turn to the voice and saw Wonyoung start skate towards us. I shut my mouth since I don't want to tell her about what happen just now.

"Nothing. Let's go home, Wonyoung. I'm tired."

Jiah said making me look at her. I can see how cold her expression now. I feel sad because she didn't give me any responds about my confession just now. Does it mean... She reject me? I'm such a fool. How can I confess to the person who have a cold-hearted like Kim Jiah? How can I have the feeling towards her?

"What's happen?"

Wonyoung asked me as she notice that I'm zone out. I quickly shook my head and smile.

"Nothing. You should go home now. Jiah is tired because of the skating for that long time."

I said before take a last look to Jiah who doesn't even look at me.

I bet she's hate me right now.

"Uhmmm... Okey then. Let's go, Jiah."

Wonyoung then skate together with Jiah to the outside of the rink. I watch them walk out from the ice rink, leaving me in this ice rink. I watch them open their skate shoes before walk out the ice rink place. But, Jiah stop and take a last glance to me who still in the ice rink. I give her my weak smile. She just look at me blankly before walk out together with Wonyoung.

I sighed. I guess, I shouldn't do that. This might be hurt for me. Haha. Heartbroken... It's really that hurt right?

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