《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 17


Author pov

Jiah and Jay walking together through the street. The silent is too loud right now, making Jiah first time feeling awkward in her life. No one dares to talk.


"Ommo. Rain."

Jay spoke making Jiah look up on the sky. Yeah. The cloud already change it's colour. At the same time, the rain fall down, hitting her face. She close her eyes, feeling the rain.

Jay look at her. He was stunned by her beauty when she was feeling the rain right now. He have a feeling towards her since the first time meet hee, actually although the first time they met, he really annoyed with her because how rude she spoke to him and his friends. But, that time, he realised that he just fallen in love with her.

"Are you done staring at me?"

Jay snapped from his thoughts when Jiah spoke. Jay look at her, then their eyes met. They stop for a moment as their eyes met. Jiah's face have a little water of the rain on it. He can see how her eyelashes, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, nose and lips suit with her. It makes his mind spinning crazily about her this feature.

"Uhmmm... We should search a place that can cover us from the rain."

Jay snapped again.

"A-ah... Yeah. Let's go."

He then pulled her with him by hands. Jiah was stunned by that but still follow where he bring them.


Time skip

Jay steal a glance to Jiah who was taking a sip on her hot chocolate when they stop in the cafe just now. Since the rain fall down hardly, they have to stay at there for a moment till the rain stop. He can see how wet her hair was makes her a little kinda attractive. Jiah turn to him making he quickly look away with a heat on his cheeks.


"This hot chocolate so yummy."

Jiah spoke making Jay look at her. She take a sip again. Jay smile and nodded.

"Yeah. That's right."

Jay said before take a sip of his hot coffee.

"How did you know if it's right?"

Jiah asked making he clueless. Jiah holding her laugh because how Jay's reaction. She just keep her poker face while looking at Jay.

He shrugged his shoulder and take a sip of his drink after that. Jiah just shook her head and take a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Excuse me..."

They both turn beside their table when a girl suddenly come towards them.


A girl smile and said.

"Can you help me and my boyfriend take a picture? Sorry for disrurb you guys."

The girl said with her guilty face. Jiah shook her head, tell her that it's okey. While Jay, just smile and shook his head.

"It's okey. Give me your phone."

Jay asked her. The girl smile and give her phone. Then, Jay stand up from his seat and help the couple take a picture. Jiah just watch them while drinking her hot chocolate. It's so warm. After a few minutes, they finally stop.

"ahh! It's so pretty! Thank you!"

The girl said excitedly. Jay smile.

"It's okey. No problem."

He said humbly.

"Ahhh. Let me pay your kindness by taking pictures of you and your girlfriend."

After heard that words, Jiah choke with her own hot chocolate.

"Aw hot!"

Jiah said as she holding her throat because of the hotness of her drink. Jay quickly walk towards the counter and order for a cold water before walk back to their seat and give her the water. Jiah drink it slowly while Jay patted her back softly to help her swallowed the drink. Then...



They both turn to the girl just now. The girl smile while looking in the picture of her phone.

"Ommo. You guys look good together!"

She said happily before show the picture that she take of Jiah and Jay. They both look on her phone screen. The picture where Jay patted her back just now.

"You so lucky miss to have him as your boyfriend. He such a sweet and handsome person."

The girl give Jay compliment while Jiah still stunned to speak. Jay smile to the girl.

"Thank you for that compliment."

He said while smiling sweetly to the girl.

"Thank you again, Mr."

She said and bowed to Jay and Jiah before walk back to where her boyfriend was right now. They both watch her and her boyfriend walk out from the cafe till gone from their sight. Then, they look at each other after that.

They can't hold their laugh, then they laughed together after that. They can't help but just laugh because how chaotic just now the situation.

They laughed. Jay look at her as he laughed before stop as he saw she's laughing right now. He was stunned by her beauty for the second time right now.

Jiah realised what happen right now. She quickly put her hands on her mouth to cover herself from laugh then look at Jay who already staring at her. They look at each other, then Jay... Slowly leaning down towards Jiah who still looking at him.

Slowly, he down, making Jiah's heart beating faster. Then, Jay stop as their face distance is closer right now. Jay look at her eyes before look down on her hands that cover her lips right now. He look back on her eyes back.

"I'm sorry, Jiah. But, I can't hold it anymore."

He said before slowly leaning towards her face and kiss her backhands that cover her lips right now. Jiah open her eyes widely after that. She just stay still till Jay pull away after that.

Jiah can feel her heart beating more faster than before. Jay smiling at her. He patted her head before walk back to his seat and pretend like there have nothing happen. Jiah watch him, still with wide eyes.

What if she doesn't cover her lips just now?...

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